Bad Problem with one girl

bird dog

Well-Known Member
I was'nt aware that I am using alot of nutes. But, if that's a concern to you, then it should be to me too. Where should I change?


Staff member
but i dont think the whole issue i think there is probably something else wrong. exactly how much nutes are you giving? as in like measurements


Well-Known Member
I would say heat & too much nutes is your problem.. that and what your air flow like in there :??:
Does your air/fan blow the plants around :??: or do you have an cooling system in with them :??:
90* is alittle hot bro! I try to keep my temps down round 75 no more then 78* at all times!!

bird dog

Well-Known Member
These are at, or under, the directions on the labels mixed into one gal of 6.0 ph water:
awsome blossums 1.5 tbls rec is 2.5
sugar daddy 1.5 rec is 2.5
B1 alieve 1/4 tbls rec is 1 tbls
magical 1/4 tbls rec is 1/4 tbls

My girls are in 2.5 gal containers w/petrie dishes on bottoms to hold reserve. I water every other feeding and only do any of it, as needed.


Well-Known Member
These are at, or under, the directions on the labels mixed into one gal of 6.0 ph water:awsome blossums 1.5 tbls rec is 2.5sugar daddy 1.5 rec is 2.5B1 alieve 1/4 tbls rec is 1 tblsmagical 1/4 tbls rec is 1/4 tblsMy girls are in 2.5 gal containers w/petrie dishes on bottoms to hold reserve. I water every other feeding and only do any of it, as needed.
Do you happen to know the NPK on all those, or the main bloom ones :??: that and I would bring your ph up a tad.. I keep mine at a 6.5 range! Your in soil "correct" :??: :??:


Well-Known Member
If it where me, I would seriously cut my feeding back to every "3" waterings then feed. Adjust your air temps & try to lower those down to atleast 78* I wouldn't trade any higher then 80's!!

bird dog

Well-Known Member
yep, I'm in soil. I thought 6.0 was middle of the road on ph. I'm not sure on some of the nutes, only that some are for root strenght, disease fighters, etc. The AB is less N and more in p and k.


Well-Known Member
Where is your intake air coming from? is it fresh? what is the RH right there at the plant?

Its not the nutes... Your plants vascular system has shut down, and I see your other plants are struggling as well almost as if there is a reverse pressure issue there (too much intake or recirculating and not enough exhausted creates a reverse pressure system that has pockets of "staled air"). Your plants require a vacuum system to sustain their transpiration rates, the vacuum has shut down ;)

and your ph is fine.


Well-Known Member
6.5 is the ideal ph range for canabis plants in soil!
Also his temps are way to high! 90* is way to high.
And really there's no need in all the nutes he is using! Way to much imo!

Where is your intake air coming from? is it fresh? what is the RH right there at the plant?

Its not the nutes... Your plants vascular system has shut down, and I see your other plants are struggling as well almost as if there is a reverse pressure issue there (too much intake or recirculating and not enough exhausted creates a reverse pressure system that has pockets of "staled air"). Your plants require a vacuum system to sustain their transpiration rates, the vacuum has shut down ;)

and your ph is fine.


Well-Known Member
6.5 is the ideal ph range for canabis plants in soil!
Also his temps are way to high! 90* is way to high.
And really there's no need in all the nutes he is using! Way to much imo!
I suggest you dont try to argue about ph in soil with me, please. I dont particularly feel like putting out all the energy required to display the info. its out there. PH fluctuates constantly in soil, Im going to leave it at that. the ph of the soil I am growing in stays typically between 5.7 and 6.4 ...

Temps are way too high!! its 100 fucking degrees outside right now and my plants are loving it!

I have had indoor temps of 95-100 at canopy and plants were Loving it!

I kind of agree he has some wierd line up going with nutes, but I doubt its affecting them (unless he is mixing them together in the same nutrient solution).

Its actually something me and my buddy were laughing about the other day... 90 degrees indoors is Just fine as long as humidity and air Exchange rates compensate for it. Im not going to argue about this at all. there isnt much more to say about it.


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you would stop trying to make other look like they don't know what there talking about, and do some reading on "soil" ph yourself buddy! Opinons are like dogs or cats! Everyone has 1!
And temps maybe 100 * where you are outside, but if you would read some grow journals, insted of trying to insult people, then you may find out that higher temps do stress plants out, and has been proven that it (high temps) causes plants to hermi, and wilt(stress). Hmmm I guess I've been growing for 15 yrs not to know shit huh! :??: don't think so! Oh, and I think I would know being my father was a botanist! Nugh said!
I suggest you dont try to argue about ph in soil with me, please. I dont particularly feel like putting out all the energy required to display the info. its out there. PH fluctuates constantly in soil, Im going to leave it at that. the ph of the soil I am growing in stays typically between 5.7 and 6.4 ...

Temps are way too high!! its 100 fucking degrees outside right now and my plants are loving it!

I have had indoor temps of 95-100 at canopy and plants were Loving it!

I kind of agree he has some wierd line up going with nutes, but I doubt its affecting them (unless he is mixing them together in the same nutrient solution).

Its actually something me and my buddy were laughing about the other day... 90 degrees indoors is Just fine as long as humidity and air Exchange rates compensate for it. Im not going to argue about this at all. there isnt much more to say about it.


Well-Known Member
Outdoor plants grow use to higher temps btw. If you where to sit one of your inside girls outdoors, I'm sure she wouldn't like it much.. give it a try, let me know what happens..

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
The only thing I can say about the squabble not picking on anyone. As both of you are on my friends list. Some strains can handle the heat. But doesn't mean they love it. Optimum temp is 75 degree range no one can argue that. Some strains prefer different pH levels. That's why we see the slang "dialed in" a lot. It will take a few runs to figure out what your babies like.

Here is something good to look up its called "DIF" high times wrote a good article on this.


Well-Known Member
dig that plant up , mabe the roots are rotted, looks like it needs water but with root rot, your fucked, before you throw it out look at the roots, so you know what happened,


Well-Known Member
I would suggest that you would stop trying to make other look like they don't know what there talking about, and do some reading on "soil" ph yourself buddy! Opinons are like dogs or cats! Everyone has 1!
And temps maybe 100 * where you are outside, but if you would read some grow journals, insted of trying to insult people, then you may find out that higher temps do stress plants out, and has been proven that it (high temps) causes plants to hermi, and wilt(stress). Hmmm I guess I've been growing for 15 yrs not to know shit huh! :??: don't think so! Oh, and I think I would know being my father was a botanist! Nugh said!
My dad is a botanist. Like I said Im not going to argue. No point. nothing personal, I just disagreed. Still do. Happy growing all, thats what matters... happy growing. was just helping. I stand by what I posted, its actually well known fact among botanists and horticulturalists alike. I did agree that I think his nute line up is funky... but whatever makes him happy ;) Chill eh?


Well-Known Member
Yup sure is.. he "was" but passed away & left me to carry on his work with over 200+ strains to wrok with! Also, I would think if I didn't know just alittle bit bout what I'm saying all 37 strains (indoor)+ the 52 plants (outdoors) wouldn't have made it what they are now.. I'm not going to sit here and go back & forth like this on this dudes thread. If you want to disscus it futher just pm me..If you want to argue.. lol.. if not then you have your opinon, I will have mine!


Well-Known Member
Personally without knowing the RH of the room it looks to me like the spotting could be powdery mildew, which also wipes off.

The second thing is did anyone else notice that he said " I add my nutes to ph6 water".

Anyone else know what generally happens to a solution when nutes are mixed in?

It gets lower.

My guess on this is powdery mildew, pH probably in the 4's somewhere, lockouts caused by low pH and over watering too.

Just my opinion of course.
