Trichomes....cloudy to amber ration?

CBN is rotten THC. I don't eat rotten food, why would I smoke rotten plants?

I've never read so much DERP in one post, do you seriously just spot out off at the mouth about what you FEEL you know?
Cannabinol (CBN) is the primary product of THC degradation, and there is usually little of it in a fresh plant. CBN content increases as THC degrades in storage, and with exposure to light and air. It is only mildly psychoactive. Its affinity to the CB
[SUB]2[/SUB] receptor is higher than for the CB[SUB]1[/SUB] receptor.[SUP][36][/SUP]

[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors are predominantly found in the immune system, or immune-derived cells[SUP][8][/SUP] with the greatest density in the spleen. While found only in the peripheral nervous system, a report does indicate that CB[SUB]2[/SUB] is expressed by a subpopulation of microglia in the human cerebellum .[SUP][9][/SUP] CB[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors appear to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory and possibly other therapeutic effects of cannabis.[SUP][8]

I've never read so much DERP in one post, do you seriously just spot out off at the mouth about what you FEEL you know?
Cannabinol (CBN) is the primary product of THC degradation, and there is usually little of it in a fresh plant. CBN content increases as THC degrades in storage, and with exposure to light and air. It is only mildly psychoactive. Its affinity to the CB
[SUB]2[/SUB] receptor is higher than for the CB[SUB]1[/SUB] receptor.[SUP][36][/SUP]

[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors are predominantly found in the immune system, or immune-derived cells[SUP][8][/SUP] with the greatest density in the spleen. While found only in the peripheral nervous system, a report does indicate that CB[SUB]2[/SUB] is expressed by a subpopulation of microglia in the human cerebellum .[SUP][9][/SUP] CB[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors appear to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory and possibly other therapeutic effects of cannabis.[SUP][8]


Thank you.
any thing after mostly cloudy and you should be good, anytime after that is a personal preference, and each strain and pheno is different so the only thing you will ever get from the internet or reading a book is a guide. it really boils down to experience. and what your treating.
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This is very accurate and from a trusted source. Hopes this helps out on your harvesting.
Check out my blog, any participation much appreciated.

Thanks Swizz253

Though most people go by trichomes, it is not necessarily the best way. The cannabis bud has an actual look to it when it is finished, the calyxes swell, 95% of the hairs change color, and the hairs recede into the calyx.

Pull to early and he can lose ALOT of weight/potency in the last week or so cause he went by the trichomes....

As i said before and here is a thread by a person here with more experience then everyone currently in this forum....
That is inaccurate bullshit. Amber trichomes are rotten thc. It turns in to CBN, which is not desirable. CBN has 90% less THC than cloudy trichomes.

Amber trichomes do not give you a couch lock effect, that is bullshit.
For most varieties, as soon as I see amber I am ready to chop.

I give my plants a minimum of 12 hours of dark before cutting to get the starch out of the plant. Starches are at their lowest levels after the dark period. They are at their highest levels at the end of the light cycle.
I agree 100%. As soon as I see amber I'm chopping. I tried cloudy but my bud's turned into bunk(not even good for oil). I went and tried 50/50 and the buzz was pure crap so now as soon as I see amber there good to go.
A bit of random trivia for you: For some reason some cats love the taste of trichomes! They may lick or chew your plants around the leaves or the buds, at the absolute worst time during the flowering marijuana stage. Once they get a taste, you'll have a monster on your hands. So if you have cats, make sure you keep them far away from your marijuana, especially during flowering

Cloudy trichs for the best high... IMO

As in, "You're a dumbass and you spout off with out knowing your shit."

That kid goes around trolling everyone bud. He was on my the other week. Just works his way around trying to disprove experienced growers and misinform new people at the same time. Best thing to do if you didnt already report the post where e called us A-holes, get enough ppl to do that and they will ban the account..
A bit of random trivia for you: For some reason some cats love the taste of trichomes! They may lick or chew your plants around the leaves or the buds, at the absolute worst time during the flowering marijuana stage. Once they get a taste, you'll have a monster on your hands. So if you have cats, make sure you keep them far away from your marijuana, especially during flowering

Cloudy trichs for the best high... IMO

One of my cats from a few years ago snuck her way into the grow room i had going, when i opened the door she was grubbing out on leaves. Thought it would be ok at first then this weird issue (started with discoloration then moved to brown lesions on the leaves) and it started spreading to the surrounding leaves. I'm assuming she had some kind of bacteria on her tongue. They do love the mmj plants though :D
That kid goes around trolling everyone bud. He was on my the other week. Just works his way around trying to disprove experienced growers and misinform new people at the same time. Best thing to do if you didnt already report the post where e called us A-holes, get enough ppl to do that and they will ban the account..
Apparently it looks like he has been ban'd. He was right about the trichomes though when they turn amber(just starting)your girls are good to go.
That kid goes around trolling everyone bud. He was on my the other week. Just works his way around trying to disprove experienced growers and misinform new people at the same time. Best thing to do if you didnt already report the post where e called us A-holes, get enough ppl to do that and they will ban the account..

Well said bro!
I've never read so much DERP in one post, do you seriously just spot out off at the mouth about what you FEEL you know?
Cannabinol (CBN) is the primary product of THC degradation, and there is usually little of it in a fresh plant. CBN content increases as THC degrades in storage, and with exposure to light and air. It is only mildly psychoactive. Its affinity to the CB
[SUB]2[/SUB] receptor is higher than for the CB[SUB]1[/SUB] receptor.[SUP][36][/SUP]

[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors are predominantly found in the immune system, or immune-derived cells[SUP][8][/SUP] with the greatest density in the spleen. While found only in the peripheral nervous system, a report does indicate that CB[SUB]2[/SUB] is expressed by a subpopulation of microglia in the human cerebellum .[SUP][9][/SUP] CB[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors appear to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory and possibly other therapeutic effects of cannabis.[SUP][8]


Agreed 100%. If the amber trichromes weren't good why would we have receptors for them? I'm glad there were more people to chime in. Thanks great post bro!
We dont have individual receptors fr certain trich color's ;P The cannbinoid receptors fits all trich's, clear, cloudy, amber etc :D

Cannabinoid receptor type 1

CB[SUB]1[/SUB] receptors are found primarily in the brain, to be specific in the basal ganglia and in the limbic system, including the hippocampus.
They are also found in the cerebellum and in both male and female reproductive systems. CB[SUB]1[/SUB] receptors are absent in the medulla oblongata, the part of the brain stem responsible for respiratory and cardiovascular functions. Thus, there is not a risk of respiratory or cardiovascular failure as there is with many other drugs. CB[SUB]1[/SUB] receptors appear to be responsible for the euphoric and anticonvulsive effects of cannabis.
Cannabinoid receptor type 2

CB[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors are almost exclusively found in the immune system, with the greatest density in the spleen.
While found only in the peripheral nervous system, a report does indicate that CB[SUB]2[/SUB] is expressed by a subpopulation of microglia in the human cerebellum.
CB[SUB]2[/SUB] receptors appear to be responsible for the anti-inflammatory and possibly other therapeutic effects of cannabis.

Im assuming you said it wrong by adding the color in, but im just givin ya hard time bud dont get mad like some ppl :mrgreen:
I've tried giving my plants 48 hours of darkness before harvesting and have harvested without such a dark period and found there was no difference.