Well-Known Member
Woot, seed order is done! I just ordered my pack of regular Sinmints (15 regs instead of 7 fems for the same price), I ordered a pack of TH seeds Electric lemon G, and another pack of Female seeds C99 just to have some spares for the future cus I really am in love with the Cindy. I got all the fem freebies, though I wasn't real excited about any of them persay. I also the the attitude june promo, which has a couple neat things in it, and I got the Sincity promo which is 3 tangerine powers. The tangerine power is apparently Agent orange tangerine pheno crossed to bluepower, which sounds like it could be very interesting! My wife wasn't thrilled at me spending 200 on seeds today, but between these, and all the Sincity gear I got at the Cup I'll be set on beans for another couple years I'd say. Now the wait begins, hopefully they come through NY, now chicago this time and everything goes smooth