The Weed Nerd~

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I've been searching for a strain for my girlfriend to use for anxiety.
She smokes cigarettes like a train, but has a bit of unease about smoking weed.
She has very manic episodes, and sometimes she just needs to relax but her mind won't stop running.
Without getting too narcotic of a high, what strain would be beneficial for someone with a low
tolerance that doesn't really want to get that high, just ease anxiety?
Any help would be very appreciated,

Id like to see some terpine stats on some of the older gear... for comparison.

Or what about males terpines? Wonder what Space Dude or the JTR male carry?

Looking forward to more Nerds testing this way, us all collecting some data.

I wonder about the male testing also. I have no idea what you would send for testing or if it would even be relevant, but if it was possible and records for comparison were kept, that would be a defined way to judge keeper male phenos. Hmmmmm.....
I've been searching for a strain for my girlfriend to use for anxiety.
She smokes cigarettes like a train, but has a bit of unease about smoking weed.
She has very manic episodes, and sometimes she just needs to relax but her mind won't stop running.
Without getting too narcotic of a high, what strain would be beneficial for someone with a low
tolerance that doesn't really want to get that high, just ease anxiety?
Any help would be very appreciated,


Id try Jillybean man. Shes nice and light, great flavor, not too stoney. Perfect mood elevator without getting you to high. Great yield and easy to grow as well.
I wonder about the male testing also. I have no idea what you would send for testing or if it would even be relevant, but if it was possible and records for comparison were kept, that would be a defined way to judge keeper male phenos. Hmmmmm.....

I know some places can and do test males. Dank males are still coated in resin. Im sure you could bring them some spent flowers or something with trics all over it, that would work well. In fact i will be doing this my self this year. Gotta find that my Otto#1 male. But i will be doing it at Sunrise Analytical as well, that way we can check out the terps!
Hi subcool420! I have watched most of your shows and you are quite the chill stoner if I do say so myself. I wish I was in your circle of friends. Anyway, I matched hits with you hit for hit in episode 126. It was over 40 minutes long and you took about 20 hits in it. I walked away from that episode and greened out. I'll vow to never do that again.

I love the way you sign on to a show:

"ok nerds you know the drill,
get your pipes your bongs your big fat joints your hookas your dabs your rigs your blunts or whatever you need cause it's time to get high with the weed nerd"

Oh and I love the cannabis hunter too gotta have more of him :)
Just called the main dude at Sunrise Analytical.. He said that for sure you can do males. Just get them flowers.
Kinda side note, He also said that most of your other (non-thc) cannabiniods are at their peek in crystal clear trics. Nice dude. :eyesmoke:
I love the way you sign on to a show:

"ok nerds you know the drill,
get your pipes your bongs your big fat joints your hookas your dabs your rigs your blunts or whatever you need cause it's time to get high with the weed nerd"

My favorite is when he says to get your Zepplin. Who smokes from a fuckin Zepplin nowadays? lol

Sub, please include the Zepplin in all intros like you used to, it cracks me up.
Sub does a great job of making us long time and the new nerds fill like a part of his family...don't change anything about the show..been here since day one..and I rush home everyday to see a new show or see what the fellow nerds are up to...I love being in this circle...fuck tha squares ....
My favorite is when he says to get your Zepplin. Who smokes from a fuckin Zepplin nowadays? lol

Sub, please include the Zepplin in all intros like you used to, it cracks me up.

My personal favorite is the Poulan chainsaw bong. Only remember hearing that one once or twice.
I also remember one about a cummins or detroit diesel smoking device lol.
I've been searching for a strain for my girlfriend to use for anxiety.
She smokes cigarettes like a train, but has a bit of unease about smoking weed.
She has very manic episodes, and sometimes she just needs to relax but her mind won't stop running.
Without getting too narcotic of a high, what strain would be beneficial for someone with a low
tolerance that doesn't really want to get that high, just ease anxiety?
Any help would be very appreciated,


its all about getting the right dose, a small small amt will go a long way. jillybean would be great because its so damn fruity! taste great
I've been searching for a strain for my girlfriend to use for anxiety.
She smokes cigarettes like a train, but has a bit of unease about smoking weed.
She has very manic episodes, and sometimes she just needs to relax but her mind won't stop running.
Without getting too narcotic of a high, what strain would be beneficial for someone with a low
tolerance that doesn't really want to get that high, just ease anxiety?
Any help would be very appreciated,


I hope this helps with some more info on JillyBean as this sites pretty informative when it comes to straisn an there effects.

been here since day one..and I rush home everyday to see a new show or see what the fellow nerds are up to...I love being in this circle...fuck tha squares ....

Im not in the league of may growers...yet. but when i do step onto the level of alot of bigger growers, i have Sub to thank for the world of knowledge he hands out free on every single weed nerd episode from the very first to the most recent!

Not to mention nugbuckets VERY detailed an though up how to guild on mainlining and many many others who tookt eh time to post some very very good tips and stickies on all different aspects of growing weed.

ALl the knowledge on offer on RIU alone is enough to help teach anyone breaking into growing how to be a dam good grower over time!

on a non weed related topic, what is ever ones opinions on this discussion? > < his post count leaves a big question mark, but anyone who tries to give there own opinions and he rips them faster than they can breath... I perosnally refer to him as RIUs very first prodical god in his own mind because he thinks no other method in any growing areas tops his preaching. Not to mention that any noob wouldnt have a clue what hes on about since he expects them to be able to do what he preaches, as if its like opening a packet of nuts.

I enjoyed ripping him a little due to if he bothered to really read threw the whole fourm before preaching his emthod is god over anyone or anything else ever posted on RIU.

Keep up the GREAT shows Sub and again thanks to all the other nerds for sharing there own opinions and informative knowledge on thread over time!
There are actually quite a lot of d-bags on here who think their way is the only, best way to grow and everybody else is stupid for doing anything else. Nothin you can do bout that
i told that jackass in that other thread to google subcool thats enough to make him look like the worlds smalled sucker! lol
I hope this helps with some more info on JillyBean as this sites pretty informative when it comes to straisn an there effects.

I like that site, I've seen it before. The reviews are what always drag me down.
One person it hits harder than a fuckin' mule kick, then another says it was a light stoney feeling.
I know everyone's tolerance is different, that's why I was looking for something light for my girl.
Were it up to me, I'd hit it like smoke dog, ra-oof! ra-ooof!
I like that site, I've seen it before. The reviews are what always drag me down.
One person it hits harder than a fuckin' mule kick, then another says it was a light stoney feeling.
I know everyone's tolerance is different, that's why I was looking for something light for my girl.
Were it up to me, I'd hit it like smoke dog, ra-oof! ra-ooof!

Yes i can see that them comments might be scary to a non weed smoker like your girl is. But for anyone new to the weed smokers world it is wise to NOT take huge pulls on a joint/pipe or whatever your prefered method of enjoying weed is. because the bigger the pull the more bud your inhailing and the bigger it will effect you.

simply take a small pull an she will slowly fele the effects as much less intense level and that should help with her anixety :)

i can tell you from first hand experince that anyone whos never smoked skunk before will end up sitting on there butt for hours if they took big pulls on alot fo the skunk strains which are out there because they are unaware of the strengh of alot fo strains nowdays, compaired to the strains they had 20 years ago.

so take your time, take small pulls an im sure she will feel relaxed and happy.
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