Ah, Z was out of his car, looking for a street sign? I thought he was a Watch. Don't know the streets?
So, this is subtle details, and it goes by quick, but a very expert interviewer.
Z says he was walking thru the back "dog run" in the pitch dark to see if there was street sign on the other end. (there is really only one street) He knows the main street is where he went. Right there next to the club house. Not a complex complex. Only a ring street and cross street.
He recounts the 911 calls, not accurately at all. He omits what we heard.
"are you following him?"
"we don't want you to do that"
Zims version that night is he said NO. And then a very clear, to me, Lie filled stammering tap dance, about he was just looking for a street, like he was in back Washington DC, or something.