Impeach the so called President?

Should President Barack Obama II be impeached for treason?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 57.4%
  • No

    Votes: 16 34.0%
  • Undecided

    Votes: 4 8.5%

  • Total voters
the fact that you are so mentally retarded as to want to impeach him based on nothing does not imply that i believe he can do no wrong, it only implies that you have outed yourself as mentally retarded.

how's your raped sister doing? should i bust out some rape jokes?

edit: or was it your girlfriend who was raped?

ex girlfriend lost her virginity while being raped yes and just because i didn't give a reason doesn't mean i want to impeach him 'based off nothing'
Yeah aiding and abetting a terrorist organization?? I wasn't being literal, guess you have never heard that expression before

6a00d8341bfd9e53ef014e5f99e7ae970c-800wi start a thread and then don't want to back up your opening statement. Seems like you just want some attention.

Naw man, i was just asking a broad question and only wanted votes. The reason for impeaching or not impeaching is up to the voter.

Yeah my point exactly!!! This is not acceptable behavior from a president of the united states. What you fail to realize/admit is that they are all corrupt and this has been a long time coming. Isn't your wife a shrink? Maybe she can tell you how easily the human mind can be manipulated into believing something it shouldn't..
Naw man, i was just asking a broad question and only wanted votes. The reason for impeaching or not impeaching is up to the voter.

Well you have to have some sort of opinion that he should be impeached or you would not have started this asinine thread. So again whats your reasoning why you feel your POTUS should be impeached...or is it that you just don't like your President because of who he is ???
Wow UB why so hard on his ex...did I miss something ??

a while back, he advocated shooting a defenseless barking dog, but then threw a hissy fit about a rape joke, so now i rape troll him.

basically, he showed me how to annoy him. big mistake.
actually, the reason for impeachment is up to the constitution, and you got less reason to impeach than your slut of an ex-girlfriend has self respect after being raped.


*lights cigarette*
In my opinion he has violated the constitution in more than one way. Others may not agree with my reasons but may have their own reason. I didn't want to hear you pick apart my reason or have an influence on anyone's decision. I just wanted to know, based off their thoughts, if our president should be impeached or not. The accusation is up to them
Never show you your weakness

back when i was working customer service, a very wise trainer told me how to deal with angry customers: "they can't get your goat if you don't know where you keep it".

1shot's proverbial "goat" is rape jokes.
Well you have to have some sort of opinion that he should be impeached or you would not have started this asinine thread. So again whats your reasoning why you feel your POTUS should be impeached...or is it that you just don't like your President because of who he is ???

Yes i do have an opinion and it doesn't matter because that was not the point of this thread.
a while back, he advocated shooting a defenseless barking dog, but then threw a hissy fit about a rape joke, so now i rape troll him.

basically, he showed me how to annoy him. big mistake.

doesn't annoy me. You have failed to annoy me for quite some time now. It's kinda funny
*lights cigarette*
In my opinion he has violated the constitution in more than one way. Others may not agree with my reasons but may have their own reason. I didn't want to hear you pick apart my reason or have an influence on anyone's decision. I just wanted to know, based off their thoughts, if our president should be impeached or not. The accusation is up to them

Well usually when one starts a thread they are ready to hold down what they believe in. You seem to just want to throw shit and whilst keeping your hands clean...which is impossible
Impeach lol He should be put against a wall and shot like all traitors, Spying, collaborating with the enemy, erosion of constitutional rights, i believe that prick wants to sell my children's liberties and labour to the bankers. NWO is alive and well working in the background pulling this fuckn puppets strings.
