I know that had to have ripped your heart out when you found out; and I'm sure you've realized that life goes on and you are better off without him. That being said, make sure you are not attracted to the same pos with a different name. We all fall into the same trap of being attracted to the same type personality. I have no idea what you look like but I'm sure you are very attractive. Just know that you have a legitimate, even Biblical reason for divorcing him. While I applaud you for forgiving him and trying to make it work out, the fact that he refuses to work disqualifies him as a suitable husband; cheating just exacerbates the real problem, that being that he refuses to work, most likely chats with other women online, surfs for porn, all while you provide the living. Wipe him off the bottom of your stylish shoes and go on with your life and don't even look back or think twice about it; you did not only the right thing but the only thing you could do.