The horror of global warming!


Well-Known Member
This year was the coldest recorded Jan. 1-May 31 Minneapolis has ever had...EVER! If this keeps up, ice fishing will start a little early this year.:-P Come on people, burn more shit.
Lol winter in this province has been pretty mild the past 2 years.

not that that helps me for shit, i cant wait to get out of here. might go west (home) or south. states sounds good. especially if the legalization keeps up...

If you want some icefishing theres tonnes of spots in canada... its cold as fuck here come november usually
This year was the coldest recorded Jan. 1-May 31 Minneapolis has ever had...EVER! If this keeps up, ice fishing will start a little early this year.:-P Come on people, burn more shit.

Oh, but you know, Climate Change. :)
Global warming is predicted to lead to local instances of local cooling. Also, one winter does not a tundra make. ;) cn
This year was the coldest recorded Jan. 1-May 31 Minneapolis has ever had...EVER! If this keeps up, ice fishing will start a little early this year.:-P Come on people, burn more shit.

You realize that this area represents less than .01% of the globe....don't you??
the world's top climatologists have nothing on the people listening to rush limbaugh.

our decades in the making conspiracy has been folied, folks. back to making gay commie babies with fluoride and secretly controlling hollywood, all media, and the money supply.
the world's top climatologists have nothing on the people listening to rush limbaugh.

our decades in the making conspiracy has been folied, folks. back to making gay commie babies with fluoride and secretly controlling hollywood, all media, and the money supply.

So So Sad... 99 One-Liners Rebutting Denier Talking Points — With Links To The Full Climate Science

Lets see how many of the 99 you can use in this thread alone...

Point #4 - 97% of climate experts agree humans are causing global warming
global warming is a way for the rich to make the slaves cut down on gas and to buy green label eco friendly crap

iv seen both sides to it and i have to say if co2 is the problem then why not plant more trees to supplement for the amount of people ?
if you think you can burn all the oil that you can suck out of the ground and not have a negitive effect on the planet you are out of your fucking mind.
global warming is a way for the rich to make the slaves cut down on gas and to buy green label eco friendly crap

iv seen both sides to it and i have to say if co2 is the problem then why not plant more trees to supplement for the amount of people ?

Christ, if some of you were twice as smart you'd still be stupid.
Global "anything" is just another chickenshit way to create a following, and in doing so, an income stream, nothing more. As soon as it's income stream dries up, "poof" up pops another one.


Oh god there's a hocky stick graph going to pop up here any moment.....your breath is not a pollutant, well some of yours anyhow. Carbon is energy at present. I literally like 2 hours ago checked the "no" box that asked me if I wanted to purchase "carbon offset credits".....wonder how many must be purchased to offset the pollution of a volcano?
Here ya go. cn

Oh god there's a hocky stick graph going to pop up here any moment.....your breath is not a pollutant, well some of yours anyhow. Carbon is energy at present. I literally like 2 hours ago checked the "no" box that asked me if I wanted to purchase "carbon offset credits".....wonder how many must be purchased to offset the pollution of a volcano?

All matter is energy, whats your point?
if you think you can burn all the oil that you can suck out of the ground and not have a negitive effect on the planet you are out of your fucking mind.

I would think depleting the rain forest has more effect. Either way, our roomates on this planet are not respecting our home. I'm going to go hug a tree, brb.
the world's top climatologists have nothing on the people listening to rush limbaugh.

our decades in the making conspiracy has been folied, folks. back to making gay commie babies with fluoride and secretly controlling hollywood, all media, and the money supply.

It's probably not a conspiracy for the millions of dupes that have and continue to parrot the exaggerated predictions of doom and destruction (which time is now disproving on a regular basis). It's most likely collective stupidity, or maybe they're trying to fill their black, empty, shrunken liberal hearts with a worthy cause to shriek about at their fellow citizens.

You do realize there are thousands of scientists (including climatologists) that don't agree with MMGW, don't receive a penny from "BIG OIL", don't receive grants for taking the MMGW low road to easy money and probably don't listen to Rush Limbaugh, ever.

It has been decades in the making, that's the one thing you got right.

All matter is energy, whats your point?

None really, certainly not that broad my point would be as follows if I had one: fossil fuels, which energize the world, are carbon based because they mainly consist of decayed plant material, so I'm told.