Club 600


Well-Known Member
Well, thank you W.

I have been enjoying the convo and chiming where my freshness will allow.
but had not posted any photos here. I suppose that I should. I am at three
weeks since flip tomorrow, and expect to take the plants out to drench and
top dress them to deal with a gnat + low N situation.

That photo is from week 2:

As I have admitted, I am a SOG-PIG. heh heh.

...but I did the same number of plants last grow and got some really nice budsicles:

...but the Somango might have been the prettiest of the plants..

...and the smoke! (homer drool noise)

I hope to have more to share soon, as my current crop is
a real grab bag of skunk. :0)

Take care,



Well-Known Member
Cant complain with that! Nice bro.

If you've got pr0n in your heart, let it out.

The list~
sssd x pb x og
BnS x sb1
Blue pit
jack herer x blue dream
bubba / OTM x yo momma
plushberry x grape stomper
?p x BnS
BnS x sb2
Sin mints
Black Dynamite (Mr Majestic x Royal flush)
Grape god x White funk.

Oh, that makes 14 :eyesmoke:

Blue Pit (stockier pheno) 28 inches at its widest point.

BnS x SB1

More new genetics :-)

The lot. Gave them a bit of seaweed tonight.

Last bit of ?p x BnS

?p x sb2

Blue Pit

BnS x sb1


Well-Known Member
Morning shakers, well looks like summer has finished here, back to cloudy cloud clouds! boooooo.

Nice pron displays (would expect nothing less).

Peace, DST


Well-Known Member
morning, wakey bakey little lie in gona watch taken since i have taken 2 to watch aswell today or tonight.. cant wait till mine is pron and full of buds few weeks yet


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the good word. I am learning fast.

(dealing with a N deficiency after changing soils right now)

Your list looks about to double Whodat!

With only one tent, I can only do "thought grows"...heh keep
myself busy while I watch my grass grow.

The plan:

Crop #4
Sensi Seeds Jack Herer
Sensi Seeds Blueberry
Sensi Seeds Hash Plant
DNA LA Confidential
Reserva Privada OG Kush

Crop #5
Barney's Morning Glory
Barney's G13 Haze
G13 White Lavender
Green House Arjan Haze
Green House Super Lemon Haze
(all seeds in hand already)

We will see...I still have to finish Crop #3 :0)

...and I am seriously considering inserting a grow with fewer, larger
plants by flowering my mothers which are kinda getting out of hand.

I will post results.

Have a great day everyone. (I am crashing ;0)



Well-Known Member
Nice Etrema seedling's D.B, just getting round to popping a couple myself ;) Along with some Casey Jones see if i cant find the pheno i love soooo much. Ive got 2 C.J in 12/12 from seed with 2 of my DOG selfed pip's just for kick's. ( I know the DOG's give off carbon copy like plant's to their mumma but hoping the C.J stay stable ?? But got some other one's threw in from this Curious Old Fart last week, so im chuffed. ' Got me some new toy's for the hash, ( bong with TiT. Skillet and torch ) just like vapor :) Its a wee bit early but fek it, im off for one anyway ;)
I'll drop in later see who's around, hope alls good folk's.

p.s nice line up whodat!!

Peace Cinder's


Well-Known Member
15 days of 12/12... 2 blueberry and a bb psycho killer just done a bit trimming on the lower growth

1st 3 pics 1 of the blueberry
2nd 3 pics the other blueberry
3rd 3 pics the bb psycho killer

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
kickin on strong kidda!

anyone who's even ridden a bmx never mind tried to do tricks on one will appreciate this vid



Well-Known Member
Within 24 hours of leaving space in my inbox I get a message "hoping that I kill myself and cry when my friend dies", lol. what a fruit loop. Anyway, needless to say I have turned my PM messages off so don't even waste your time sending me a PM (they are not personal anyway), and I would just like to add, be careful who you befriend on this site, there are some right "roll and butters" around.

So now that I have wasted more minutes than I should have on that topic, moving swiftly on.....RAIN RAIN RAIN, or as they say in Botswana "pula, pula, pula" (but to them it's lucky, to us it's just mare soddin rain:)) Just as I was heading out downpour. And then lightning, the type that sets off alarms (I thought that only happened in the films). Right rain, fuk off.....bored now, got things to do.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
blaze to! umbrella to the stinky room stat! those that need to contact you can by other needs. some reet fruit loops about the interwebz man.


Well-Known Member
Good morning 6! Wow it's been awhile since I've been here. Damn it I've been so busy with work and kids baseball and just everything. Some fine ass pr0n going on in here.

I know it's been awhile since I've shared anything and so today I think I'll go snap some shots for you guys and show you what I've been up to.

Hope everyone is well, have a good day and get high :D


Well-Known Member
howdy giggles, good to see ya.

too right old parts', nowt stranger than folk, then there's the internet, lol.
blaze to! umbrella to the stinky room stat! those that need to contact you can by other needs. some reet fruit loops about the interwebz man.


Well-Known Member
LMAO! Nice d, nah you should know what that is lol. They look very indica dom. Would that be correct?

I'm hoping for a nice keeper, got 3 that are about 3 weeks old now needing to sex, and then 8 more that just came up :D


Well-Known Member
I would say most are fairly indica leaning that I have done, some with a bit more of a stretch than others.


Well-Known Member
Hey D yeah you never know what you are going to get on the interwebs. Shuttting down your PM is no big deal for those that know other ways to get you.

Man guys you have some really good looking girls coming up. Mine are still wee little ones at this point. I went took a few pics to show what was going on only to find out that I cant find my cable. So pics will come when I find th cable.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Hey d man, what should I be looking for in terms of the keeper in the deep blue? Or shall I just wait n see? Wither way it'll be a revegging I took no clones just flipped yins...