The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Shawney Dont listen ta me Ive bin cunting on about the gender but nature rules . the genetics are fukin mindblowing, I am vaping immature plushberry and crying my eyse out and feeling released, also managed an outrageous yield an choppin next week
I've said it before those yanks know what they are doing don't they I'm a big fan of the yank seed companies the ghost train haze I got at the min is bostin there from rare dankness all the yanks are kill in it off


Well-Known Member
I've said it before those yanks know what they are doing don't they I'm a big fan of the yank seed companies the ghost train haze I got at the min is bostin there from rare dankness all the yanks are kill in it off
yeah i was lookin at poppin subcool due to the 7 males but this is def the best dna ive run, also fer a laugh his timings are so spot on re ripeness to be almost spooky, my plush at 54 days was not ready but from 55 til now is the peak of mat ...he he,.... must have me enviro dialled


Well-Known Member
I've said it before those yanks know what they are doing don't they I'm a big fan of the yank seed companies the ghost train haze I got at the min is bostin there from rare dankness all the yanks are kill in it off
the UK underground has the best breeders growers ..fer sure

redeye jedi88

Active Member
cheese is a well known strain, if it was legal in the uk like the usa there would be amazing strains getting knocked out all over the place


Well-Known Member
well went out to iceland like the first time i been out for over a hr in ages and get home..
ONLY BEEN BURGLED!! lmao.. diks kids of the estate all me kik boards of the kitchen and allsorts, they took absolutely nothing and never even went upstairs(so nothig was seen!!)
anwyays yeh so left the ps3 3d tv's all the other tvs and leds, wii u,, fuking left the lot, so was obv wat they was looking for, which they never got.

jjust glad me neighbour distubed em before they got fedup with looking for weed and turned ther attentions to me laptops and other shit.


Well-Known Member
UFC 159 TONIGHT BITCHES! our man bisping,, uk time espn about 2-3 am or summet i think the prlims gunna be on FB but espn shows them all so get tivo set tonights guinna be fucking a3wsome!


Well-Known Member
well went out to iceland like the first time i been out for over a hr in ages and get home..
ONLY BEEN BURGLED!! lmao.. diks kids of the estate all me kik boards of the kitchen and allsorts, they took absolutely nothing and never even went upstairs(so nothig was seen!!)
anwyays yeh so left the ps3 3d tv's all the other tvs and leds, wii u,, fuking left the lot, so was obv wat they was looking for, which they never got.

jjust glad me neighbour distubed em before they got fedup with looking for weed and turned ther attentions to me laptops and other shit.
Sorry to hear that m8 ! Thieving , robbing cunts ! & of course , in our game you can't ask for assistance from the plod ! That's why I've got a genuine Pakistani throat slicer down the shed, just a scarer realy , wouldn't do 15 years for a scummy cunt !


Well-Known Member
well went out to iceland like the first time i been out for over a hr in ages and get home..
ONLY BEEN BURGLED!! lmao.. diks kids of the estate all me kik boards of the kitchen and allsorts, they took absolutely nothing and never even went upstairs(so nothig was seen!!)
anwyays yeh so left the ps3 3d tv's all the other tvs and leds, wii u,, fuking left the lot, so was obv wat they was looking for, which they never got.

jjust glad me neighbour distubed em before they got fedup with looking for weed and turned ther attentions to me laptops and other shit.
'kin 'ell cunts - looks like you'll be stopping in then - set a little camera up for when you go out so at least you know exactly whos kneecaps need sortin


Well-Known Member
yeh i cant give em a hiding tho coz ther like 14-15 yrs old

i know if ther old enough to burgle ther old enoughfor a kikin! butt id get FUCKED with my record,

we will use it to get a moove tho,, stress and scarey,, we been fighting the council for 2 yrs to get double galzing on our rotton windows, they dint do it and now look theyu easily got in.,. the boys dident get upstairs tho so diden see nowt, so the growing part they know nothing of, but theyd pulled all me kickboards of and allsorts the coppers KNEW the boys wer looking for summet, i just denied it we got new washer and dryer and boxed kitchen shit all over the kitchen so i just said ther lookig for some money we jhad but luckily we bought this stuff..

stil FFS a camera is a good idea spec a hidden one


Well-Known Member
That's bad news ice mate hope all good man fuckin little shits need a good pasting but like u said you'll only suffer in the end


Well-Known Member
Alright boys how's it goin?
On a mad 1 got peer pressured into snifin a bit of bubble :/
Clones ain't looking to smart, think bout 4 out if 8 are gonna pull thru!
Jus starts geemin 4 blue dreams I got sent if some 1.
Gonna do a mini sog with cfls lol


Well-Known Member
looks like my new hobby is gonna b this, 24 mp...i have no idea which way round to use it, steep learning curve ahead and overbudget, fukin research and tech specs, i am a sucker fer that shit hha ha gift wrapped as a surprise fer the missus....theres always a way to it right, peace fukin 4 am post wheres me vape....oh yeah i am inhaling, confused between oxygen an cannabis vapour these days...volcano digi is the absolute nuts...havn had a j in ova a month, not cause i am tryin to stop ffs jus havn got any cured so its always volcano time an gets me much higher..sobbin...laughing...trippin(TD.. closed my eyes an was in a different reality...very nice) an is good fer ya...totally...its what the pot docs rec for lung probs ha ha


Well-Known Member
Alright boys how's it goin?
On a mad 1 got peer pressured into snifin a bit of bubble :/
Clones ain't looking to smart, think bout 4 out if 8 are gonna pull thru!
Jus starts geemin 4 blue dreams I got sent if some 1.
Gonna do a mini sog with cfls lol
spoons never done it...wat happens? (Bubble sniffin )


Well-Known Member
This is why I like plushberry
The bean popped in 24hrs
Growth vigoorous so mainlined which it liked
4 massive lolipopped tied down colas wiv one left errect an nearly touchin the bovver as the hood is at ambient
The bag appeal will be 10/10 a first in my book...big resinous dence buds pyramid shaped 2nd tier bud that are pink and iced over
Best smelling cannabis so far...many others agree
Strong in a spacey functional way, me an missus bin laughing lots an gettin stuff done an this is wet scrumped popcorn that usually does fuk all till its dried

gonna chop her next week

If subcool relased fems he would be seriously loaded, he calls this selling out....watevva.. someones gonna do it m8 may as well b u