My first bagseed grow...comments tips welcome


Well-Known Member
Finally got around to scribing P&L
Plants are looking real good
Keeping fingers crossed for girls


Well-Known Member
yea sorry if you cant quite tell but i swear its a definate female preflower it was just kinda hard to get a really close pic of it ill c if i can snap more pics when the lights come back on in about half an hour or so...i haven't really seen any other preflower yet on any other plants except for maybe one more but not 100 percent sure...thanks for stoppin in again if the pics aren't up tonight check back tomorrow and they should be up peace
the pics are fine.. am i the only one seeing white hairs (pistols) in each pic.... and who ever gave me -rep... you know who you are... hows that


Well-Known Member
hey prime i din't give u negative rep why would i do that im not that kinda person bro i appreciate you commin and checkin out my grow and the support here are some new pics i snapped last night you can see the hairs a lil better now since they have grown out...lemme know what you think thanks for scribin alto im going to go and check everyone elses grow out right now..:joint::peace:



Well-Known Member
thanks cheetah lol its cool well this is my first grow and i didn't wanna spend money on good seeds and mess them up but it seems to be goin alright i think...and as for the green situation where i live this will be god bud compared to what is sold and smoked around here but its all just gonna be for personal i don't wanna sell and start to get known by the man or anything like that so its all mine :weed:haha thanks for stoppin by


Well-Known Member
Now in this pic you can definately see the hairs, in the other I was only saying imo it wasn't definative enough to be certain.


Well-Known Member
lol don't worry about it bro no biggie i was just sayin...its cool i don't even care...thanks for stoppin by and checkin in your ladies look great mini bushes can't wait to see them when they grow up...peace bro


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to the haters about bagseed. Obviously it would be nice to have some prime cuttings but you do what you got to do. If the seeds came from some decent smoke then your buds will be as good if not better. Watch for intersex plants though.

I recommend Gnatrol to get rid of your gnats. What you see are the flies. What you don't see are the thousands of larva living in the soil eating your roots. Spraying and sticky traps only catch/kill the adults. Gnatrol works by killing the larva in the soil.

Your plants are looking great! Biggest mistake most first time growers make is over watering and over fertilizing their plants (I did). Too much love! You seem to have it down perfect already. Good job.

Want some tips?

1) You can't have too much pearlite in your soil. It's all about Oxygen to the roots. It's easy to give too much water and nutrients but air is what they really want. (That's why Aeroponics rocks big time). 50% pearlite and your plants will love you for it. You will have to water twice as often but trust me, it will be worth it.

2) When you think the buds are ready to harvest, wait a week (or two). Second biggest mistake I made was harvesting too early. Buds taste like shit if they are harvested to early. Think vs. yellow. Same thing with buds.

3) Flush your plants with Clearex or Final Flush and water a couple of weeks before harvest. No nutrients the last 2 weeks, just water. You want all the main leaves to turn a golden yellow. Some species turn all kind of cool colors! The plant will look like it's dying, don't freak out. That's want you want for the sweet candy buds.

4) You can't have too much light. Light means tight (buds that is)

I guess this list could go on forever but these are the big ones.

Now all you have to do is wait for what will seem to be forever! You're stoked dude! Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to the haters about bagseed. If the seeds came from some decent smoke then your buds will be as good if not better.
this is so false!!! somebody haven't learned his lesson. In the best possible scenario, the potency will be the same, but in most cases with bagseeds, the potency will be less!!! do you think that my bagseed was commin from a swag that dosn't get me high....i think not..... there is nuffin wrong in runnin bagseeds as a test crops, but somebody might be a lil dissapointed in the me! i'm not a hater were talkin to me, right?!? CheetaH
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Well-Known Member
hey thanks stinkbud, cheetah and 2hi4u for all stoppin by my thread i can understand where the bagseed view comes from but i planted so many just to make sure that it would be worth my time who knows how many males ill get, when i was lookin at the girls before bed last night i think i can see the preflowers on another plant but too small to capture with my camera, so we will just have to wait and see...

they have grown so much in the past couple of days its insane i need to hurry up and maybe start flowering so that i can get the males outta there so i have more room for my ladies just because i need to upgrade to bigger pots for them but don't wanna spend time, soil, nutes, etc on the males anymore then what i have to so i might do the long dark period comin up here soon!!! and hey guys there is no reason to get mad at eachother look at my name pcenluv...we are all here to share eachothers thoughts and tips on a friendly basis, no need to get aunry...

but thanks for the tips stinkbud im gonna see how the gnat problem is when i transplant these bitches and see if i can see any larve or what not they seem to be mostly killed off though since i haven't seen any for a good couple of days and the new growth on the plants looks healthy but i might go and pick up some mosquito dunks after work tonight and water with those a couple of times to make sure...

also if anyone could enlighten me a little on how to repost quotes of responses that would be awesome. im gonna go and search it on here when im done lookin at all my subscriptions...

how long do u guys think until i should start to flower i don't want my plants to get too big as i am in a closet and have somewhat limited space...thanks for all the support guys and RUI for this awesome site with tons of good information and cool ppl...

lemme know what u guys think any new comments or tips are welcome...pleaze lets all just get along and smoke weed Peace and Love till the end of time!!!:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
good for u 2high4u its so exciting when that preflower shows isn't it??? well somebody repped me but i can't give back rep if u don't put your name in it, lemme know what u left in my rep comment and ill hit ya back with some rep as well,

and trial and error man thanks for checkin it out im damned excited to see how both of them go for sure...:joint::joint: anyone wanna hit this??lol


Well-Known Member
this is so false!!! somebody haven't learned his lesson. In the best possible scenario, the potency will be the same, but in most cases with bagseeds, the potency will be less!!! do you think that my bagseed was commin from a swag that dosn't get me high....i think not..... there is nuffin wrong in runnin bagseeds as a test crops, but somebody might be a lil dissapointed in the me! i'm not a hater were talkin to me, right?!? So Fuck You!!!! CheetaH
I didn't mean it like that Cheetah, sorry to offend you. You are absolutely right about bagseed...Don't grow it...unless you have to.

Trust me bro, I don't grow bagseed. All I was saying is that you're better off smoking bagseed than nothing. Some people can't get the killer seeds or clones like you and me so they have to use what they have. Some people need medicine for their pain. To these people I say, grow what you got and upgrade when you can.

And let's face it bro. If you could get a seed from one of my strains you would be stoked! I have a cutting of the original Oregon Blueberry passed down from the 70's. The real deal dude, not some seed shit from Holland. If you got a bag of my bud and it had a seed in it you better get down on your hands and knees and thank God for this gift from Heaven!

Some of the best strains of pot came from bagseed. Many modern breeds are based on the original land race species like Columbian, Mexican, Thai, etc... that came from bagseed. The world famous Blueberry is based on a male Oregon Purple Thai crossed with a female Afgani. The blue Thai was from a Thai stick (bagseed).

I used to do a lot of breeding back in the day. Sprayed a little Ethylene on a female to induce balls. That way I always got female seeds, no males. I kept the male plants separate. I'd paint the buds with a small paintbrush and cover them to keep the pollen from spreading. No matter how hard I tried some pollen would always get spread to the other buds. Not much but like a couple of seeds a z.

Cheetah, I wish I could give you a bag of my medicine with couple of seeds in it to restore your faith in mankind. I have some Blueberry, Snowbud and some AK47 with a Medusa daddy. You might be able to find a stray seed. Could be interesting! Peace and love bro!


Well-Known Member
I didn't mean it like that Cheetah, sorry to offend you. You are absolutely right about bagseed...Don't grow it...unless you have to.

Trust me bro, I don't grow bagseed. All I was saying is that you're better off smoking bagseed than nothing. Some people can't get the killer seeds or clones like you and me so they have to use what they have. Some people need medicine for their pain. To these people I say, grow what you got and upgrade when you can.

And let's face it bro. If you could get a seed from one of my strains you would be stoked! I have a cutting of the original Oregon Blueberry passed down from the 70's. The real deal dude, not some seed shit from Holland. If you got a bag of my bud and it had a seed in it you better get down on your hands and knees and thank God for this gift from Heaven!

Some of the best strains of pot came from bagseed. Many modern breeds are based on the original land race species like Columbian, Mexican, Thai, etc... that came from bagseed. The world famous Blueberry is based on a male Oregon Purple Thai crossed with a female Afgani. The blue Thai was from a Thai stick (bagseed).

I used to do a lot of breeding back in the day. Sprayed a little Ethylene on a female to induce balls. That way I always got female seeds, no males. I kept the male plants separate. I'd paint the buds with a small paintbrush and cover them to keep the pollen from spreading. No matter how hard I tried some pollen would always get spread to the other buds. Not much but like a couple of seeds a z.

Cheetah, I wish I could give you a bag of my medicine with couple of seeds in it to restore your faith in mankind. I have some Blueberry, Snowbud and some AK47 with a Medusa daddy. You might be able to find a stray seed. Could be interesting! Peace and love bro!
i'm not offended dude. seems you know lot of things bout the cannabis and breeding...... huh....i'm so high right now.......can't type too much :D lol .....Cheers buddy!!!


Well-Known Member
The key to doing anyhing with Quotes is to go advanced. When you do this the last ten responses to your thread are down at the bottom and you would just highlight what you want to quote, right click> copy then go back up to our response text box left click, right click>paste.
Now Preview the post. After you do you can go back to your original text box and work with what you copied and pasted there, like wrapping quote marks around selected ext, etc.

PceNluVhey thanks stinkbud, cheetah and 2hi4u for all stoppin by my thread i can understand where the bagseed view comes from but i planted so many just to make sure that it would be worth my time who knows how many males ill get, when i was lookin at the girls before bed last night i think i can see the preflowers on another plant but too small to capture with my camera, so we will just have to wait and see...
I usually leave a line or two between quotes.

You can even get rid of some stuff you may not need.

but thanks for the tips stinkbud im gonna see how the gnat problem is when i transplant these bitches and see if i can see any larve or what not they seem to be mostly killed off though since i haven't seen any for a good couple of days and the new growth on the plants looks healthy but i might go and pick up some mosquito dunks after work tonight and water with those a couple of times to make sure...
Plant what you have, don't worry bout anyone else's thoughts.
also if anyone could enlighten me a little on how to repost quotes of responses that would be awesome. im gonna go and search it on here when im done lookin at all my subscriptions...
Well, I hope this help you. Would of ever thunk his old man would be telling folks how to do something like this??

how long do u guys think until i should start to flower i don't want my plants to get too big as i am in a closet and have somewhat limited space...thanks for all the support guys and RUI for this awesome site with tons of good information and cool ppl...

lemme know what u guys think any new comments or tips are welcome...pleaze lets all just get along and smoke weed Peace and Love till the end of time!!!:blsmoke:
Keep it growing, your are doing fine. VV:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
you can go further by using the multi box as well
just toggle the little green square on for the posts you want to quote by clicking the multi box on each post your quoting
on the last one after you have toggled the box on also click quote
now in your reply window all the posts you have selected by toggling on the multi button should be there with their text and quote BBC code already done.
You can still high lite the bits you don't want to quote and delete them.
This way adds a link to each of the posts you quoted and the name of the OP.
Hope that helps as well.


Well-Known Member
during flowering, the plants will atleast double, sometimes(sativas) even triple in size!
yea thats why i need to find out wich ones are male and female they have grown so much the past couple of days so i think i might do a 24 hour darkness period tomorrow or after the weekend idk yet so i can make room for the actual girls because i need to upsize my pots they are probably starting to get mad at me for not giving them enough space lol