What Is Your "Homie-Hook Up" Neighborhood Price For A Zip???


Well-Known Member
The dispensaries here sell the same I do for $65.00 an eighth. I feel I am just doing a customer service. No shit though; I just sell enough to pay the electric bill. I smoke way too much to sell a lot.


Active Member
The dispensaries here sell the same I do for $65.00 an eighth. I feel I am just doing a customer service. No shit though; I just sell enough to pay the electric bill. I smoke way too much to sell.
I hear you on that. I only plan to sell enough to upgrade my setup/pay the electric. And with eighths going for $50 easy here I shouldn't have a problem doing that


Well-Known Member
I was just able to complete my Flower room today, by adding another 1000 w. HPS. I also paid the electric for one month too. I of course have all the smoke I can take.


Well-Known Member
Around Philly good buzz goes for 3-500 an ounce. It all depends where you are in the food chain. BTW if you don't give a geographical location your prices don't really shed much light.


Well-Known Member
In philly I pay 175 for top quality indoor or 100 for solid outdoor but I'm lucky. Those same grades go for 300-400 and 200-300 respectively. I could rape around here if I wanted to but it just isn't worth the risk


Well-Known Member
200 when i was in washington, the best hook up ever. now i just dont pay for weed anymore. so an even better hook up.