Rooftop Greenhouse Grow Amsterdam

it would have fallen down if I had put it together, lol. I think there are rubber seals that are on the frames to keep water out. I can't recall silicon being used. But I was just making cups of tea so what the fuk do I know. lol.
Succulents always remind me of my nan, she used to have a shit load in an old tire that had been turned inside out lol.
When it was full on war with the Thrip borg, I ejected a few plants from "de area" that were just not looking braw at all. Basically stuck them outside and left them and gave them the odd look at and a quick snear and on my way. Not much to shout about, probably get a couple of bowls worth, but the pics were nice so here are the nipple sized dog buds....



big baws dog

Some Deep Blue F4's I have on the go.

A couple of deficiencies on a couple but nothing to fret about. I'll get pics of the twins and another one up, they are basically yellow! weird. This trait I saw in the F3's as well, I spoke to GHB about it and he said he had seen it a well, but gave the culprits some extra N and they were fine. I gave the little ones a dose of N 27-0-0+Mg1 but still looking yellow. Anyhoo, enough gobshite. pics.

they all look like fairly similar to me...



And that's that.

Peace, DST
grip of dog nugs, check
uniform braw lookin blue pits, check
and blow me down with a feather if that doesn't look like sunshine in the second pic :shock:

everything coming up roses for you at the min lad.
We even have sunshine today, woohoo, and sunshine tomorrow is predicted for Queens day and we are having ourselves a Braai!!! (bbq).
They are Deep Blues lad, not Blue Pits:)

And turned my compost today...almost 2/3 of it is looking kind of ready....still some vegetable chunks breaking down ( if you are adding items from your kitchen, chop them as small as possible). All in all this should be dandy for my 2 x 90litre containers I purchased:shock:

Go to the garden centre and get some "composter" mate. It basically smells like pooh, but you add it to the pile and it will heat it up, killing most of the bugs in there. You should be able to get a box of the stuff for a few quid. Or try to mix some Diatomeacious earth in with it.

It's sunny today COF so I think we are getting the Summer now...quick rush outside with yer speedos on to get a suntan!

Todays Braai includes: Chicken Sosaties (kebabs basically) Ginger and corriander Burgers, Linconshire Pork Sausages and Bramley and Pork sausages (thanks M&S), with my wifes awesome Potatoe salad (has bacon, eggs, onion and cream sauce), and some Chakalaka which is like a tomato based dish with curry and ginger, corn, beans, carrots, etc.....can't freakin wait, just had my cereal and already salavating at the thought. Not to forget the crate of Zatte's I picked up from the Brouwerij yesterday!:)
oh, and if you can't find the composter Fred, go and buy some dried dog food (decent stuff), or perhaps try a bottle of organic beer poured into it.....
enjoy ya self D and mrs D, you wont get much chance for adult festivities once the babys born lol. All change come autumn so enjoy ze summer extra special lol.
enjoy ya self D and mrs D, you wont get much chance for adult festivities once the babys born lol. All change come autumn so enjoy ze summer extra special lol.

Sage advice from one whose recently been there.

Don't get sunburned.

We add yeast to our septic systems to promote bacteria growth; might that work in a compost?

Congratulation to all Dutch RIU members on this special day. Was over in March and love the country and the people dearly. Long live the new King.
Sage advice from one whose recently been there.

Don't get sunburned.

We add yeast to our septic systems to promote bacteria growth; might that work in a compost?


D have you tried brewing a tea with that "composter"? and if you have worms in there they will break scraps down 10x faster if you blend it to a slurry for the little wigglers :-)

oh and mr west, your compost pile may be too wet.
Not yet whodat, but I am getting there:)

And thanks guys, yesterday was nice and chill. Just me and a couple of our friends munching, drinking, chatting, and chiefing.....
Sounds like a good time! I love me some "gatherings" :-) <<<<< Its that time of year again, heading out to NOLA for jazzfest tomorrow :-D
The level of stupid that I exude sometimes really surprises me, although by now I am not sure why I am so surprised as it's not like it's a rare thing!!!:shock:
Hadn't checked my grow for a day or so and went to look into one of the veg tents yesterday (the ones with the nice even Deep Blues). Well I dedcided to give them a little spray to keep the bugs at bay, and of course I done that at the end of the day...but just a bit to early unfortunately. When I checked on them the plants look like they have freckles.ffs. (burn spots from the spray basically). What a bloody pratt I can be......ho hum.