can you revert an auto-flowering cannabis plant to the vegetative stage?

Hey all, can you revert an auto-flowering cannabis plant to the vegetative stage?

Apparently you can do so with a non auto flowering plant.. by removing all of the buds (and not killing it) then putting it under 24 hour light.
So, considering that auto`s flower based on time rather than hours of sun shine, I think it could be safe to assume that auto`s CANT be reverted back to the vege stage.

But, the question is out there! I googled, but google failed to provide me with an adequate answer. (f***en C*nt az google)

I'm sorry but isn't that info incorrect?

It is my understanding that an auto flowering weed plant begins its life in the vege state and then changes to the flowering stage automatically. But does not begin its life in the flowering stage. Correct me if I am wrong, But I believe that is the fact.

Oh look! I did another google search and found something!
For real?...(my wrong?) Nah no way... So then does that mean it pays to use red lights on autoflowers straight away??? Cuzz I'v been using blue`s!

here is a post from someone from grasscity

18/6 works fine too. I would just get the warm lights though. They flower by the third node, and (imo) whatever light you choose to use to get to the third node doesn't really matter.

According to them "autoflower weed" begins to flower when the third node appears. ... Are they talking about the third set of spiky leaves appear?
most usually start flower after 3rd week of life. i think that guy is talking about cfl lights, and i don't use them, so i wont comment on it.i would preferably use mh for first 4-5 weeks then finish with hps, but thats just me.
this is all I could make out of that post. kind of silly isn't it.

I'm sorry, let me re-write that post for you =)

Fo rizzle ma shizle?


I am sorry! Don't mind that last line with the "fo rizzle" text, it was merely for entertainment purposes.
What I was really men't to say is

the post editor said:
"Really? is that true? I do not believe it! So then, does that mean that it is best to use warm spectrum lights on autoflowers for their whole life cycle? Because I have been using blue spectrum lights!

I was reading some text on another forum and somebody made a comment about stating that auto-flowering cannabis plants begin to go into bloom by the time that their third node appears. But I don't quite understand that comment and If someone could explain to me exactly what they men't then I would highly appreciate that. What is the third node? is it simply the third set of spiky leaves which a cannabis plant produces?

They flower by the third node, and (imo) whatever light you choose to use to get to the third node doesn't really matter.

Step 1. Harvest
Step 2. Use time machine
Step 3. ???

*Only applicable if you do not forget harvest in the modern day present from being too high.

Wait wait wait.. so first of all you need a time machine.
Then when your weed is ready to harvest, you harvest it and then you take the weed with you into the time machine and go back into time just before you harvested the plant and then you just harvest it again! nice.

Another idea.

For this idea you will need the following items:
1 Undo button.
1 time continuum box.

Step 1: Grow some weed and let it flower.
Step 2: When its ready to harvest, harvest it and put all of the weed into the time continuum box (I think that's what its called?)
Step 3: Then you hit the Undo button! and harvest the plant again!

The undo button will undo everything you just did, thus, the plant will have all of its buds again! and you will be able to harvest it all over again. The buds that you placed into the time continuum box will still be there because that is how the time continuum box works. Anything that goes inside cannot be disrupted by time changes.
auto flowers have a very short veg period and after 2-4 weeks it will be into flowering i have only ever grew 2 auto's and didnt like them as it was starting to flower before it was even 1ft tall
Only my second time growing auto-flower, but you'll have to wait for the whole cycle, again if it survives. Someone gave me some seeds and I found out the hard way they were auto-flowers.
Well you'd have to wait for it to flower, decide if you were going to harvest or not, trim it regardless, put it back under the light and pray. So technically it's not a "re-veg", but like several people said; let it flower since you really can't control it.