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had to break my bible out for this one.
I've read the bible at least twice, I recomend reading it its a great book, though it can be incredibly boring for 500 pages straight at times
I'll sae you the time of quoting it ( or save me the time rather
) and post links to these sections, if I cant find some
we will be looking at luke 10 ; 25 Luke 18; 18 and Luke 14 ; 25
I'll give you the simplified version in my own words or you can read the link but the links are kind of long
Luke 10;25 The Good Samaritan - Luke, Famous Bible Parables, Famous Bible Stories Passages
Luke 18; 18 - Passage*Lookup: Luke 18:18-30
Luke 14; 25 14;25-33;&version=31; (all the way down under the cost of being a disciple)
so what Jesus is saying is that in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven you must follow the 10 commandments, IE honor your parents, love everyone, and all that good stuff about coveting and vein, and killing and whatnot. but than he switches it up on you in luke 18; 22 jesus says that " ... SELL ALL THAT YOU HAVE AND DISTRIBUTE IT TO THE POOR!!!!!!" sell everything
I dont like that and I'm certainly not selling my pot so I guess I'm going to hell
than he goes on to say, or should I say previously (screwy book!) in LUKE 14;25 jesus says you need to hate everyone!!! including yourself! and your children and your life as awhole, cannot be a desciple of jesus and theirfore can never make it into the kingdom of heaven!!! NEVER!
this is just the tip of the crazy iceberg, jesus says you need to do a number of ridiculosue and imposible feats inorder to get into heaven. such as acting like a child, and he mentions giving away all your belonging several times, and he also says that we need to follow mitzva which are like 4 or 500 crazy ass laws about the proper way to sacrafise animals, and the proper way to trade livestock and what to do if your neighbors cow walks on your grass and eats some of it. and yes there is an actual law in the bible about your cows eating your neighbors grass, and stranger et you need to live by this law to enter into the kingdom of heaven!
I've read the bible at least twice, I recomend reading it its a great book, though it can be incredibly boring for 500 pages straight at times
I'll sae you the time of quoting it ( or save me the time rather
we will be looking at luke 10 ; 25 Luke 18; 18 and Luke 14 ; 25
I'll give you the simplified version in my own words or you can read the link but the links are kind of long
Luke 10;25 The Good Samaritan - Luke, Famous Bible Parables, Famous Bible Stories Passages
Luke 18; 18 - Passage*Lookup: Luke 18:18-30
Luke 14; 25 14;25-33;&version=31; (all the way down under the cost of being a disciple)
so what Jesus is saying is that in order to enter into the kingdom of heaven you must follow the 10 commandments, IE honor your parents, love everyone, and all that good stuff about coveting and vein, and killing and whatnot. but than he switches it up on you in luke 18; 22 jesus says that " ... SELL ALL THAT YOU HAVE AND DISTRIBUTE IT TO THE POOR!!!!!!" sell everything

than he goes on to say, or should I say previously (screwy book!) in LUKE 14;25 jesus says you need to hate everyone!!! including yourself! and your children and your life as awhole, cannot be a desciple of jesus and theirfore can never make it into the kingdom of heaven!!! NEVER!
this is just the tip of the crazy iceberg, jesus says you need to do a number of ridiculosue and imposible feats inorder to get into heaven. such as acting like a child, and he mentions giving away all your belonging several times, and he also says that we need to follow mitzva which are like 4 or 500 crazy ass laws about the proper way to sacrafise animals, and the proper way to trade livestock and what to do if your neighbors cow walks on your grass and eats some of it. and yes there is an actual law in the bible about your cows eating your neighbors grass, and stranger et you need to live by this law to enter into the kingdom of heaven!
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