Once Upon A Tangerine Dream

So I meant to start one of these a while ago and just haven't gotten around to it, but I want to share my baby with you guys! I ordered my seeds from the Single Seed Centre in the UK. Actually, I ordered ONE Tangerine Dream seed. First I was super nervous it was never going to come, I didn't get any payment or shipment confirmation email. So I emailed the Centre, they got back to me within 24 hours letting me know i had forgotten one of the letters in my email address and forwarded me the emails. I started tracking, and once it got to the United States the tracking information stopped updating. 8 days after i ordered it came in the mail.

That was 4/5/13. I started germinating that day too. To germinate i took a pre-soaked pH adjusted rockwool, dropped the seed inside, making sure to touch the seed as little as possible after washing my hands. then i pushed the top of the rockwool closed, not very tightly, and waited. Three days later on the 8th the sprout came out of the top of the rockwool.


It was a feminized seed, but here you can start to see the pistils coming out. This was yesterday, my friend will be coming over to my house in about 30 minuted so we can go check on her. We named her Audrey after the plant in the Broadway musical/movie The Little Shop of Horrors. Well because All I've heard is horrible things about Tangerine Dream, all the way from germination to flowering. My Audrey definitely isn't a little horror though, hopefully it stays that way :lol: I'm hoping that by today those leaves in the middle will be extended out all the way. :leaf::leaf:



Active Member
Good luck with your TD. Ill be watching to see how this goes for you. I also have a feminized TD bean waiting to get germinated. So many negative reviews on this strain, but somehow a cannabis cup winner. Have got to try this one out myself.


Well-Known Member
All I've heard is horrible things about Tangerine Dream, all the way from germination to flowering.
Yeah but after that, if you have a good pheno, it will give you a very tasty result.

Good luck, with one seed/plant she will be spoiled, be careful not to hug her to death till it"s harvest time :)

P.S. Those are stipules, not pistils. You won't see pistils until they start showing sex and start flowering.


Good luck! I will be checking in on your progress, as I germinated mine about the same time. I germinated 2, but only 1 survived. I got mine from the same place, but I ordered a 10 pack, because I just couldn't get enough of this strain while in Amsterdam for the cup! :)


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your TD. Ill be watching to see how this goes for you. I also have a feminized TD bean waiting to get germinated. So many negative reviews on this strain, but somehow a cannabis cup winner. Have got to try this one out myself.
Dayzt grew a TD in a waterfarm, you should check out his grow journal, turned out quite nice but took forever to flower from what I remember. Looking nice so far OP, good luck. :bigjoint:


Dayzt grew a TD in a waterfarm, you should check out his grow journal, turned out quite nice but took forever to flower from what I remember. Looking nice so far OP, good luck. :bigjoint:


Just went and checked on her, the leaves were extended out and a new set were appearing. The last couple days has had a new set of leaves emerging every day
I originally decided to try the TD because of Dayzt's grow and it's why I decided to join this site =]
This is Audrey at day 21 in her DIY setup I made. Right now she's under my 14000k metal halide for my fish tank. This is the light she's been under her whole life and she's doing pretty good under it, but I'm going to be getting her a 600w MH/HPS set up for her soon.



Well-Known Member
Looks like she's missing a few fingers. Are the temps ok? Also see a little nute burn on the bottom, might want to back off a little with the nutes if you haven't yet.

in her DIY setup I made.
Any pics? Is it aero or DWC?
Looks like she's missing a few fingers. Are the temps ok? Also see a little nute burn on the bottom, might want to back off a little with the nutes if you haven't yet.

Any pics? Is it aero or DWC?
yeah she's missing one of the three fingers on one leaf, temps are okay there's a fan in the room also. the nute burn occured when i changed the water two weeks ago, i just left it because all the new leaves that came out were nice and green even through the bottom one's yellowed. None of the leaves have become yellow since and the roots are coming through the bottom of the netpot now. I think i have some pictures i'll get them up later, but its DWC with air stones in the tub too

The other day when I went to take pictures I guess i was too stoned and wasn't paying attention. I was holding Audrey up to get pictures of her white stringy roots and i guess i was holding her on the light. In the pictures you can see her burnt leaves, but she seems to be healing fine and all new growth is looking good. I'm going to top her soon


that's where we topped it, it a little high up, but in three days i'm going to start scroging and LST. I would have topped sooner, but some unfortunate events happened and she's at my friends house until then, so I haven't been able to keep as close an eye on her as I wanted. That's changing soon though. I'm going to ler her Veg a little longer so i can make some clones and then i'm going to set her up under a 400w HPS to carry out flowering.

