Hiding Grow Setups From Parents?


Active Member
fuck that don't listen to those bitches. i live with my parents and i've had 3 indoor grows so far so it is quite possible. if you could take a pic of your room i'l try to help, its kind of hard without knowing what your room looks like. try storing maybe some boxes somewhere and say your storing till you move out than empty a box and stick some cfl's in there and get growing. TLR shut the fuck up, your acting like youve never done anything to piss off your parents. man i wish i could rep- everyone of you fools trying to act like normls second parents.
lol.. man.. seriously..

i don't even know why someone would ask something like "how to hide grow setup from parents?"

Norml.. no one here knows your parents better than you (i think!). you're the one who knows how to deal with them, how often they come to your room and all that.

just imagine that your parents never come to your room. you decide to start growing in a strange place where you think they will never find it (which will probably be some small space ---> little yield), everything is going fine and you decide to start flowering, so your plants really start to stink! one day, for some reason, your mom or dad comes in and notices the smell.. they might even not say anything but that's how parents work. if they know the smell they will find it!

you could even pull it off with some crazy scheme but trust me on this: it's not worth it! the trouble you can get into for such few grams of buds.



Well-Known Member
the best place to grow is the place where you've moved out and the indoors is only yours! :) not what you wanted to here but completely the truth. if your parents arent down you'll probably get caught growing anywhere in their house unless you plan to do extreme odor control. my plants distinctly smelled like weed after 21 days of flowering!


Well-Known Member
If I ever caught a child of mine growing I would confinscate it at harvest time. My electricity my pot. :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
kid listen up, iv done 4 indoor grows now, and theres no way on earth your gunna be able to hide the smell and lite from you mum and dad, like the guys say, buy some outdoor seeds off sum seed site, prefrably close to a water supply, they need loads of lite but if must be coverd, look around for thorn bushes and stuff as they protect against critters, either germinate the seeds in pots then plant em, or just find your location and plant em, i reccomend you buy/find horse manure as this provides lots of food....what ever you do, dont show ya m8ts....and dont go there every day to check on em....do this and ull end up in cuffs....buy some food off internet and mix up 10 litres each week, feed the little things and - easy way to say is fuck off and leave em, dont hang around, watch out for people, and most of all, STAY SAFE, if summet looks diffrent in the surrounding to the week b4, leave and return at later date, if you can try to do your lookin at nite while there in veg, as soon as they hit flower let nature do the job....once again m8ty....STAY SAFE!!!!!


Active Member
rather not bet on one of us getting caught lol, he should b fine outdoors. safer than in lol


Well-Known Member
norml this is ur dad. Do not grow in my house ur gonna ruin my grow opp upstairs. Go to my room in the top drawer u will find weed. Enjoy.


Well-Known Member
LOL @ Plasma Radio... But go light on the lil fella, it aint his fault about the adoption... crack kills


New Member
advice: Get a new name on RIU. Ask the following question: "How do I make a grow totally stealth? Anyone have set up ideas"

Youll get a thousand replies and no one will give you their pearls of moral wisdom, that you are probably enjoying so much.:spew:



Well-Known Member
As soon as we start seing questions of how to grow in a speaker or small fake dresser we know its a youngin,adults with their own pad dont grow in a subwoofer box for a car stereo.


Well-Known Member
As soon as we start seing questions of how to grow in a speaker or small fake dresser we know its a youngin,adults with their own pad dont grow in a subwoofer box for a car stereo.
not that i am growing in a "speaker box", BUT i have an old speaker i found in the trash that someone made out of plywood.

it was an old style home base speaker. made in 80's i think. i used to pic up trash back in the day.

it has a 10 inch woofer in it. it would certainly support my grow.

oh i am 35 and live on my own. i grow in my own house BUT i did need to keep it inconspicuous as possible.

36Lx39Hx24W. 3 plants, LST, many buds. fucked up my time scale, but still going.
yeah i am a newbie, but not in parents house atleast.lol

p.s. oooops, my mistake. didnt see you mentioned "car stereo box", but i like my small no-see/no-smell grow


New Member
Screw all these people. They dont know anything. Cut your parents into 6 peices each, find a pig farm and feed them the remains. Problem solved.


New Member
As soon as we start seing questions of how to grow in a speaker or small fake dresser we know its a youngin,adults with their own pad dont grow in a subwoofer box for a car stereo.
I got 7 words for you:

I have roommates.

I have however converted my closet into a grow area. still no smell from my plants, only one has buds growing on it so far... maybe its not really weed? I bet i bought $110 cucumber seeds.