The Cheese, The Whole Cheese and Nothing but the Cheese

mr west

Well-Known Member
Stolen from Africa, brought to the Engaland. Coughing on arrival, coughing for survival. FA cup taxi door looking mother fucker lol.

mr west

Well-Known Member
Just fed my gals upstairs and I have decided to take some lights off pics of some sexy bud porn. I have taken pics recently but canny be arsed to cut em down and level em oot so ill take some better pics at lights off tonight. I got two casey bastads, one in compo/ coco mix and one in just coco. ones a week farther along than the one in compococo mix but u canny tell infact the younger one looks bigger lol.

this tent pic was taken on the 31st of may.


mr west

Well-Known Member
Both in fine fettle, hattie is really chatty lmao but she aint no fatty. Its mad, I miss her when shes asleep.

mr west

Well-Known Member
my cats are getting fat lol, one of em dont mind the baby the other lives in what ever rooms hatties not in lol. Hows u and ur lot?

mr west

Well-Known Member
so i fucked up the pics, here see for yasen.:wall:

first few are deep blues x livers blues and the casey bastad and some chronic livers dogs hahahaha



Well-Known Member
I seen our buddy stricly seedless's kid the other day. Holy cow is she big, walking around, talking about all sorts of stuff. I had no idea how quick the grew... i never been around babies and young ones like that before. Hatties going to be unrecognizable to me soon. :( I'm glad you get to watch her grow up. :)

Some nice lookng plants there too.

Hows your kid coming along ras? All good?


Well-Known Member
You guys are making me wanna have a kid now, all this fathering going on. chnging all my riu buddies. next time i see a pic of all you guys itll be with baby carriers and bottles in hand, no joints or bongs. Just bottles n babies... lol daddy daycare