Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w


Well-Known Member
I'd probably run it 5 minutes every hour, but that's just me. I'd start with a short interval and increase it over time to find where you're happy at. The shorter interval will be better for the new plants with small root masses in the beginning too. There's a 100 ways to do the same thing it's just what works for you and doesn't kill your plants :)

edit my 5 min plan only works if your top feeding :). Obviously if your filling a basin it's however long it takes to reach the drains minimum.


Well-Known Member
I was thinking about running a drip system till the girls get some roots hanging but the table will be full when the pump turns on so I'm guessing 2weeks before roots are hanging


Well-Known Member
Hey Jojo I believe in multiple short floods. I flood for the minimum amount of time it takes to fill my table. With my current pump that is 30 minute floods every 3 hours. If I had a bigger pump and could flood for 15 minutes every 2 hours I would as this would pull more fresh air into my root systems. I also don't flood less then 1-2 hours before lights out so the roots aren't sitting all night super wet. I position my plants in the pots so that they are right near the top of the water line when I first put them in, and that forces them to send roots down and out, but allows them to get water as well. Hope that helps man, if you got any other questions I'll try to help as I see them.

Peace TC


Well-Known Member
Update....even though I have another 3weeks to go.I'm loving what I see with grapefruit diesel.the smell is grapefruie and strong.even after you walk away from the plant you still smell it on your lip.this one is a keeper.I might try breeding her with og #18


Well-Known Member
I put 15 seeds in soil tonight. 5 Psycho Killers (breeders boutique), 2 OG Kush x Dog, 2 J-1der (as in wonder - J-1 x GDP?), 2 CaseyBand, 4 Plush Berry x Purple Kush x GSOG.


Well-Known Member
Hey... what happened to the Grape kush?
I just started filling up little pots and when I got to 15 I thought I had too many, so I stopped before I used any Grape Kush. Should I pop a couple?

Where are you growing all this?!
All in the closet. :) I'm going to downsize for them as well. Probably a 400w. Haven't figured out timing though as I think I have about 4 weeks left on the plants flowering right now. I guess I'll figure it out as I go along.


Well-Known Member
Sounds like a pretty dank selection there Jig. My brother recently changed from a couple bushes down to a bunch of smaller plants and has been really happy. Way faster to trim, and more perpetual so theres less wait between cuts. I could totally see 12-15 smaller plants fitting great under the 400 in that closet.


Well-Known Member
1 gallon pots 12/12 from seed is what I'm seeing in that space. The smaller pots will keep em in line for you and you already have the right light cycle going. Or you could jig it and throw em in 5 gal pots with a 1 month veg :)


Well-Known Member
Depending on how many girls I get I was thinking 1-3 gallons. 12/12 from seed, might even mess with taking clones this round to keep things perpetual, 12/12 all the time.

And yeah LGP, I knew I wouldn't get all girls, but wasn't sure which if any of the ones I popped were fems. So I'm not sure how many girls to expect really.

Was thinking about trying the mainline thing.


Well-Known Member
Ah, I just answered my own question ^^^ lol

Dude, give the mainline thing a shot! From seed it's a no brainer, and makes all your plants extra gorgeous. Actually, I don't know if it'd work for 12/12 from seed though. . . I could see that posing some possible problems.


Well-Known Member
We'll find out huh? Hope you have a good one Bobo.

Concrete is curing nicely. Funny thing about concrete... like our bud the curing is the most important process. Same idea, don't dry it out too quickly. Keep it covered from the sun, away from wind, and keep in a medium temperature with quite a bit of humidity. But not too much. Lol.... it's like deja vu. Only I don't get to smoke any of the concrete.


Well-Known Member
I would do 3-4litre pots (a gallon for you radgies over there). And make em like fukkin Zulus! thousands of the buggers, lol. But aye, I would start with at least 16 s33ds, hehe. I think you are shorting yerself there:) Seriously, pop some more ya cabbage, you'll not regret it! You'll end up with half of them male and be saying, "for once in my dumb existence, i should have actually listened to someone". And hey, if you have too many, go and stick em somewhere in the wild and have even more fun! you do stay like in a wildish type place, no?
Anyway, only other thing I woudl say is, get square pots. Or grow a few plants in one of those bog old sac jobs you made.

And why I typed this, I don't know. Please feel free to ignore absolutely everything.


Well-Known Member
I saw some guys walking around the neighborhood with a shovel the other day. I am 100% sure I know what they were doing. ;) ;) May have company in my outdoor adventures.

I'll go pop some more right now. Thanks for the advice.

EDIT: I'm turning over a new leaf. My post the other day kinda opened my eyes to how stupid I can be.


Well-Known Member
And why I typed this, I don't know. Please feel free to ignore absolutely everything.
and why you put this at the end of the post so I see it when Im done reading :cuss: what a troll.

Yeah Id say in this case MORE IS BETTER hehe. Im sure with the friends you have you wont ever run out of dank seed stock,,, I say pop POP away!