how long does blackstrap molasses last


Well-Known Member
He knows not of what he speaks. It will not explode and it will last for years and years. Go buy it at the grocery store for 3$ same shit.
Agree.....or go to the local feed store when you buy more. I got a full gallon of blackstrap molasses for $8.


Well-Known Member
this guy is on crack, the volatility of molasses is not nearly the same as saaaayyy maybe a can of gasoline (damn near the most volatile, readily available liquid) even under rapid temperature fluctuations, plastic gas cans don't explode. Granted the plastic used is different, but my point is, molasses doesn't evaporate quickly enough. The only plausible thing I could think of, is if the molasses could ferment on its own, creating CO2. That isn't likely either, as it needs "food" to ferment. If I may add one more thing, the molasses at the store usually won't be black strap, it'll be the more "filtered" cooking style molasses, unless you are at a health food store, and it specifically says "black strap".Just make sure it's black strap, so you can take advantage of the micronutrients as well as the potassium.