The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Sorry I'm not a Yank, Glycerine. It's a suger alcohol used as a solvent/sweetener in foods and drinks and pharmaceuticals, you can disolve THC in it and then use it in sweets instead of using alcohol.
whats that got to do with the chemistry of doesn't need a catalyst to reduce this is redox chemistry which is electron transfer


Well-Known Member
i like a good uk thread argument more than most, but this is like nerditup lol not riu lol

at least chuck a cunt or fuck you in there now n then lmao


Well-Known Member
. . . War , what is it good for ? ,... Absolutely nuffin ! Say it again , lol, sorry , can't join in the convo , it's like university challenge in here tonight !

The Yorkshireman

Well-Known Member
whats that got to do with the chemistry of doesn't need a catalyst to reduce this is redox chemistry which is electron transfer
See the third point.....

"What you've got to ask yourself is......

What concentration is the HP that I'm getting? (How much needed for how much oxygen)
What is the concentration of HP in my feed water after I've mixed up? (now it's watered down to fuck again however much is used)
At what rate does that concentration of HP decompose naturally without a catalyst?
What kind of soil/mediem levels of oxygen does this rate give and how long before dispersion? (Only ever until you water unless hydro but then it's pointless cos of the airstone)
What are the maximum levels of oxygen my roots can utilise at any one time?
What's the theoretical bang per buck I'll get from using it based on levels of oxygen vs level of utilisation?"

It's not about whether it does or does not decompose to oxygen naturally over time it's about how much from the amounts used and for how long and how beneficial it is.

I can't be fucked doing the maths to work out exactly how much oxygen you get out of X product over a period but at a quick stab I'd say not enough to warrant the energy expended pouring it into the bucket let alone £8, lol.


Well-Known Member
I've got a question for u academics , why do I always get pupp on the back of my thumb when I wipe my arse ?


Well-Known Member
oh yeah Sae gutted for ya, me an tha mrs wer vaping wat I sent you last nite an we had rite ggod time, theres a little bit o green in it too...packaging is sealed aluminium so don't stress but the heat....the bubble...its gonna be sticky man


Active Member

Finally taken that choc heaven down, few nice fat colas probably could've gone another week or so. But had the girls parents in town, so I shut down the lamp and left her in the dark for about 5 days (the plant, not my girl).

When I finally opened up the tent she looked perfectly fine, a bit thirsty but still green and full of life. Contemplated just turning everything back on and giving her a water, but thought fuck it she's close enough. Sliced her up and hung her last night, she's a stinky little bitch.

Will try get some pics up at some point, just para about trimming, may need to get a fresh ona tub

shit that rep made me lololol zvice.


Well-Known Member
Howdy doodie :) jus be convinced by a guy at a grow shop in Preston to give these pots ago he's got. kinda like air pots but not lol they guy swears by them but then again he would ha. Only cost £1.40 each so I though fuck it y not. Ill get a pic up soon as I put the little un to bed.


Well-Known Member
house all packed up ready for the move 2morro, everything except my grow closet and equipment that will be dismantled as im leaving 2morro and setup as soon as im in the new gaff, sat down now smoking a nice fat cheese blunt and im feeling fucked, been a tiring day packing and shit with 3 brats running about pulling it all out at my back lol, gonna make sure ive defo done everything then its time to get the bong out and chill for the rest of the night, up early 2morro to start moving at 9am :(


Well-Known Member
Howdy doodie :) jus be convinced by a guy at a grow shop in Preston to give these pots ago he's got. kinda like air pots but not lol they guy swears by them but then again he would ha. Only cost £1.40 each so I though fuck it y not. Ill get a pic up soon as I put the little un to bed.
my local shop has these, the guy who works there said i should give them ago last time when i went in for 1L airpots, but i jus ignored him, i know best as allways lmao but yeah here we go

root_pruning_pot.jpg half the price of airpots


Well-Known Member
i was going out with bird who worked at ibis hotel u kno it? mind u this was bout 5 yrs ago lol....
Howdy doodie :) jus be convinced by a guy at a grow shop in Preston to give these pots ago he's got. kinda like air pots but not lol they guy swears by them but then again he would ha. Only cost £1.40 each so I though fuck it y not. Ill get a pic up soon as I put the little un to bed.