What if I was a Budtender at your dispensary?


Well-Known Member
if you were my caregiver you would probably torture the plant and water it with milk so i doubt id ever get any quality smoke

and thats not a troll answer its an honest one


Well-Known Member
I think I'd like to hear more replies to this thread? What if I was your bud tender or caregiver?
Chinslappy, you fucking douchebag. This thread was 3 months old and long dead, but you HAD to bring it back; and for what? To ask what we think about you opening a dispensary? Why not just ask what we think about you flying to the moon and back?

THIS, THIS is why I enjoy berating you, you filthy little ignorant monkey.


Well-Known Member
Your best bet in co would be in co springs or pueblo as for getting a job in a dispensary.
as far as best bet , fins best bet is to be licensed by the state to work in the field.
As far as the caregiver good fucking luck.
and opening a dispensary.......how many bitcoins does it make to equal half a million dollars because that's the cash it will take.
All these people aren't wrong and aren't here just to troll you , pretty much they're right and you're wrong.