What size light is needed to keep a male alive for breeding.


I plan on doing some breeding very shortly. What I wanted to do was pick out my stud male to breed with remove it and place it in a 38" little room and keep it alive until my female that I want to breed with is ready to be put in the same room. What is a very inexpensive light that I can use to keep it alive on a 12/12 cycle until my selected female pheno is ready. would a short t-5,t-8 or t-12 work? Also does it matter if say all the plant are the same. ((all Kandy Kush, male and female)). does it matter which female I choose to breed with or could I just leave my selected male in the room with ALL females and just shake it with the fan on. I mean if I really like the resin production, smell and bud size of a certain female should I only breed that one with my stud? If my selected male and female need to be separated than I will need to by another light. Looking to spend no more than $30 at lowes but if it doesn't matter about the female than there is no need to buy the light. If it does matter about the selected female pheno what light would be sufficient?


Active Member
The light for the male can be very minimal something like a 4' shop light would work.
They are not hard to keep alive.
Ive known of people forgetting them and leaving them in a closet or garage with no light or water and a month later they are still alive.
Not in great shape but alive I don't recommend you try this tho.

You want to pollinate the female at around 30 days after they start flowering
This will insure you get the most fully mature seeds you can get off the plants.

Choosing a male and female is very important IMO.

Most breeders when looking for a male look for two things over all.
1. The shortest most stocky of the males.
2. The last plant to show that its male.
These two traits are the most desirable when looking for a male.

When looking for females look for.
1. Best resin production.
2. Most desirable growth pattern for your setup.
3. Smell find the ones that immediately stand out to you.
4. Last thing I would look for is color and yield potential.

To figure out yield potential just go go by how much bud its put on in the 30days before pollinating them.
But I would not chose a plant for this alone, I want quality not quantity.

As for color its IMO no reason to keep any plant around if it docent show at least a few other good traits.
It may look pretty but if it docent get you high, what good is it?

Once you find the male and female(s) that show the traits I outlined separate them from the others and pollinate.
Doing this will give you the best chance to have seeds that produce a high % of plant that show the above traits.


Thanks so much for your reply and I will defiantly take your advise. My closet is about 22 inches wide by 42 inches long any suggestions on a good cheap light from lowes? I have around $30 to $40. I'm thinking that should do it. I plan on doing nothing but breeding for a while. strains= OG ghost train haze #1, Kandy Kush, S.A.G.E, Doc's OG, and Night Terror OG. one more question about breeding. how long should I leave the pollinated female separated from the rest before I can place it back in the Big grow room with the rest of the unpollinated females?


Well-Known Member
You can use a single, crappy, CFL to keep a male going. They don't need much light at all to grow.
I use 1 23 watter over my male.

Let's just say, it is laughable that you are asking these kind of questions while planning to breed in your closet.

I should have never opened this thread up.


Active Member
I would get a few of the highest wattage CFL bulbs you can find.
Or just look for a 36" shop light, The CFL's will probibly work a bit better tho.

I would pollinate then wait 24hrs and spray the female(s) off with a light misting of water.
Then place them back in the room with the other girls.
The mist of water will kill just about all the remaining pollen on them.


yeah but then again Kandy Kush crossed with Kandy Kush isn't really a bad thing. Even if it does happen it's alright. So say I pollinate the one female, remove and destroy the male, leave the one pollinated female in the closet for 24 hours, lightly mist with water and place it back in the original grow room with the rest of the females. It should be good to go. The misting is a great idea but it wont effect the pollen that has been applied to it. I.E it wont keep it from producing seeds if it gets misted after letting the pollen set for 24 hours? Thanks for the help Budfever. You kick ass.


Active Member
Once the plant is pollinated the hairs will turn brown rather quickly indicating pollination has taken place.
You should be able to see that the pollination has taken after 24hrs by the color of the hairs.
Once that has happened mist it to kill any left over pollen and back into the flower room it goes.
The misting of water will not affect the buds that have been pollinated just the excess pollen left on the plant.

Dont soak the plant just a light mist will do.
Too much water on the buds can quickly cause mold or bud rot.
Hey man, I don't wanna bother you or anything, coming in here and suggesting something else, but have you read about creating feminised seeds with colloidal silver?
Its a technique which seems easy in theory (Iv never actually done it) and it yields female seeds ONLY.

http://www.growweedeasy.com/how-to-make-your-own-feminized-marijuana seeds

Basically you either buy some colloidal silver, or make it your self (instructions are on the site)
And then you spray your selected FEMALE plant for a few weeks. It will then grow pollen sacks. those pollen sacks are then used to pollinate another female plant, and because the pollen comes from a female plant, the resulting seeds will be female.
This is not the same as if the plant was to change sex on its own- Hermie. (according to the website that is :p)

You can buy colloidal silver on trade sites, like ebay. I'm so ****ing going to do it man.. female seeds only? yes please!


Well-Known Member
Hey man, I don't wanna bother you or anything, coming in here and suggesting something else, but have you read about creating feminised seeds with colloidal silver?
Its a technique which seems easy in theory (Iv never actually done it) and it yields female seeds ONLY.

http://www.growweedeasy.com/how-to-make-your-own-feminized-marijuana seeds

Basically you either buy some colloidal silver, or make it your self (instructions are on the site)
And then you spray your selected FEMALE plant for a few weeks. It will then grow pollen sacks. those pollen sacks are then used to pollinate another female plant, and because the pollen comes from a female plant, the resulting seeds will be female.
This is not the same as if the plant was to change sex on its own- Hermie. (according to the website that is :p)

You can buy colloidal silver on trade sites, like ebay. I'm so ****ing going to do it man.plant. female seeds only? yes please!
I am doing this now. I bought 50ppm colloidal silver from Amazon. I sprayed a clone for 1 week then switched to 12/12 then continued spraying for 1 moor week. At that time I put another clone into 12/12. By week 4 I started to see pollen sacks on the sprayed plant. That's where I'm at right now...


Active Member
but have you read about creating feminised seeds with colloidal silver?
Yup ive heard of it, its what allot of breeders do to create fem seeds.
I do not use fem seeds unless they are given to me free.
I have strong beliefs that fem seeds have ruined allot of great strains by watering down the genetics by feminizing the seeds.
There is allot of variation in strains but you loose allot of that variation when you remove the male from the picture.
And in the end you end up with a more stability in the plants.
But you dont find the amazing rare phenos that turn into tomorrows legendary cuts.
Yup ive heard of it, its what allot of breeders do to create fem seeds.
I do not use fem seeds unless they are given to me free.
I have strong beliefs that fem seeds have ruined allot of great strains by watering down the genetics by feminizing the seeds.
There is allot of variation in strains but you loose allot of that variation when you remove the male from the picture.
And in the end you end up with a more stability in the plants.
But you dont find the amazing rare phenos that turn into tomorrows legendary cuts.

<< - newb

being a newb, I'm not sure what you mean by rare amazing phenos... sounds cool though... and as for losing genetic quality? Are you sure? because it really seems to me that you do not lose quality, instead you simply lock into place the genetic material that was already there!

Sure, I understand that when you mix a male and female, they share their genes and create something new, but what if you mix a female and male of the same strain? is that then not going to yield similar results as a plant that has been treated with colloidal silver?

I am doing this now. I bought 50ppm colloidal silver from Amazon. I sprayed a clone for 1 week then switched to 12/12 then continued spraying for 1 moor week. At that time I put another clone into 12/12. By week 4 I started to see pollen sacks on the sprayed plant. That's where I'm at right now...

wicked.. Good luck with that, and may that luck bounce over to me too! lol
I'm sure that LOTS of us would be keen to hear how it goes. I read somewhere today that such a plant can give LOOADS of seeds! hundreds I think? I forgot the exact number :o


I too have heard of this method. never tried it though. I'm with budfever on this one. Fem seeds are cool and all but I also believe it weakens the genetics. Thats why some seed suppliers refuse to make fem seeds. Like Rare Dankness. There website =Their work is not meant to replicate the "mothers", but to compliment the genetics by breeding with superior males. Rare Dankness's goal is to provide the highest quality genetics to the Medical Marijuana community. They believe the road to legalization is through education. Trust me Rare dankness is just that! :spew:
Legalization through education? that's what I believe as well. It's the truth!

though, you guys say that feminising seeds ruins the genetics, is there proof of this, or is that just a theory?