Picture of your pet thread !!!

When my Fred was diagnosed with it the vet said it had started in his testes which neutering would have prevented but he also told me that most dog foods regardless of brand are cheap and nasty,they are full of filler to bulk it up and that a lenghty diet of the stuff is the cause of many cancers,he said the brand names were better than the cheapest of the cheap but still not good overall.
By the time Fred was diagnosed it had spread to his mouth and shortly after a tumour appeard on his back,like most dogs he never once showed his discomfort or pain,the tumour on his testicle was not overly apparent and what was in his mouth could not be seen at all unless his mouth was wide open.I will always regret not having him neutered when I should have done and he will stay in my heart forever.
The pic was taken around the time of his diagnosis and with him is the feisty little Mia who went out one Summers night a few months later and never came home,she was 10 months old.


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That's very sad and very similar to mine. It was in her womb and they said it was because I never had her done. I'm not sure how I feel about that or what I'll do when I eventually get another dog...
That's very sad and very similar to mine. It was in her womb and they said it was because I never had her done. I'm not sure how I feel about that or what I'll do when I eventually get another dog...

I and my ex partner blamed ourselves and I still feel guilty for possibly robbing him of a few more years,he was 13 and obviously apart from the damned cancer and arthritis which was relatively under control with meds he had no other health issues.
Bayley who was his best dog buddy is 8 now and she was neutered at a year old just before I got her.Her weight has ballooned over the last year or two,she now weighs 90+lbs,her appetite isn't huge for a big dog so I put it down to the neutering,I feed her boiled chicken,lots of fish and some red meat at times,I also have some dry prescription food which I give every 3rd or 4th or so but I'm not sure how good it is for her because she becomes really flatulent and sounds like a plane taking off for most of the night after and also really stinks.
If anybody has some healthy homemade dog food recipes they'd like to share I'd love to see them.

Sorry to hear about your girl also,it is a truly painful experience.I know that neutering a female is a lot more invasive in terms of surgery so it is always something that is best done young,that's just my opinion though.
haha yeah chasing something!!! Her legs sort of move like she's running. She' s obsessed with her ball, its probably that! Well I better join her in lala land. later friend!
