Ron Paul 2008


Well-Known Member
Yo dudes. I totally support Ron Paul, he's the man. Let's talk reality though: Ron Paul ain' winning, dudes. He didn't win the last 9 times, he ain' winning this time. I don't care if he gets 35,000 votes or 350,000 votes or 3.5 million votes, the fact is is he ain' gonna win. He will never win. If Ron Paul actually had a shot I would vote for him in a heart beat.

But let's get realistic here. He has no shot. Let's be honest, the only real thing we want is decriminalization or legalization. Ron Paul will legalize. John McCain will further criminalize. Barack Obama will decriminalize. I don't know why you're wasting your vote on a candidate that will not win, you're wasting the opportunity to get marijuana decriminalized (which is practically legalization). After this point, after this time, it may not ever have the opportunity again. McCain is a freak, he wouldn't even look at a 90-pound anorexic muscle atrophy medical marijuana patient just because he used marijuana... to live.

But my point is why waste your vote just to support "OOohh I support Ron Paul" view when your vote could help bring peace to this country.


Well-Known Member
ron paul is a joke and anyone who supports him. you dont get it do you?! if they were to legallize maryjane.. the taxing would make it unreachable to middle class people.. like yourself and i. god its common sense people!


Well-Known Member
thats why i dont want it to be legalized, but decriminalized is a different story, that would be wonderfuly awesome, infact to awesome to ever happen.


Active Member
honnestly you americans are doomed you electet gorge bush as presedent then re elected him for another four years = 8 years of shit and marijuana would be legal here in canada if it was not for gorge bushs war on drugs and what the fuck is wrong with the usa war on drugs war on terror war on everyfuckinthing while the usa starves and gets the ol shaft


Well-Known Member
You should base your vote on more than just the legality of marijuana
You should base your vote on just the legality of marijuana

not just your vote, it must be a fundamentalist obsession!


Well-Known Member
i voted for ron paul in the primary. never in a million years did i ever think 'hey i think i'll vote for a republican from texas...' but i did because he has all the right answers and makes the most logical sense. ron paul knows history of this nation, and about how andrew jackson stopped the central banking cartels from taking over, but they did and thats why mr paul wants to boot the federal (sic) reserve. not only did i vote for him because he tells the honest truth about the war on drugs, but because he knows 100% of the Constitution (which 99% of politicians would rather see gone nowdays) but his monetary policy is totally legit and right on. He knows tons about the economy and its workings, but yea a person like him will never become president, he will make the profiteers who have this country by its proverbial balls much less rich and much less powerful...
I voted for ron paul because he's an honest politician from what i gather.
Vote Obama Fo Yo Momma '08! aww dude! i got it, rp should be obamas vp LOL!!


Well-Known Member
What im sayin is why waste your vote on a candidate that does rock the stage but will never rock the audience. i mean great and fad and awesome that you beleive in the same stuff that ron paul does but man obama beleives in some of the same shit and instead of supporting someone who will and CAN help us, you're just going to waste your vote on supporting someone who says and will continue to say he can help. That's great and dandy and all, but isn't it better to chase a dream that could be reality instead of continuing to support a fantasy?

Whatever dudes. Vote ron paul, waste your vote, help Ameriarab-McCain win, help yourself land yourselves in prison when marijuana becomes the highlight of what to destroy and eradicate (and those who use and cultivate it). McCain is bush version 2, you want the war on drugs to end than help it end in the november election by voting Obama, not ron paul. I love ron Paul more than Obama, but Obama can move a nation wherest ron paul can only move a small handful of people.


Well-Known Member
I just dont like him for pot I like him for other reasons and IM not middle class. im fucking rich hahahhahahahaahhaha.


Well-Known Member
we're not talking bloodties.....

if your 12th distant cousin was a serial rapist & murder....

does that put you in the same category....

cmon man, lets be realistic! we cant help who our family is


Well-Known Member
I've never seen democracy as a horse race.. The point of voting is to use your voice, your mind, and make your own decision based on your personal values, beliefs, and, experiences of whom you think would make the best president of this country. I don't allow other people to make choices for me, I don't let people tell me what is or isn't possible, and I certainly don't let anyone INTIMIDATE me into betraying my own beliefs. Who said Ron Paul couldn't win? The media? The same people who spend their whole existence trying to get other people's money? LOL.. Maybe if people voted with their conscious and not just for whomever it's socially 'ok' to vote for- maybe then if people made their own decisions we could actually change this country.. But I don't foresee that.. I foresee a country of sheeple being herded into a group labeled 'change' when it honestly is nothing new, and nothing radical... all the while shunning the true hope for change..

I will write in Ron Paul this November- because my consious won't let me vote any other way.


Well-Known Member
we're not talking bloodties.....

if your 12th distant cousin was a serial rapist & murder....

does that put you in the same category....

cmon man, lets be realistic! we cant help who our family is
No, but if my 12th distant cousin was an oil man... promise I'd have some dibs on it too! Haha... just saying, it's family. As for me I don't care what anyone tells me, I'm writing in Paul on my ballot.