Random Jibber Jabber Thread


New Member
just realized i said thanks to gog
i hope god dont hit me with another turkey as get back
it was honest mistake


Well-Known Member
All great stories!! HSG I saw a bald eagle dive into a lake to get a muskrat. He sat in the water for a few seconds then flew out onto the bank with his kill. Got a youtube vid of Jean Keane, the eagle lady of Homer, Alaska, feeding the eagles. Feeding frenzy!!
I will look it up, there are lots of Eagles here, I love watching them:)

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
God damn it. All I do is bitch about women. Is there a big stamp on my forehead that says fuck me over? Jesus fucking Christ. If you are gonna use me and treat me like shit just leave me alone all together!


Well-Known Member
Damn! I saw one about 3 weeks back, he was of the bald variety just standing on the ground, chest out proud and with huge breasts, There were a number of other bird varieties surrounding him and gawking at him like they were impressed. Mother fucking alphabird


Well-Known Member
God damn it. All I do is bitch about women. Is there a big stamp on my forehead that says fuck me over? Jesus fucking Christ. If you are gonna use me and treat me like shit just leave me alone all together!
"Your puttin the pussy up on a pedestal!" 40 year old virgin


New Member
God damn it. All I do is bitch about women. Is there a big stamp on my forehead that says fuck me over? Jesus fucking Christ. If you are gonna use me and treat me like shit just leave me alone all together!
dude thats facts of life
roll with it
u seem knowledgeable so why this one fact escapes u idk