the scope of the problem is beyond political parties. A third party wouldn't do shit, it's the entire system, funded by a debt-based monetary system, that by its very nature consolidates wealth/power, which in turn makes the people who work for the machine corrupt (if not in their hearts to be corrupt already, because egomaniac control freaks tend to seek out power through gov't)....but according to you, I guess this acknowledgement of reality makes me a downer lol
Guys, we say this like it is a bad thing. That's the only problem. These are not defects, these are features of the System. The sausage factory floor in all its gory glory.
The fact that we see
we try to understand
we can talk about it
we can deep dive into ugly
And.....we can never turn on the TV
We are not even forced to look at it.
These are features of freedom.. you only care because you know. You are allowed to know and I think it is a duty. If you don't know and aren't allowed to say anything, iac, that is Warlord.
Get it? There are no problems here. But, if you get to look in the shit house, there is shit. Imagine that. We see the shit, no one else in the world gets to see. And it is just shit. Only shit. Don' mean nutin'. Freedom has a cost.
We all have to be appalled, sickened to no end, pissed off royally, lied to and manipulated. WE do this things to ourselves in order to make sure we are Afraid. And we should be very Afraid. And WE do something.
And maybe you reap what you sow, but something is coming about this IRS. Pray to the Lords of Ganja it is a Fundamental Change. We put it together and we can take it apart.
And hey, if it tars the President with the dirty brush....well, I'm really beginning to see, that is the job. Take the heat. And then leave the kitchen. Next smoo runs it for a while. SS protection for life against the heat.
We wake up....12, 17, 23, 32, at some age, we begin to wonder and then watch. We get confused and give up and we come back and watch.
There is very little to do but watch or go out and riot and get beaten down. I've sampled both. Both are magnificent.