Well-Known Member
What the hell is this? I'm thinking that is a terrible movie. Reminds me of the acting in killer clowns from outer space lmao. The space ship was a 72 pinto with a half ass card board cut out of dials and and star trek looking shit where the dash should have been. Probably the worst movie ever
Hang on... what you're talking about with '72 Pintos and Cardboard sounds like QUALITY CHEESE.
This "Room" movie is just fucking horrible looking...and the only thing more suspect than the acting is Raggy's Dank Dank.
Or that someone is actually going to give him remuneration for publication. It's probably one of these online publishing websites.
As for worst movie? I think Plan 9 from Outer Space is still in the top 3. Or Santa Claus Conquers the Martians.
Actually, scratch that. Santa Claus conquers the Martians is pretty good...