The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
i was more saying it for you and to show you how dangerous that drug can be said:
yeh i know, you know im a noob so u saying u take 20 pills, to me that sounds like u got a massive problem, uknow cuz i dont understand the doses all this mg shyte

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
Scraped myself off the sofa at 3:00 after falling asleep watching New Jack City, forgot to take the bin out last night so jumped out of bed at 6:30 to catch the arse end of the bin van, thought fuck it I'm up now, watered the plants before lights out, had a coffee and a bacon bagel, few pipes, checked my emails, few more pipes......

I'm fucking lost for something to do now, crack on sorting a veg area in the loft or go get some beer, hmmmm?......


Well-Known Member
yeh i know, you know im a noob so u saying u take 20 pills, to me that sounds like u got a massive problem, uknow cuz i dont understand the doses all this mg shyte
the twenty tabs, where pregbulin ive been taking them for years n years, they are a strange old buzz used for nerve pain, but you or i anyway can build up a huge tolerance to them very easily, thats the only reason i took so many cause one or two dont do nowt to me unfortunately.


Well-Known Member
Morning people, missus n lil un have just left to go Bristol for 3 days so ive got 3 days being bored n skint........god help you all lmao


Well-Known Member
the twenty tabs, where pregbulin ive been taking them for years n years, they are a strange old buzz used for nerve pain, but you or i anyway can build up a huge tolerance to them very easily, thats the only reason i took so many cause one or two dont do nowt to me unfortunately.
u remind me of a mate whos used to crunch 20 blues at least just to get a buzz


Well-Known Member after a mh bulb for veg on next grow....what i plann to do is take one of my hps bulbs out and switch it for few weeks would that be ok? if ballast is 400w and i get like a 150 200w mh? or would it blow bulb?....or veg under the hps......was only going to be like 1 or 2 week veg then flip.......


Well-Known Member after a mh bulb for veg on next grow....what i plann to do is take one of my hps bulbs out and switch it for few weeks would that be ok? if ballast is 400w and i get like a 150 200w mh? or would it blow bulb?....or veg under the hps......was only going to be like 1 or 2 week veg then flip.......
the pics where vegged for one wk under twelve hundred hps

i say jus the hps but different strokes for different folks some may say the mh

the lowering is because i use ripen for the last ten-forteen days.



Well-Known Member after a mh bulb for veg on next grow....what i plann to do is take one of my hps bulbs out and switch it for few weeks would that be ok? if ballast is 400w and i get like a 150 200w mh? or would it blow bulb?....or veg under the hps......was only going to be like 1 or 2 week veg then flip.......
Just use the HPS mate there is no point in th MH for a week


Well-Known Member
yer its what i was point fuckin bout with other shit for 2 weeks eh......ok cheers lads......


Well-Known Member
what strain that bro? how many plants ....overall oz dryed?...
the pics where vegged for one wk under twelve hundred hps

i say jus the hps but different strokes for different folks some may say the mh

the lowering is because i use ripen for the last ten-forteen days.


Well-Known Member after a mh bulb for veg on next grow....what i plann to do is take one of my hps bulbs out and switch it for few weeks would that be ok? if ballast is 400w and i get like a 150 200w mh? or would it blow bulb?....or veg under the hps......was only going to be like 1 or 2 week veg then flip.......
from what iv read hps will veg em fin, hell im plannin on keepin my sont bulb in even for veg fs


Well-Known Member
Thanks Moggs, @ kode, your samples r on tha way, the one marked bubble hash is jus that, the one marked vs is sumfin I want you to try and let me know how it compares in strength to the soapbar, this stuff is not high grade but can get u fuked and is totally clean, if u like it theres plenty to b knocked out...less of tha cunt from u from now on too, Sae tha fairy has flown, thanks for you help u will need to sign tmrw, sambo sent ya a little ever had a kief bud...cured bud rolled in bubble lemme no if ya like it. hows Baz getting on?


Well-Known Member
yer all u pros kno im still new to this shit...would rather ask tho than fuk up later lol....this grow atm i did veg with hps.....and aint ternd out 2 bad.....veged for 6 weeks....wernt till later i read ppl saying about diff bulbs for veg ect.....i knew for like 1 or 2 plants ppl was using clfs......but wernt shure on bigger grows thats why im asking now...but yer fbuk it ill stik to what ive been doin....just veg with the girls aint turnd out 2 bad so far,.....


Well-Known Member
Thanks Moggs, @ kode, your samples r on tha way, the one marked bubble hash is jus that, the one marked vs is sumfin I want you to try and let me know how it compares in strength to the soapbar, this stuff is not high grade but can get u fuked and is totally clean, if u like it theres plenty to b knocked out...less of tha cunt from u from now on too, Sae tha fairy has flown, thanks for you help u will need to sign tmrw, sambo sent ya a little ever had a kief bud...cured bud rolled in bubble lemme no if ya like it. hows Baz getting on?
hhmm i do prefer a high quality, rather than wastin my shit on soapbar, or ripoff bags, u might just replace the thousands of street dealers i have to visit..... less of a cunt, lets be honest we were both cunts, be sure to let u try some of me harvest when its done, if i can get it finished that is, fuckin skint as.

and as i was brought up to allways say

thank you.


Well-Known Member
yer all u pros kno im still new to this shit...would rather ask tho than fuk up later lol....this grow atm i did veg with hps.....and aint ternd out 2 bad.....veged for 6 weeks....wernt till later i read ppl saying about diff bulbs for veg ect.....i knew for like 1 or 2 plants ppl was using clfs......but wernt shure on bigger grows thats why im asking now...but yer fbuk it ill stik to what ive been doin....just veg with the girls aint turnd out 2 bad so far,.....
im not even close to bein a pro, i just read read and read, dont splatter shit around unless iv had experience with it, or il tell you that i read it somwhere for u to do ur own research, unlike some ppl on this forum who try an pass off internet bullshit off as their own,

an some of the simple questions i answer like hps for veg, clearly wont do no harm, like if u were growin somethin else u wouldnt switch bulbs around, ud just use 1. its all this shit on the internet thats got people makin growin more complicated than it actually is, i was bricking it when i first started reading all this ph, ec, light spectrum bullshit

hell this round will only be me 3rd harvest....


Well-Known Member
ah man......yer but u guys been doing a lot longer ect...and would rather take your lots info..than bull shit over the net what not...