Jorge Cervantes is a big fat idiot.


Well-Known Member
because all of us are in the same boat (ie cultivating something illegal) non of us should try and identify with Cannabis culture. like a previous poster said high times is for people that would actually buy "legal bud". high times is just someone trying to market off the "stoner culture".

we all have our reasons for growing so we should play it smart. we don't want to become POWs of the American drug war.


New Member
Is this an identical post from another thread? Are you implying that we are illiterate? Are you repeating yourself because you believe we are incapable of comprehending what we read the first time?

You make these claims but do not give hard evidence we can look at for ourselves. No broken link. No link at all. No indication of what issue we can reference. I saw nothing like what you described in the June 2008 issue.

Thanks for the responses! Large range of reactions here. Thanks Johnny for the questions and observations. I am not implying that you are illiterate. That makes absolutely no sense, as this is what is known as a FORUM and we communicate with the written english language. So, youll no doubt be regretting the idiocy you displayed with that question! Dont worry about it, though, we wont hold it against you!

Enjoy some Legal Bud, my friend, you deserve it!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the responses! Large range of reactions here. Thanks Johnny for the questions and observations. I am not implying that you are illiterate. That makes absolutely no sense, as this is what is known as a FORUM and we communicate with the written english language. So, youll no doubt be regretting the idiocy you displayed with that question! Dont worry about it, though, we wont hold it against you!

Enjoy some Legal Bud, my friend, you deserve it!
Back up your accusations. This is a forum after all, just like the three other forums you posted identically in.

Nobody wants to hear the nonsensical ravings (times four!) of a loudmouth malcontent.


Well-Known Member
dude doesn't even know how to cool his lights...
"I don’t care for 1,000-watt bulbs because of their heat output,....."

i never have liked the guy. the only reason he is who he is is because he stepped out back when no one else would. i'll give him respect for that but today he would be lost in the crowd.


New Member
the fact that he won't back up the fact that seeds should be legal shows a lot for his cred. hes just another money whore... fuck HT & fuck JC


Well-Known Member
jorge can "suck my balls". as we say in the US .........

" Dear K.B.,
As we say in Spain, you are touching my balls! I don’t make editorial policy for the magazine, but I do control my own shit, and I’m very proud of the accurate information that I risk my balls to collect and dole out (as do a lot of others), even to “subscribers” like you.
First off, realize that sending seeds across the US border is illegal, and the cops have been closing down seed sellers in Canada for more than a year. Growing marijuana in America is also illegal. Pay attention to these facts and show respect where it is due."

what a fucked up statement from the "guru".


Well-Known Member
hey dudes dont rip on the the mag man! For us readers and those of us that collect HT, i say i am offended.
Yes, most of the shit for sale in the mag is garbage and a complete scam, but i have learned alote from them. They also give me a laugh and a half. Plus , i like to look at nice pics of chron.
Now i know the mags not for everyone and the price for the mag is a rip off but for those of us who read, have a little respect. Maybe just a tiny bit? ah whatever.

Cervantes is a goof!


Well-Known Member
I looked at a HT once, and set it back down.. I didn't like it...

I'm looking at starting an e-mag for stoners but its a lot of work lol


Well-Known Member
i canceled my subscription. after 6 months it's just the same stuff repeated over and over again.

OB Cron Kenobi

Well-Known Member is that e-mag... best grower mag hands down... clearly a distinction between grower mags, and ppl who like to look at cron...

And has plenty of cron pics too... but i just like the fact that they have big articles!!!


i gotta admit HT sucks, i buy it sometimes, only because i love to hate it, and because i hate bobby black so much.....but Jorge, i have always liked all he does is write articles for them that's it, he is not to blame for the crap that HT does......

HT sucks...but i will still read Jorge's articles ..he does write for a lot more magazines than just HT..


Well-Known Member
High times and Mr. Cervantes....You make me fucking sick.
There is no need to get all pissed over something that has been going for decades.
High Times and Jorge Cervantes are business people.
High Times doesn't give a shit about you, they only want to make their magazine interesting enough to get you to buy it. So they put big buds on the front cover and put ridiculous articles in there that nobody gives a shit about and then fill the rest with advertisements.
Jorge Cervantes is'nt going to incriminate himself by condoning to buying seeds. Of course he's going to say it's illegal and blah, blah, blah. He's a business man. He's in it for the money.

It does'nt take a genius to figure this out.