forcing early flower for early harvest


Well-Known Member
I will have a lot of rain in sept in my area, and I do not want to wait until sept/oct to harvest. I'm thinking of starting northern lights indoors and forcing flower as early as possible. Say I germinate mid may, veg for two weeks, then flower for two weeks, sex them, and plant outdoors after last frost. (yes last frost comes this late sometimes where I live) I'm not too concerned with yield. If I grow 4 plants, 500g is plenty for me, just for personal use and close friends, nor do I want a plant larger than 5 feet. ( I would actually like it as comapct as possible for stealth) 2. Also, I have read briefly of plants returning to veg??? Is this possible? This will be my first grow. Thanks a bunch, I'm learning so much.

1. Will the plants continue to flower for the normal 8-9 weeks enabling me to harvest mid august?
2. Also, I have read briefly of plants returning to veg??? Is this possible?
3. Are there any other tricks to get them to flower quickly?


Well-Known Member
its not a good idea to do that can you finish them indoors? all kinds of things could happen if you induce flowering then move outside that time of year the most common thing that ive seen happen is the plant could herm either way the buds will not be what they should be. peace


Active Member
black-boxing an outdoor plant is a pain in the ass, it requires daily attention so your trail will be easy to see, but if that is not an issue it is way cool to have fresh smoke before every1 else.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. I cannot grow inside until harvest 1. I dont have the room for mature plants and 2. odor 3. just not enough privacy in general. I can't and don't want to go to the outdoor grow site every day to but a box over the plants. I don't want to use lowryder 2, but maybe its my only option if my plants will turn into hermies. Any more opinions on flowering indoors then planting outside?


Well-Known Member
first off if you started them now you could never get them to flower without covering them, second, 500 grams off 4 tiny plants???? are you insane, you would need a nice 5-6 foot plant with average yields to pull 125 grams per plant. that could not possibly be done outdoors if rushed from almost no veg to half assed flowering.


Well-Known Member
lol you're so funny beaner. think a minute would you? what is the purpose of a question in a thread? it's because i don't know the answer, i'm new to this. enough with the hate comments. go back to your miserable life. any other info folks?


Well-Known Member
you asked a question that would have easily been answered by reading the faq, i told you your goals were unatainable by all but the most experienced growers. sorry to let ya down but weed plants arent magic and i don't write hate mail. good luck on your grow but your going to have to be realistic to get a harvest....


Well-Known Member
yeah well the search feature doesn't work very well. new people ask questions and the more experienced answer them. If it bothers you beaner, be an adult and just look away. Thanks all.


Well-Known Member
I read in high times in an article that this process does work. Don't worry bout the haters, I would try and at least force the flower for 3-4 weeks then place outside. Your yield will be small....but you can only do what you can do under the circumstances.


Well-Known Member
Thanks smoker. I think I will try my plan. I'd be happy with any yield really lol. The most pot I ever had was 2 oz. Another idea I had was just to use lowryder as a backup. Joint Doctor actually recommends that you germ and place directly in the soil. Any more opinions would be appreciated as always.


Well-Known Member
keep them inside as long as possible...the more root growth you have the better chance they have of survival. Start now!...


Well-Known Member
I will have a lot of rain in sept in my area, and I do not want to wait until sept/oct to harvest. I'm thinking of starting northern lights indoors and forcing flower as early as possible. Say I germinate mid may, veg for two weeks, then flower for two weeks, sex them, and plant outdoors after last frost. (yes last frost comes this late sometimes where I live) I'm not too concerned with yield. If I grow 4 plants, 500g is plenty for me, just for personal use and close friends, nor do I want a plant larger than 5 feet. ( I would actually like it as comapct as possible for stealth) 2. Also, I have read briefly of plants returning to veg??? Is this possible? This will be my first grow. Thanks a bunch, I'm learning so much.

1. Will the plants continue to flower for the normal 8-9 weeks enabling me to harvest mid august?
2. Also, I have read briefly of plants returning to veg??? Is this possible?
3. Are there any other tricks to get them to flower quickly?

u shud just let them veg to desired size, and then leave them out side during the begining of summer and they will flowere on


Well-Known Member
yeah but east, in sept i have like a 25% chance of rain every day. it can rain for a week. wont this hurt the plants at the end of flowering? so the question is - will it work to get them to flower inside then put them outdoors for two months? if so how long do you think i need to flower indoors? i'm not very concerned with yield.


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't sweat the rain...unless your planting in a "bog" or something. As long as it's not a place where standing water tends to be a problem, invite the rain.


Well-Known Member
Interesting, thanks smoker. I've read that for indoor growing you shouldnt spray your buds because it can cause rot. Why is it that the spraying may cause rot but the rain is ok?


Well-Known Member
You'll likely get Bud rot if temperatures are between 60 and 80 degrees and the humidity is high. I would assume that in nature since there is varying factors (i.e. one day it may be 70 and sunny no humiditity and the next day 85 and raining high humidity) Mother Nature balances it a little bit. Considering that it will be september by the time you say the rain get's really bad, you should be probably harvesting within a month or so by then anyways. I'm sure that is where your strain is critical (i.e. earlier flowering plant). Indoors my belief why it might become more of a problem (anyone that is we mist the plants more than necessary or we maintain a higher humidity (sometimes without realizing it) and keep an environment that is conducive to fungus and rot problems. I can't see where spraying every once in a while wouldn't hurt just as long as the humidity doesn't stay too high all the time. I'm sure the combination of high humidity and spraying would more than likely cause the rot. Anyone feel free to correct me if i'm wrong.


Well-Known Member
Late August and all of September in my area are very difficult for outdoor plants...lots of rain, consistently very high humidity, make extra vigilance necessary in order to harvest a decent crop of buds. Powdery mildew and bud rot victimize my babies!
I have lots of problems with all of my in ground girls….this is why I always grow out several plants in containers (in addition to my in-ground plants) which I move indoors for dark period. This allows me to control humidity and also provides for harvest when I want it.
In about two weeks I plan on beginning 12/12 on some plants I started indoors about a month ago. I simply move them indoors at about 7PM and move them back out at about 7AM …I do this all summer long as I harvest two container crops each summer.
Good luck!