DWC Leaf Droop after power out


I posted this is in plant problems, but figured I might get a more accurate/quicker response over here. Had an air pump go out for approximately 6 hours on one of my large DWC plants in week 2 of flower. Almost the whole plant is droopy. I have since taken it out of the bucket to let it dry. Is there anything else I can do to help it recover from the overwatering/suffocation??


UPDATE: Left it out of water to allow the roots to dry for a day or so and then I put it back into a bubble bucket and it seems to have gotten WORSE. Any suggestions would be appreciated


Well-Known Member
Never let the roots dry, ever. I dont understand why you just didnt change the pump and a new res, i say it would be normal by now.


They didn't even fully dry and then after putting it back into water it got worse. After suffocating the roots with no oxygen I figured it might be a good idea to air them out a bit.


Well-Known Member
A day without water?? Are the leaves looking.... dead now?

A day without bubbles is analogous to someone in soil overwatering... A day without water ... is a death sentence in dwc.

NOTHING kills a weed plant like running out of water....

Canna Connoiseur

Active Member
Ya but he didn't have bubbles going during the power outage! He drowned the plants by submerging their roots in water for too long.


Well-Known Member
Imagine if people treated puppies the same. My puppy almost drowned, so I stopped giving him water until he died of thirst! At least he had oxygen when he died.

Ya but he didn't have bubbles going during the power outage! He drowned the plants by submerging their roots in water for too long.