White Fire, The White, Strawberry Sour Diesel, and Sensi Star


Well-Known Member
My Sensi Star is really starting to turn into something special. The smell is already pretty strong and lemony. It has a nice amount of trichs on it as well. This plant has not stretched an inch, since the flip. It started to form buds though instantly. Man I can't wait to see what this run produces. I am stoked about all of these strains.


Well-Known Member
So I went over to my buddies house to drop off these other seedlings that I started to go outside for the summer. I had a Chocolope, Toxic Blue 33, Red Cherry Berry, Black Russian, and a Phantom Cookie. I had already taken 3 plants over there a couple of weeks ago. They were The White, Gigabud, and WWxBB. Those 3 have really taken off since being put outside into the ground. They seem to be growing much faster than plants do inside. You have to love the sun! I'll take some pics in a month or so , so everyone can see how they are doing. This will be my first outdoor grow in years. I have to split it with my buddy, but I think it willl be well worth it in the end. Hopefully I can get the majority of these strains to stay alive until harvest.


Well-Known Member
I ended up giving about 10 OG#18 bagseeds that I have from a hermied OG#18 that I grew last summer. It only hermied because of the super high temps during the flowering process. I only got about 30 seeds and they were in little clusters at the bottom nodes of the branches. All of the buds were unaffected and turned out to be one of my favorite smokes that I have grown. I have given away a few of those #18 seeds, and everyone that has been grown turned out to be females. Maybe it is just luck or are they actually feminized too. My buddy is going to plant them outdoors, and he is supposed to split the harvest with me too. If all this shit works out for me, I am going to be sitting pretty damn nice come November.


Well-Known Member
Checked out my garden this morning when I got up, and they are looking beautiful. I honestly think this could be my best run yet. I have to say that I am really glad that I didn't chop the 2 Wifi's down after I found a few pairs of balls on them. I haven't seen any more of them, and both of the plants are looking great. The Wifi (skunk pheno) is really looking special. Crazy amounts of trichs going on. It stretched like hell, but I think that it is finally finished. Thank God! I believe that it is day 33 of 12/12. So there is pretty good bud formation going on now. I will post some pics sometime tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Just wanted to post some pics of where they are at. So without further a do!

The Whole Grow

Strawberry Sour Diesel

Wifi (skunk pheno)

White Fire#2

Cherry Puff: Not quite @ Day 34 of 12/12

Sensi Star

Shit is just looking amazing imho! The attached pic at the bottom of this post is of the Wifi#2 pheno. I think the Cherry Puff is at least 7-10 days behind the other strains. They all look great, but I like the smell of the Sensi Star the best as of right now. I like the look of Wifi (skunk pheno). It is really frosty. The pics under the 400w HPS just doesn't do it justice. The SSD had a really nice bud structure going on with a nice amount of frost around the buds. They just look solid already. I think I am going to be in for a treat with this run!



Well-Known Member
I can't figure out why I am not getting any traffic on this thread with these strains at all, and that surprises me. I really figured people would be more interested in this grow than people are. Oh well, their loss! Lol! I am thinking that this could be my best run yet over my 2 years of indoor growing. All I can say is that it looks and smells great, and I cannot wait to get to try this shit out! I can see all my friends coming out of the woodwork to try and get theiur hands on some of this DANK! I was just over at my buddies who is growing under a 400w like me, and he has HSO's Blue Dream, Dinafem Critical+, DNA Kosher Kush, and Barney's Farm Liberty Haze. The Kosher Kush is pretty nice looking and smelling at about a month into flowering. The Blue Dream is what really impressed me with it's smell and it's plant structure. It strikes me as a plant that would be great for outdoors. It is getting big and taking over his grow. Not to stretchy though. The Liberty Haze still hasn't formed it's buds at all. It is so slow. I can see it flowering for 12 weeks easily from the way that it lookks now. The Critical is flowering really slow as well which is surprising because I thought that it would be the 1st plant to finish up. I think it is like 7-8 weeks strain. I gguess he got the wrong pheno, or maybe it will finish fast. It is unimpressive as far as the smell goes right now too. I have a couple HSO Blue Dream's in the seed vault, and I'm glad too. Anyways I will get some pics the next time I am over there just to give people a look at these strains.


Well-Known Member
It is rather slow around these parts, but that ain't stoppin the show:-) shits lookin real good tho man. Which one r u wanting to smoke the most(besides all of em lol) ? That wifi#2 looks pretty fuckin stout for just over 30 days! Ill stop in more often.. this grow does deserve some love! Sounds like ur buddy has some good shit too!


Well-Known Member
It is rather slow around these parts, but that ain't stoppin the show:-) shits lookin real good tho man. Which one r u wanting to smoke the most(besides all of em lol) ? That wifi#2 looks pretty fuckin stout for just over 30 days! Ill stop in more often.. this grow does deserve some love! Sounds like ur buddy has some good shit too!
Thanks bazookajoe! Which one do I want to smoke the most? Hmmm, I would have to say the Cherry Puff with the Wifi being next. After growing it, I would still pick the Cherry Puff and maybe the Sensi Star. They all look good though. Much better than average imo! Man I can't wait! It won't be much longer. Less than a month!


Well-Known Member
I went over to my buddies, and I had planned on taking some pics of his grow. His lights were off, but I still snapped a few. Here they are.

Sugar Mango Ryder

Kosher Kush


Well-Known Member
Looks good, he rockin a 400 too?
Yeah, he has a 400w HPS cooltube where the Kosher Kush is along with HSO's Blue Dream, Dinafem's Critical+, and Barney's Farm Liberty Haze. The Kosher is nice looking and smells of lemons and fuel. It has a nice coating of frost on her too. Now the Blue Dream is the plant of his that I like. It has a nice blueberry smell to her, but the plant structure is what swayed me to really like her. It is big and is trying to take over the little bit of space that is left. It is looking like a sativa dominant plant. Big fat ass hairy colas with a nice amount of trichs forming on and around the buds. Looks like she will yield well too. I think this strain would do well outside. I have a couple of these beans in the vault. He has a 400w Metal Hylide too that has the Sugar Mango Ryder from World of Seeds under it along with Cheese Candy. The CC is still small, but The SMR is about a foot tall and has started showing some white pistils in the past few days. Honestly I should just call this my second grow, because I feel like I have to do everything for this guy. I try to give him direction, but he just does what he wants and expects me to come and fix it. It's all good though. He grows strictly to make some money though. Where I grow, to supply my habbit of course, and just because I love growing this plant. It is the prettiest plant, and the diversity of smells, bag appeals, and tastes just amazes me. Plus, being able to order all of these great strains off of the internet makes it so awesome. I didn't know when I first tried to buy some beans and actually received them, that I would grow some top shelf medicine, but that was my goal. I was completely blown away with the Barney's Farm Pineapple Chunk and Greenhouse Super Lemon Haze freebies that I popped for my first grow. I popped them 2 and I had 2 female regular White Label White Widows that were straight bullshit. The WW was probably the worst strain that I have grown to date as far as bag appeal, smell, and potency goes. It didn't have any visible trichs on her at all. I didn't care about the WW though. The PC and SLH were super dank plants. This shit stunk of skunk about 3 houses up my street both ways outside. I was so paranoid. Lol! I bought a carbon filter directly afterwards. Lol! I realized after that grow that I needed to do alot of research on a strain before I bought it next time. The freebies killed the strain that I had bought. Lol! Man I'm blazed! Sorry so long!


Well-Known Member
Gosh Damn! I am literally drooling over my plants. They are looking so damn good. Everyone of them looks very good. I will go over some of it now.

Sensi Star- The buds are dense and pretty fat even though I topped the shit out of her. She just bushed out beautifully after being topped. Buds go down the whole branch. No stretch after the flip. The smell is sweet, but pungent, of lemons. The smell is very strong. One of the strongest in the garden. This strain looks like a very fast flowerer as well. It could easily be finished in 2 weeks.

Wifi (skunk pheno)- This plant has really come to amaze me. It is super dooper stretchy! It is just dripping resin from the buds onto the big fan leaves. The dark colored leaves with the snow white trichs is just a delight to behold! Sativa domiant pheno for sure. The buds are dense but not very big. It looks like it will be a moderate/average yielder. The smell is lemon pine with a funky fuel that is very strong. It has a skunky undertone mixed in there too. This could be one of the best plants I have grown yet. I forgot about how I found balls on this plant right after I flipped to 12/12. I plucked them off, and I haven't seen anymore luckily.

Wif#2- This pheno is short and squat compared to my other pheno. It doesn't have as much visible frost on her. It is just completely different than the other pheno in looks. The buds aren't very big looking on this one either. The smell is pretty similar though. Lemon funk with fuel. Not as pungent as the other pheno. I like the stature of this one more because it is just easier to control, but it is lacking in all other areas compared to the skunk pheno. This plant also threw out some balls after the flip to 12/12. I plucked them, and I haven't seen anymore. I believe that it is probably a genetic trait or something caused by OGR feminizing process. I know it wasn't something that I caused. There were only 4-5 sets of balls on her, so she wasn't completely covered. They appeared around Day 20 of 12/12 I think.

Strawberry Sour Diesel- Another really nice looking plant. I love how it grew from the get go. It grew fast in veg and had the biggest fan leaves with this really fat hollow stem. It didn't take well to topping, so I only did it twice I think. It has big fat colas, with a nice amount of trichs on and around the buds. Reminds me of how the Pineapple Chunk looked at this point. The buds are dense. They don't go all the way down the branch though. Looks like an average yielder of fat dense nugs. Now the smell is kind of interesting, but difficult to describe. It does have a kind of diesel smell to her with a fruity overtone somewhat reminiscient of strawberries. The smells mingle and intertwine with each other. Neither really standing out amond each other. This is a very solid looking plant. I really like it so far. It was easy to grow. It didn't stretch much after the flip to flower. After I get to smoke it, I will comment more.

Cherry Puff- This strain was a last minutes seed that I had popped. I haven't really had the room for this plant, but I have did what I could. I am glad that I did though. It is basically a 12/12 from seed. I topped her once. It looks like a sativa dominant strain from the buds. The colas are a descent size and are hairy with long pistils. The buds are kind of soft with some sugar leaves mixed up in there. The buds remind me of how the Chocolope grew out for me as far as texture and looks of the buds. It is starting to put out a descent amount of visible trichs but nothing overwhelming. Especially compared to some of the other plants in there. The smell is difficult to describe for me. It isn't over powering or anything. It has a cherryish smell to her when you smell it. I'm not getting much of an og like smell to her yet. The smell is sweet but not fruity. Like I said, it is hard to describe. I really like it alot. I'm thinking it will be a tastety smoke for sure!


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to figure out what strains I am going to pop next for my next grow. Decisions, decisions, decisions! I am leaning towards Next Generation Island Sweet Skunk, Big Buddah Buddah Tahoe, and a couple regular Gage Green Genetics Cherry Puff's. I might pop a Humbolt Seed Organization Blue Dream too. 3 feminized seeds and a couple regular one's should suffice.


Well-Known Member
The smell on the Strawberry Sour Diesel is getting much stronger. Lights just come on, and I went to check on my ladies. I can't explain how stoked I really am over this whole damn grow. I just know it is going to be something special. The SSD could turn out to be my fav. It has alot more strawberry coming out in the smell with some skunky undertones as well. Very, very nice! All around beautiful plant. Just looks great too!


Well-Known Member
The Flowering Room

Kosher Kush

Blue Dream

Sugar Mango Ryder and Cheese Candy w/ seedlings

Like I said these are pics that I took at my buddies crib. The 2 auto and 4 seedlings are in a different room under a 400w mh. The flowering room has a 400w HPS in a cooltube. The Kosher Kush has really bulked up as far as it's size goes. The buds are getting big and the pistils are changing from white to brown. It has a descent amount of trichs on her and the smell is right on the money too. It has that lemon fuelly smell to her. It isn't nearly as strong as my Wifi though. It looks like a better yielder though. Then there is his Blue Dream. I am in love with this plant. The pics aren't doing it justice as all. It has a sickly sweet blueberry smell with a hazey undertone smell. The plant is big and looks like it is trying to stretch her arms out. It has long colas that are crystal covered. I am going to grow this strain next just because I like the looks and smell of her that much. The Liberty Haze is flowering so damn slow it is ridiculous. Then there is the Critical+, but she doesn't have any smell to her at all yet. She is sticky with resin though now. I'm not impressed with the Critical and Liberty Haze at all just yet, but I am keeping an open mind. Nothing is written off until it is!


Well-Known Member
Ya both got fire in the closet:-).. I've was lookin @ a few of the ones y'all got, Sensi star, blue dream and liberty haze, but I'm goin with HSO chemdawg, FS iced grapefruit and seedsman WW. That may change depending on july promos tho(I'm very indecisive)! Folks r missin out on a good show.. maybe its just that its a small grow and not a room with massive plants..?? Idk, but I'm stickin around!

Keep it green:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ya both got fire in the closet:-).. I've was lookin @ a few of the ones y'all got, Sensi star, blue dream and liberty haze, but I'm goin with HSO chemdawg, FS iced grapefruit and seedsman WW. That may change depending on july promos tho(I'm very indecisive)! Folks r missin out on a good show.. maybe its just that its a small grow and not a room with massive plants..?? Idk, but I'm stickin around!

Keep it green:eyesmoke:
The Chemdog sounds nice. My buddy grew a Female Seeds C99 last time. It was a beautiful plant. Very frosty. I just didn't care for the flavor or the potentcy. It was still nice though. Plus Female Seeds are cheap in price and pretty good in quality. I'm finished buying and trying white widow's out. Anyways thanks for the praise and the best of luck!