Lady Helena
Active Member
Lady Helena you are going through so much in this your first grow, that you could be a war correspondent after this (and it would be cake walk for you) you could do it in heels.
I always garden in my Choos don't you know! So much more stylish...
Good work for contacting Felix at the seed company and raising your concerns (they make big money off them thar seeds) the least we the consumer should expect is that what we get somehow represents what we pay for.
And sorry 1 out of 3 ain’t good enough, they look like straight up males.Please see above...
Good work with the vinegar experiments, I’m watching.
It seems to be working! Yay! Will update shortly.
I’m gonna have another look at the graph tonight with a smoke and summon the spirits from the Kush mountain ranges to try and help me break it down.
Good Luck with that then! Bless Stoneslacker tho', he has very kindly provided a Dummies Guide To...see below. Thank goodness.
So glad you are staying around Herbs, your posts always make me chuckle. Laters. Lady Hels x