does anyone know what happens? now that the seeds are half cannabis and half something else.
-What do you mean "now that the seeds are half cannabis and half something else"? a male plant can only pollinate a female plant of the same species. sometimes females go hermaphrodite and can pollinate themselves like eric cartman's mom, but it's still all the same plant. I think you are really confused.
- The only thing i can think of is that you must think that Indica and Sativa are completely different plants. not true. A Haze (sativa) is to a Kush (indica) what a Golden retreiver is to a pit bull. sure they are different, but they are both dogs. If a Chinese guy gets with a black chick is he doing someone of a different species?
- When you hear about a hybrid it refers to a plant with a mixed heritage, mother and father are different varieties of cannabis. If you tried to rub pollen from another plant onto a beautiful female bud, you are essentially doing what the soviets did waaaay back when they tried to impregnate human females with chimpanzee semen... this, by the way, was not a successful experiment either, as there is no such thing as a Humanzee...