Here Come the Girls - a First Timer's Adventure

Lady Helena you are going through so much in this your first grow, that you could be a war correspondent after this (and it would be cake walk for you) you could do it in heels.

I always garden in my Choos don't you know! So much more stylish...

Good work for contacting Felix at the seed company and raising your concerns (they make big money off them thar seeds) the least we the consumer should expect is that what we get somehow represents what we pay for.

And sorry 1 out of 3 ain’t good enough, they look like straight up males.
:oops: Please see above...

Good work with the vinegar experiments, I’m watching.

It seems to be working! Yay! Will update shortly.

I’m gonna have another look at the graph tonight with a smoke and summon the spirits from the Kush mountain ranges to try and help me break it down.

Good Luck with that then! Bless Stoneslacker tho', he has very kindly provided a Dummies Guide To...see below. Thank goodness.

So glad you are staying around Herbs, your posts always make me chuckle. Laters. Lady Hels x
The chart is a bit confusing I agree. To put it more simply, plants are better able to uptake some nutrients at different ph levels. Nitrogen (N) and Iron (Fe) are more easily obtained at a more acidic ph level whereas Phosphorus (P) and Potash, aka Potassium (K) are better used in a more alkaline ph. In veg I like to ph down to the low end of the acceptable range, for soil it would be somewhere around 6.1-6.3 and then slowly bump up the ph by a tenth or 2 as I get further into flower. Adjusting ph throughout the grow helps your plant uptake the proper nutrients it needs when it needs them most. Hope this didn't confuse you more Lady H! ATB I'll be sticking around to watch. Peace

Thank you Stoneslacker (I keep reading that as StonERslacker...hehehe. Just like I keep reading Ninjabowler as NinjaBLOWER....hahahaha, just cracked myself up there). It's very kind of you to try and Spell. It. Out. I very much appreciate it. It's all very complicated for a beginner and somehow I feel it shouldn't be....hmmm. Question (possibly stupid)...what does ATB stand for? Whatever, I'm glad you are sticking around. I have news...
Oh yeah. Sounds like I'm starting a band.

But it's even better than that. I've just germinated and planted 4 more (non feminised) seeds. Get in.

Here they are just before I potted them.

The New Recruits.

I thought I might follow the tradition of naming Hurricanes and storms and names that begin with A, B, C,and D.
I'm going for Abigail (lots of Abigail's Party related jokes there I'm sure - 'Lawrence') and Barbara for A & B. Welcoming suggestions for C & D.

Now on to Pearl. She has definitely perked up since the vinegar flush - so I am claiming an early victory for vinegar. 'V' for Vinegar!

Having said that, she is still Droopy McDroopy.

Pearl @ day 65. Look at all those heads. And she was my least successful LST job. The boys did better.

Here are some of her buds.


I do have a question tho...should her pistils be going brown already? Or is she pregnant (please no)?

OK that's it for now.

To Infinity And Beyond!
Lady Hx
I have started PH'ing my feedings. Tap water PH around here is quite alkaline...7.5+. I am PH'ing down to 6.5. I am keeping an eye pearl to see how she manages. Good luck Lady H! Keep up the good fight!
Oh yeah. Sounds like I'm starting a band.

But it's even better than that. I've just germinated and planted 4 more (non feminised) seeds. Get in.

Here they are just before I potted them.

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The New Recruits.

I thought I might follow the tradition of naming Hurricanes and storms and names that begin with A, B, C,and D.
I'm going for Abigail (lots of Abigail's Party related jokes there I'm sure - 'Lawrence') and Barbara for A & B. Welcoming suggestions for C & D.

Now on to Pearl. She has definitely perked up since the vinegar flush - so I am claiming an early victory for vinegar. 'V' for Vinegar!

Having said that, she is still Droopy McDroopy.

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Pearl @ day 65. Look at all those heads. And she was my least successful LST job. The boys did better.

Here are some of her buds.

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I do have a question tho...should her pistils be going brown already? Or is she pregnant (please no)?

OK that's it for now.

To Infinity And Beyond!
Lady Hx
Nice pics Lady H, I can definitely see some swollen Calyx's going on there, especially in Pic 6 this usually only becomes noticible in the last 2 weeks of flower, so I would say you were almost there. As for naming your new babes ( 4 definite sprouters there, good job ) as for suggested names for the young uns, good idea to use the same naming system as hurricanes-- I like '' Carrie Anne '' for C, it sounds like a nice Hillbilly name for a girl, and you know those hillbilly's can grow some dynamite weed. And as for D well you already have a D in Droopy Drawers.
Thank you Stoneslacker (I keep reading that as StonERslacker...hehehe. Just like I keep reading Ninjabowler as NinjaBLOWER....hahahaha, just cracked myself up there). It's very kind of you to try and Spell. It. Out. I very much appreciate it. It's all very complicated for a beginner and somehow I feel it shouldn't be....hmmm. Question (possibly stupid)...what does ATB stand for? Whatever, I'm glad you are sticking around. I have news...
Hey Lady H, Pearl looks like she will recover fine. ATB simply means All the best, hard to keep all the internet acronyms straight I know! Once again ATB Lady H, fingers crossed for Pearl's speedy recovery.
Nice pics Lady H, I can definitely see some swollen Calyx's going on there, especially in Pic 6 this usually only becomes noticible in the last 2 weeks of flower, so I would say you were almost there. As for naming your new babes ( 4 definite sprouters there, good job ) as for suggested names for the young uns, good idea to use the same naming system as hurricanes-- I like '' Carrie Anne '' for C, it sounds like a nice Hillbilly name for a girl, and you know those hillbilly's can grow some dynamite weed. And as for D well you already have a D in Droopy Drawers.

Thank you Baggins. I hope they are going to fatten up a bit and fast!

Love your name suggestions, especially the hilly-billy/Walton-esque nature of Carrie-Anne. Am still pondering and as they haven't hatched yet won't decide just now. I am currently pacing the kitchen like an expectant Father - they are due any time, if they follow the same timings as Pearl, Shirley/Stephen and Grace/Gary. Hopefully I shall be announcing the births soon.
Hey Lady H, Pearl looks like she will recover fine. ATB simply means All the best, hard to keep all the internet acronyms straight I know! Once again ATB Lady H, fingers crossed for Pearl's speedy recovery.

ATB. Duh. Thanks Stonerslacker. I think for sure she is recovering. I gave her a sneaky little feed yesterday so we'll see what happens over the next day or so. x

Just a mini update with some info on Jamaican Pearl.

I was starting to worry that Pearl may have been impregnated by either Stephen or Gary because her pistils have started to go orange already and I had a heart-stopping moment the other day when I saw someone say this was sign that the plant had been pollenated!

Anyway, just found this little page with some info on Jamaican Pearl. Top Down-Side - Dry Mouth - hahahaha.

But see the picture and that bud has a ton of orange hairs, so maybe (please) let it just be a sign thats she's growing some nice (if rather small) buds, and not pregnancy.

It also says she has a flowering time of 9 to 11 weeks so I've still got plenty of time to grow big fat buds. Phew.
I did take some pics yesterday, @ 4 weeks of flowering.
Here she is, look how much she has perked up since the vinegar flush.
First a couple of in-the-kitchen shots:


Then I stuck her outside on the balcony in the sunshine for a few hours (she is an outdoor strain):


Definitely looks better doesn't she?! And now I know she has to flower for 9 to 11 weeks I'm not too concerned about the size of her buds.
There's also first signs of a little frosting going on, result!

More later.

Lady Hels x

PS 2 of the New Recruits are up.
Another couple of shots that show off her LST. She is tiny, I've totally bonsia'd the shit out of her, but as long as her buds develop OK...


I've got a reasonably even canopy now. C'mon buds, do your thing.
Lovely pics Lady H, You've been holding out on us , having us believe there's al sorts of problems, those plants look truly lovely. I do see a slight yellowing at the bottom like you were mentioning over at the Hobbit hole, but that's just natural Nitrogen deficiency through normal growing, if you want to keep em green like most advise you should ( although my own suffer from this every time ) then a little more N added to the normal feeding water will stop new yellowing, although its probably too late to save the existing yellowing leaves as once they start turning theres no going back. But of course you already know all this stuff, so apologies for rambling on. Glad to hear the vinegar experiment went well, that's under my collar should I ever have high PH. The LST looks fine in those pics, should result in more shoots sprouting up from the middle. Good luck Lady H looking good.

Loving this morning. Pearl looks amaze. PRP success.


Coupla shots not under the lights.


I touched one of her buds last night and the stink that came off her on to my fingers transported me to a place back in time.
I. Can. Not. Wait.

On a side note, all of the New Recruits are up so I think I should maybe start another thread for them. Here's a quick pic. The first 2 came up Saturday morning and the third one came up yesterday so this morning they were squishing against the top of the propagator thing which is why they look a bit bent. Fourth one was up this morning.

Do y'know what tho? I have to be more philosophical about it all...if she dies on me, then she dies on me and I just have to plant some more seeds and learn from the experience. It's only weed after all. And I've got a horrible feeling she might have got herself pregnant... if it's not one thing...

...Lady H x

True that, I had a couple of OG Kush’s die on me one week into flower a few weeks ago (got to slap dash with some Fish Blood & Bone meal, killed um a week later).

If that wasn't bad enough those Kush’s were going to be ready dried and cured for my birthday. I'm on a perpetual grow now and will have a harvest in September, but it wont be Kush now until October.

Gonna have to nurse this Kush I have now for 4 months, do you think I will make it?

Just had to suck it up and pop some more seeds in.

Increased vigilance and forward planning in the future ;-)
Pearl has really perked up, really good job on the list, I have only just got around to reading up on it.

Seeing Pearl looking so full of promise is tempting me to give LST my first attempt with my three week olds.

How many nodes tall were they when you started bending the main stem Lady H?

So glad you are staying around Herbs, your posts always make me chuckle. Laters. Lady Hels x

You know I'm behind you all the way Lady H.