autoflower? im confused


Well-Known Member
for beginners i would say barneys sweet tooth auto or lowryder2
and they flower by age/maturity rather then lighting
there is no stopping once started
not useful as a mother for clones
most strains are done in 10-12 weeks


Active Member
Im just a poor old guy & don't know a thing, but since I have got back into growing after taking a 40 plus yr break. Everything has changed since my day & the one thing I have discovered is these autos, & I just love them. Ok, back to ur question. I buy different soils mostly & mix my own, all bought at walmart. I also use CFL's & don't really have any problems getting 1 or 2 oz's per plant, & on rare occasions even more. I would suggest starting like I did & then move up as ur knowledge & wallet increase. Granted with the bigger lights & all the other over priced stuff u may do better, but as long as ur happy that's all that matters. Oh, & I also use MG on occasion when Im out of my other stuff, but b damn careful because the autos are very tempermental. Best of luck to u//


Well-Known Member
Listen to tye, hell all you need is a couple bags of miracle grow and a couple bags of perlite and a few CFL's.Thats roughly $25, not to expensive for startup. Of course you will need something for the smell unless you get a low odor strain.


Active Member
That's right Jeffdog, the smell is a very big issue. I have stuck to the Sweet Mango, & Critical + auto because theres NO smell until u start manicuring the buds, & then it stinks the place up real bad. But, now I only have usually 2 to 4 plants going at a time with a maximum of 6, & close to harvest I will start another 2 to get the thing rolling again & just repeat it aall over again so I always have something to enjoy. These are the best I have found as far as quality, quantity, & smell go. Now Im sure there's others out there that might do much better, & when I find more I will add them to my collection of favorites & grow them all the time as well. Just start of small & inexpencive & as ur knowledge grows allow ur garden to grow with it. Don't jump out there & invest lots of money in all the top stuff until ur ready for it.


Active Member
That's right Jeffdog, the smell is a very big issue. I have stuck to the Sweet Mango, & Critical + auto because theres NO smell until u start manicuring the buds, & then it stinks the place up real bad. But, now I only have usually 2 to 4 plants going at a time with a maximum of 6, & close to harvest I will start another 2 to get the thing rolling again & just repeat it aall over again so I always have something to enjoy. These are the best I have found as far as quality, quantity, & smell go. Now Im sure there's others out there that might do much better, & when I find more I will add them to my collection of favorites & grow them all the time as well. Just start of small & inexpencive & as ur knowledge grows allow ur garden to grow with it. Don't jump out there & invest lots of money in all the top stuff until ur ready for it.
So your saying oce you harvest the plant and when drying the whole place stinks does it reeks thru the doors?


Well-Known Member
Really depends on the strain, of course when trimming your breaking terpenoids result in the increase in smell

The terpenoids (/ˈtɜrpɨnɔɪd/ TUR-pə-noyd), sometimes called isoprenoids, are a large and diverse class of naturally occurring organic chemicals similar to terpenes, derived from five-carbon isoprene units assembled and modified in thousands of ways. Most are multicyclic structures that differ from one another not only in functional groups but also in their basic carbon skeletons. These lipids can be found in all classes of living things, and are the largest group of natural products.
Plant terpenoids are used extensively for their aromatic qualities. They play a role in traditional herbal remedies and are under investigation for antibacterial, antineoplastic, and other pharmaceutical functions. Terpenoids contribute to the scent of eucalyptus, the flavors of cinnamon, cloves, and ginger, the yellow color in sunflowers, and the red color in tomatoes.[SUP][1][/SUP] Well-known terpenoids include citral, menthol, camphor, salvinorin A in the plant Salvia divinorum, the cannabinoids found in Cannabis, ginkgolide and bilobalide found in Ginkgo biloba, and the curcuminoids found in turmeric and mustard seed.
The steroids and sterols in animals are biologically produced from terpenoid precursors. Sometimes terpenoids are added to proteins, e.g., to enhance their attachment to the cell membrane; this is known as isoprenylation.


Well-Known Member
Ok guys thanks for the help, I was planning on buying like 3 seeds germinate all of them and hope for at,least one female, or I might just buy a few fem seeds so I get guaranteed ladies. Odor isnt really a problem for me as my house reals like weed all the time anyways but I will look into making a diy Carbon filter


Well-Known Member
The smell of growing marijuana can creep out to the end of driveway, the smell between burnt marijuana and budding marijuana is different and people can tell.


Active Member
Ok guys thanks for the help, I was planning on buying like 3 seeds germinate all of them and hope for at,least one female, or I might just buy a few fem seeds so I get guaranteed ladies. Odor isnt really a problem for me as my house reals like weed all the time anyways but I will look into making a diy Carbon filter
If you are just starting, like I Did, I figured for the extra $10 or whatever, it was a good idea to just start with Fem'd seeds. It takes the stress of the male/female thing away and you can focus on just the important things, which is lights, medium, and water/feeding.



Active Member
The whole time of growing there's virtually NO smell, if u rub the buds u will catch that great smell but it doesn't travel. Now when u start cutting ur buds & manicuring them it stinks the whole apartment complex up & even goes outside to the parking lot. So now I have to cut the plants & throw them in trash bags & make a mad dash for the car & out to my friends house who lives way out in the country back off the gravel roads. Then we can do what we have to do. The Mangos are not that bad, but the Critical is mostly the worst culprit.


Well-Known Member
is just under $200 ok for lighting ?
you could get these and possibly in a couple grows be able to pull more then a oz could probably get 2 or more on some strains <~~~~ this one can be added a month or month and a half into the grow
so it would spread the initial investment out

and i would put 3 or 4 of these around the sides
i would go 2 at 5000k and 2 at 2700k


Well-Known Member
Thanks tecdc that lighting info was real helpful ill look into investing into some of those lights before I start.


Active Member
Hey Tekdc, Im curious about these LED lights. How many do u have to run of them per. plant, & are u also using CFL's or other lights with them ? Is there really any noticeable increase in final amount per plant ? Im looking at other light options without going to the big ones.


Well-Known Member
i use cfl and led 2 of those 135 w one bloom and one full spec
ya you can tell the difference it really dense's them up even with the cfl's
and resin production is crazy
i havent tested this set up to its limits but can easily see 4-6 plants being handled with this setup if you turn them daily it would just take a few weeks longer


Well-Known Member
i just recently added the led's 400 w of cfl can grow 4 plants and probably with lst pull 1.5 oz a piece give or take
its all about lst
flat canopy doesnt waste as much light so it helps your gram per watt in the end


Well-Known Member
i havent been running the cfl's because of temps my fan isnt keeping up
these were vegged under a 7 band and a 3 band roughly 30 days
they showed preflower a week ago for a time frame
2013-06-20 20.17.23.jpg2013-06-20 20.17.10.jpg2013-06-19 20.49.07.jpg2013-06-16 11.17.46.jpg
i went through the seedling stage with the 7 band as high as it would go in my box maybe 3'
this round hasnt seen cfl i was going to add it in flower after i got a new fan/filter