Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
Lol i cant beleive how trolling defends how hurting he is. shitty car, shitty plants. And from what everyone here says, a tiny dick.

its official. trolling is way more hurting than fin. i thought fin was bad. trolling is way more of a piece of garbage than fin. at least fin tries. im going to start remembering that when i think of how retarded finshaggy is. theres always someone worse.

and wtf was that sad ass excuse for a plant. for real, that is messed up
that's not even his car, trolling doesn't have a car.


Well-Known Member
Trolling, for some reason, I still kinda like you; I'm struggling with the honey boo boo mom thing, but to each his own....

Will you change your avatar to

maybe an apology, or two..... and start being your old self?


Well-Known Member
Kaendar was unfixable, Rainman was just a fraud, fin is a world class idiot in a world of his own, but you could possibly make right. Lord knows you can take a beating and laugh at yourself, so there's hope.


Well-Known Member
So many bridges in this country are near failing. They were built 40, 50, 60 years ago and more and for a far less workload than they carry now, AFTER decades of use. The country's enitre infrastructure is aged and suspect. Water and sewer lines, bridges, roads, buildings,.....with a 2 Trillion dollar deficit, shit's not looking good.

Yes, yes I did triple post.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
So many bridges in this country are near failing. They were built 40, 50, 60 years ago and more and for a far less workload than they carry now, AFTER decades of use. The country's enitre infrastructure is aged and suspect. Water and sewer lines, bridges, roads, buildings,.....with a 2 Trillion dollar deficit, shit's not looking good.

Yes, yes I did triple post.
Yeeeeeeeeeeee haw third world here we come sheesh...... why are we buying gazillions of rounds of ammo and not supporting the infrastructure (this is not a hit at obama I think his predecessor was equally inefficient).


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Trolling, for some reason, I still kinda like you; I'm struggling with the honey boo boo mom thing, but to each his own....

Will you change your avatar to

maybe an apology, or two..... and start being your old self?
LOL! Frankly I wonder if this would work for his new avatar?


I think we should help him choose a new one ;)
C'mon Trolling try it on for us!


Well-Known Mod
Staff member

Sad story, friends. Earlier tonight I was stepping outside to have a toke, and I accidentally stepped on a toad, and must have broken its neck/back/whatever because I killed it. I felt awful, and my bowl enjoyment was severely hampered. Afterwards I used a shovel to hurl its body into the woods, and I couldn't help myself when i started laughing at how well my improvised toad catapult had worked.
We often forget to look for the upside to death ;)


New Member
Lol i cant beleive how trolling defends how hurting he is. shitty car, shitty plants. And from what everyone here says, a tiny dick.

its official. trolling is way more hurting than fin. i thought fin was bad. trolling is way more of a piece of garbage than fin. at least fin tries. im going to start remembering that when i think of how retarded finshaggy is. theres always someone worse.

and wtf was that sad ass excuse for a plant. for real, that is messed up
You're so lost lol.