What's your zombie apocalypse plan?


Buy a solar boat. buy a shit ton of soil. buy a shit ton of vegetable seeds. buy a shit ton of different strain seeds. buy a sea water filter. get my girl to come with me. get a sperm bank. live on a boat grow my weed and veggies and have as many kids as i can. get my daughters pregnant from the sperm bank. give my sons fleshlights or something. keep this on until no more space on boat and zombie apocalypse is over. repopulate the world. before i die write this epic fictional story about my self and call it <<Adventure Time>>. Print like 1000 copies. pass on my story to the rest of the repopulated world when dead. become a god that see's cannabis as the sacred crop. end up with stoner world, create real adventure time from people so damn high they hallucinating.
Rich people who cryogenically freeze themselves LOL like fuck when they wake up.

How bout you?


Well-Known Member
i'm not sure but it would involve weapons, women, a few pounds of pot and lots of liquor.

i might get got, but i'll have had some fun getting there.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Buy a solar boat. buy a shit ton of soil. buy a shit ton of vegetable seeds. buy a shit ton of different strain seeds. buy a sea water filter. get my girl to come with me. get a sperm bank. live on a boat grow my weed and veggies and have as many kids as i can. get my daughters pregnant from the sperm bank. give my sons fleshlights or something. keep this on until no more space on boat and zombie apocalypse is over. repopulate the world. before i die write this epic fictional story about my self and call it <<Adventure Time>>. Print like 1000 copies. pass on my story to the rest of the repopulated world when dead. become a god that see's cannabis as the sacred crop. end up with stoner world, create real adventure time from people so damn high they hallucinating.
Rich people who cryogenically freeze themselves LOL like fuck when they wake up.

How bout you?
C'mon you're bogarting that joint, puff puff PASS! -->


Staff member
theres plenty of threads on this i dont have a zombie plan i have an oh shit the world is fucked plan. stupid to plan for 1 SCENARIO when plenty could happen

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
1) make sure I have lots of bud.:joint: and seed. I know survival tech so food and shelter isn't hard for me. I have two awesome katana. And a super accurate sling shot that shoots arrows. I can take deer with this thing. Also have gats. Did I say to have plenty of bud. Shit in that situation I would loot the best portable vape I could get.


Ursus marijanus
1) make sure I have lots of bud.:joint: and seed. I know survival tech so food and shelter isn't hard for me. I have two awesome katana. And a super accurate sling shot that shoots arrows. I can take deer with this thing. Also have gats. Did I say to have plenty of bud. Shit in that situation I would loot the best portable vape I could get.
And the treadmill to operate it. cn


Well-Known Member
I'd just close the gate on the driveway and let the hogs run freely around the yard. Free food for the pigs.:mrgreen:


Active Member
The very first thing to do is HIDE. Fill any bathtub, water bottle and recipient with potable water. Stock on any food you can get. Show absolutely no signs of activity that could be seen from outside your house. Live people are more dangerous during trouble than zombies: Don't trust anyone. This is for the first weeks. Do not try to take your car and runaway. Everybody will do that. Your chances of surviving in the beginning turmoil are zero. You have to let things cool down before taking action.

Once everything is destroyed and almost everybody is dead you can make a plan. Reach for the highest spot in your house and look around for a report on what the hell is going on outside. If you live within a metropolitan area (like LA), you are screwed; scavenge from houses around and try to find a house/building that could be easy to defend. Do not use a car, roads will be full of stuck cars and dead people as well. Firearms are a good way to die fast. Blunt objects to the head are the best. The best way to deal with a zombie is to avoid it. The best means of transportation is a bike; No noise, minimal maintenance and runs on your energy. If you survive the first weeks, you can make it alive and rebuild humanity. This are only a couple but the most important hints.


Well-Known Member
pop of a bunch of adderall, take a hit of dank, and jack off to teenage asian exploitation videos for 17 hours.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Capture some zombies, tie them to chairs around a round table and have substantive economic policy discussions with them.


Active Member
just a heads up, your seeds must be organic or heirloom seeds if you want to be able to save the seeds for the next harvest. regular seeds from walmart or various hardware stores are genetically modified and will not reproduce. Also your crop can be cross pollinated if a neighbor of yours is growing the same non heirloom/organic crop, which in turn makes your seeds worthless. So be aware and do some research before wasting money on unnecessary "survival" products.

Blue Wizard

Well-Known Member
My plan is to do nothing because it will never happen. LMAO have any of you seen that zombie apocalypse magazine that was on the shelves a few months ago, I can't believe someone would buy the crap they had advertised in there.