Total Newb


New Member
So I been reading, and more reading... and reading some more. Watched a few videos and all the goodies but... I am still worried about the soil and nutes. I am not sure what to buy with what soil. It really is a disaster and don't want my first grow to be an utter flop. Walmart near me has a couple soils that look the same but are different. Not sure how but they are.

This one is Premier Potting Soil:

Schultz Potting soil plus:

Miracle-Gro Organic choice:

And a few others but mostly by those companies. I don't really get all these different types of soils. :wall: I feel so stupid.


Well-Known Member
I would stay away from the Schultz with the time released fertilizer. I would probably pick the Premier over the MG, but either should be fine.


Well-Known Member
seems like you are in a hard spot, honestly growing is messy, Smelly, time consuming and your electric bill well the juice isn't free coming from the outlet, I have been in your shoes before and the best advice I can give you is don't waste your seeds and time hiding a grow, Just Research on HOW to grow, how to make a grow room/box/tent and just go over any and everything you can, Im telling you its not as easy as sticking a seed in dirt and POW theres bud, its a multistep process, Whatever you decide to do good luck!


Well-Known Member
Hi, this is going to be my first attempt at growing as I got tired of buying from friends and they deciding on not wanting to sell anymore. I decided instead of researching all the things I have already read up on, I thought it would be wiser to simply post on a site and ask questions. Simply because I noticed everyone grows in a different way depending on their situation. So here is my situation:
-I live in a apartment with free water and electricity
-I live in a place with other people who do not approve of my little enjoyment :bigjoint:.
-I will have to grow it in a small area in my slide door closet, in a very small space. Probably in the cabinet that I put in my closet. (do not know the dimensions but can tell you its pretty small).
-I want to grow two-three plants if possible, (will grow one if the space is a problem).
-I ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO HAVE IT DISCREET AS POSSIBLE. (I plan on growing white shark, is there an overbearing smell to the plant while it grows/buds??)

So I was wondering what type of soil I will need to use and what lights I should get so I don't tip anyone off to the fact that I am growing. I really need a step by step guide on how to grow white shark in a small disclosed place. I am truly a complete and utter newb about these things but would love to have a plant going so I don't have to buy anymore. I already have the seeds placed safely and ready to germinate for when I figure out what I need to grow it with. Can anyone help me please???? :wall:

get a good lock for the door. it is going to stink to high heaven and your fans will make noise. you sure about this? i started to write about a grow box or somthing but this seems like a bad idea?


New Member
It might be a bad idea but I won't really know till I tried XD!!. Thanks hbbum for answering which one I should go with. I was trying to look for Soilless mix but it seems all the good ones are really ones you make yourself. I don't have the room to be mixing large batches sadly. I will try going with the Premier over the MG. Is there any specific nutes I should look into to go with that soil??


Well-Known Member
I am kind of in same spot of you, what I do but I will admit it sucks!! but I took the MG Moisture control and I would find the pellets and pick them out, yes its kind of a headache, but if spread it and pick them out, now if you are planning on growing a lot of plants them yes this may be to extreme but im the kind of person, Gotta do what you gotta do, if you get 90% of the pellets out the remaining are prob the tiny ones and they wont always bust, instead of pouring water I spray it on so if there are any balls they don't crack, Im not saying this is a great method, I am just trying to help because I have been in the same spot and I had no help, I must add, that plant came out find and had a nice fat cola, just one, I didn't top her, because of the soil. in the end buddy you just have to try! you will see what works! I understand you don't want to waste seeds/money but it think you may be surprised!!


Well-Known Member
It might be a bad idea but I won't really know till I tried XD!!. Thanks hbbum for answering which one I should go with. I was trying to look for Soilless mix but it seems all the good ones are really ones you make yourself. I don't have the room to be mixing large batches sadly. I will try going with the Premier over the MG. Is there any specific nutes I should look into to go with that soil??
Ok, for a First grow ever I would recommend some Wal-mart potting soil, mix in some perlite, and use MG. Tap water is fine. you will have a nice , green harvest. as long as your tap water is drinkable


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't dump a ton of money in it, since you are already in kind of a risky scenario, you may just go grab some MG nutes, just stay away from the time released stuff since it is hard to correct if you over-fertilize.

I used the Fox Farm trio, just ordered it from Amazon. Anything else is going to vary depending on the genetics you grow and your water etc. You may also want a cal/mag amendment, but you wont be using any of that for a few weeks. Make sure you get a pH meter, they are like $10 and you will want to try to keep your soil at 6.5ph for soil.


Well-Known Member
You will have a hard time with soiless mixes. Don't get fancy. You will grow hella bomb buds and the more simply you make it, the better your grow will be. The best advice in the world for you would be to not ask anymore questions on RIU. There are too many parrots on here chirping Jorges Picture Grow Bible, when it will just screw you up.. Research Plant Science, not Marijuana Science. Marijuana Science = Gypsy Snake Oil Grow SHops, Rippers, and Crooks. GO BASIC, GO GREEN


Well-Known Member
Ok, for a First grow ever I would recommend some Wal-mart potting soil, mix in some perlite, and use MG. Tap water is fine. you will have a nice , green harvest. as long as your tap water is drinkable
This is all great advice, get a grow under your belt before you dump a bunch of cash into everything.


Well-Known Member
I have a stealth grow in my place. I live alone so that's a bonus. I can easily hide my grow from friends and visitors. I spent $1200 on the setup, 85% of it on the LED lights: California Lightworks Solar Flare 200 and a Diamond Series 200 Series. I have two lights because I wanted big plants, but you could easily get buy with one light. I grow in a 60cmx60cmx150cm grow tent in my closet. You should be able to get a decent yield if you get your setup right. Ignore the people that say it won't be worth it. I got 6 ounces total of Greenhouse seeds Chemdog and Super Lemon Haze seen below. I usually get 4 - 6 ounces a grow which normally lasts me 5-8 months (I mostly vape). I usually veg 4 to 6 weeks. I went with DWC over soil because ease and not having to deal with bugs. You should read all you can about growing with Miracle Grow Soil because it is possible to get good bud from it. Some things to keep in mind:

  • Since you're growing stealth, you're going to need a quiet inline fan and/or some insulated air ducts. The first time I turned on my fan, it sounded like a jet engine. If I lived with others when I turned it on, it would have given me away.
  • Invest in Ona Gel, don't trust the filter alone. I know you're going to do a DIY filter, but I urge you to test it before you're late in flower to be certain of it's effectiveness. I came home from work one day and my place smelled like Super Lemon Haze, it was pretty loud. I was using a cheap cardboard like carbon filter. I immediately went out and bought an activated carbon can filter and some Ona Gel. Problem solved.
  • Plan in advance on how to deal with the runoff from when you water your plants.

It all depends on how much money you have to spend on your setup. Even though I spent $1200 on my setup, I would have spent more money buying bud over the past two years without getting the; quality, quantity, and consistency I have now.

Some pictures from my stealth grow:

ghs_chemdog2ndgrow003.jpg ghs_chemdog2ndHarv002.jpg

Also, don't be like this guy:



New Member
Ok, for a First grow ever I would recommend some Wal-mart potting soil, mix in some perlite, and use MG. Tap water is fine. you will have a nice , green harvest. as long as your tap water is drinkable
Waa?? I have to use all three of the soils??


Active Member
Waa?? I have to use all three of the soils??
potting soil is your medium, perlite is white rock type material that helps aerate the soil and drain better ect, MG nutes is what he refereed to lastly, I believe.

Your medium w/ perlite added, and feeding MG nutrient.


Well-Known Member
He is saying get the potting soil, perlite is the white fluffy stuff that looks like styrofoam, and MG makes a line of fertilizer(nutrients) that you can use to feed. You will need these 3 things at a minimum for your soil. Avoild the perlite that has pre-added nutrient if you can, but it should not be a deal killer.


New Member
Ahhh, okay. So I should use the Priemer potting soil? It says that it already has perlite in it. So I don't have to get it right? As for MG Nutes, I dunno if wal-mart really sells them.


Well-Known Member
The trick to a quite fan is to get a bigger diameter than you need and do not run it at 100% (use a dimmer switch). This also gives you a lot more control over temps.

I run a 6" fan at about 60% and it runs pretty quite. I also added a home built muffler on the exhaust for added noise reduction. If I took the muffle off I could run it a little lower.


New Member
So I am going to have to buy a dimmer switch for it??? XD Well then rofl. This stuff is really tough to do isn't it. I still don't get how to install a carbon filter to a fan, (don't know what fan to use or filter), and now I gotta get a dimmer switch rofl. Well I needed to advance in technology anyways :-P. What dimmer switch do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
Well, you should be able to find a combo of fan and carbon filter and I think it is cheaper if you buy them together. I went a little overboard and got a Variac variable transformer but you could use something like this:

I love the Variac, it has multiple uses and no wiring needed, its just a bit more expensive.

This is the fan I am using

I built my own carbon filter, and it works pretty good, I also did the same without the active carbon filter on the exhaust to act as a sound dampener. There are a few in the DIY section. You may get better results with a pro built one, but mine does fine for me, noone has known I have a grow with the exception of after I have the box open for extended periods :)