Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member

Wow!! Haha.. this little girl can play! Lol.. I watched very close, and from what I can tell she was right on key!!


Well-Known Member
Has anyone herd from Bak?? :??: hope he is doing alright.. hell I hadn't herd from him in a good while! Last time I herd something he was saying that he thought that someone may had seen his girls! Boy I sure hope nothing happened!! That wouldn't be good at all guys!! :??: kinda got ol' Dank worried alittle! Calling Bak..... what's your 20? Haha


Well-Known Member
Lol I havn't noticed him the last few days. Don't start getting all paranoid though you disappear for weeks some times :P.


Well-Known Member
Yeah but he was saying that he thought that sum 1 seen his plants is what I was paranoid over bro.... I mean all kinds of shit "could've" went down.. know what I'm saying :??:


Well-Known Member
No. Didn't disapear. Just slept for 16 hours! Lol.. I really needed it I know that.. someone must had sent some good vibes my way! Cause not 1 bad "dream" of Dad the entire 16 hours! ;) yaaaay! Thanks "whoever"... :mrgreen:
It was probably me since I called you while you were sleeping.
I'm telling you Dank, the answer is Black Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Well guys, just wanted to let everyone know I will be doing a update this eve! So hope 2 see/talk then. Going to cookout some steak today.. yummmm!! Got the strawberry daiquiris going.. ;)

Then I gotta to get my ass 2 work on the "garden"! Been letting things go way to much! Lol

Been off my game here recently 4 some reason! Shit...


Well-Known Member
I tried calling you back bro & got you vm. It said your not able to receive voice mails at this time. Or some shit. Lol.. hey, I will give you a call this eve 4 sure! Been meaning to call you. Do you still have that # I had??
Yeah, new shitty phone. Whoo fucking hoo... :neutral:
And if you mean the other number, no. I only have the number I called you at. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Alright so the one that you called from yesterday. :??:
I will go head & add you/ that 1 to contacts then bro.. I will give you a ring round 7:30 8ish if that is cool??

Yeah, new shitty phone. Whoo fucking hoo... :neutral:
And if you mean the other number, no. I only have the number I called you at. :roll:


Well-Known Member
Alright so the one that you called from yesterday. :??:
I will go head & add you/ that 1 to contacts then bro.. I will give you a ring round 7:30 8ish if that is cool??
I got work from 2:30-9:00 today though, so you can probably hit me up at around 9 your time when I take my break. :neutral:


Well-Known Member
Alright sounds good buddy.. will do. Oh! Hey didn't know if you knew it or not! But "Sincity" will "give" you FREE beans all for the "asking" bro!! Hell all I did was just shoot them an email asking them if I could "try" / test out there strain "Sinmint" and the rep I spoke with said they "give" out more freebies then any other seedbank they know of! Sincityseeds.com.
Give it a try bro! Hell they sent me the Fucking Incredible & Sinmint, and just about all there original lineup!!
To just "test" out.. ;)

I got work from 2:30-9:00 today though, so you can probably hit me up at around 9 your time when I take my break. :neutral:
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