things that make you happy/ier


Ursus marijanus
if i will be telling something worthy will will people rep me?

anyways i'm gonna tell ya somethin very important.
It's not 1 for 1. Some of my posts that simply sprayed awesome got not even a Like.

Then again, sometimes something I spoke from the heart a while back will surprise&delight me with a Notification. It's a crapshoot. If you're like me and shoot often and crap even more, things begin to happen. cn


Well-Known Member
anyways i'm not gonna disturb all of you for a while and i'ma continue my page clicking and reading!

anyways thanks mojorison!


Well-Known Member
Helping others that need help.

I'm not very good at it, but sometimes I feel it is the only reason to keep on living.


Well-Known Member
Rediscovering that previously lost classic tune.
Endulging in a wake n bake.
When your sports team wins a big game.
Slow kissing.
When you go see a movie that has a lot of hype and it turns out to actually be better than you expected.
Free stuff.
Checking the mailbox and seeing that your most recent order of beans has arrived.
Going to bed.
Waking up and having the chance to live another day.
Being free from dealers because you grow your own.
Giving and recieving honesty.
Hanging out and joking around with friends.


Ursus marijanus
Something that put a big smile on my face today: watching the summer snow. The cottonwoods are really getting it on in the downtown of the nearest place that rates a spot on the map. cn