The Irish Growers Thread!

sorry hobbit i was only messing just started on the booze abit early mixed with some rather nice blueberry im smoking got bored and the rest is history, ive had a few post in irish thread over the years have said worse but anyway ill leave you girls alone now lol
Can't drill holes its one them built in wardrobes with sliding doors I'm sure I could slide it a bit if the heat gets to much it's fairly big space I have a fan and a thermometer there I'll pick up few cfls see how I get on
Just one more thing. u don't need a lot of wattage when vegging. for flowering as much as possible. sorry ea just had to put my 2 cents in.
Looking tasty buds. Just dropped two Northern Lights beans anyway. Gone in to the new seedling chamber in the airpots to replace the two that'll be coming down in a while.
There seems to be an improvement in my lot since I dropped nutes down to 0.8 EC. ph and EC of the runoff was rising steadily for a while and now it seems to be coming back to a reasonable number again.
You'll be hoping for a quiet night on the forum so.

oh psh i dont care really i can log out whenever just choose to stay online, im gaming atm so , just healing some raids on wow , I REALLYdont wanna work out today but i might still do it
I remember the last time I worked out... an old employer pulled me in to play a match that his team was playing and were short on players... The next day I didn't think I was going to be able to get out of the bed. Wouldn't mind except I've a shit load of athletics trophies from when I was younger.
On Irish radio there is a guy called Larry Gogan who has been running the "Just-a-Minute quiz" every lunchtime for years. These are actual answers from some contestants...

1) Something a blind man might use?
A sword

2) A Song with the word Moon in the title?
Blue Suede Moon

3) Name the Capital of France?

4) Name a bird with a long neck?
Naomi Campbell

5) Name an occupation where you might need a torch?
A burglar

6) Where is the Taj Mahal?
Opposite the dental hospital

7) What is Hitler's first name

8) As happy as.... (Larry gave a hint - think of my name)
A pig in sh*t

9) Some famous brothers
Bonnie and Clyde.

10) A dangerous race
The Arabs

11) Something that floats in a bath

12) An item of clothing worn by the Three Musketeers
A horse

13) Something you wear on a beach
A deck-chair

14) A famous Royal

15) Something that flies that doesn't have an engine
A bicycle with wings

16) A famous bridge
The Bridge Over Troubled Waters

17) Something a cat does
Goes to the toilet

18) Something you do in the bathroom

19) A method of securing your home
Put the kettle on

20) Something associated with pigs
The Police

21) A sign of the Zodiac

22) Something people might be allergic to

23) Something you do before you go to bed

24) Something you put on walls
A roof

25) Something slippery
A con-man

26) A kind of ache
A fillet of fish

27) A Jacket Potato topping

28) A food that can be brown or white
A potato

29) A famous Scotsman

30) A famous Welshman
Vinnie Jones

31) Something you open other than a door
Your bowels
budsahoi:9077639 said:
Can't drill holes its one them built in wardrobes with sliding doors I'm sure I could slide it a bit if the heat gets to much it's fairly big space I have a fan and a thermometer there I'll pick up few cfls see how I get on
Just one more thing. u don't need a lot of wattage when vegging. for flowering as much as possible. sorry ea just had to put my 2 cents in.
That the same for autoflower lowryder2?
hahahaha see sambo was over, don`t worry lads is a piss take, he`s a merry old soul really...;)

watchung the larry lavin doc on natgeo... some man for the coke...
Knew I recognised the username and couldn't place it. Been a while since he gave the place a buzz... Sorry now that I bit but didn't give myself time to think...
With an auto I'd say go with as many cfl's as you can after 2 weeks. They say 100w a plant at a min. but more is better.

agree with you 100% pad, and bud is right too you can start off small and add to them as you go or swap out bulbs to up the lummens and wattage, as they say "from humble beginings great oaks do grow.." ...

deadliest catch is back and i`m loveing it, yet another thing i daren`t watch online, much more fun to follow each week....
hahahaha leave it so pad, was like that part of train spotting "no i`ll wash the sheets"....hahahahahaha....

i`d say a lad like you will need a bit more that 4 days to break the tolerance, being habitual smoker took me the best part of 10 days before the longing for a spliff went away, well even deminished to the point of control if you get me, i do wish you luck tho and hope you last the few days, i know if i had it here there would be no way i wouldn`t be a smokeing it.....;)

man I almost had snot come out of my nose when u mentioned that trainspotting clip with the fam eating breakfast and getting the shite all over them.....I would have just ran out the door if that was me!!!!!