zimmerman news

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I'm saying he shouldn't shun a large part of his life.

Is he ashamed or something?

Only racists are obsessed with race. I and my rainbow of friends never even think about that. Just busy making money.

There is no race, genetically, there are only tribes, cultures and environmental adaption in a very small family, not a species left for the pitiful huuuuuumaaaaans.

We are so much, all the same, we can make ridiculous cultures and religions without end and call them all superior.

And the Youts can dig up old cultures and call them superior, and then there are the ancient aliens, of course. :) Superiorly, superior.

And if there was, such a thing, what in the doom of ganja gods does the "white race" have to be proud of?

Pain and suffering? Thermonuclear war?
Both Moms will cancel each other out. THE biggest mistake the State ME made was the changing of opinion regarding how much longer TM lived..1-3 minutes then changed opinion because of a case that came through his office within the last 60 days..he upped that opinion to 1-10 minutes..which, when the Martins sue GZ for Wrongful Death will come into play because of the extended time of "pain and suffering" aspect. He also neglected to inform anyone of this significant change of opinion..for someone who is used to testifying, this could be viewed as siding with the Martins. The ME was quite full of himself because he testifies often however, argumentative and disrespectful is never the way to go in court no matter who you are. The biggest mistake the networks made was not having subtitles when State ME was on the stand.. Magic FLORIDA 8-Ball Says: MANSLAUGHTER
When they show Martin's father's statement immediately ofter first hearing the tape where he said that wasn't his son, that will tip towards the defense. The only witness who actually saw any of the fight saw Martin on top of Zimmerman beating him. All the physical evidence agrees with Zimmerman's account. I don't see anything but acquittal here.
Im so sick of hearing about this garbage, shit!
If trayvon was the one to kill zimmerman we'd never even know who these people were.
The media is just looking to divide and conquer by racist propaganda.
I for one am sick of the media trying to make racism prevalent among everyone like its fucking normal.
that's simply not true, but it does illustrate how red is blind to facts that he disagrees with.

One thing I know is that with over 40,000 posts on this site (30,000 within the last year), you have nothing to do except read news and post. Still selling treadmills, or just collecting welfare there Buck?
Ah, here we go. I see the fun now Uncle Buck. woooo weee I shor do!!!

You see, there is a pattern. And sure enough if we sit here having a smoke or whatever.... Just waiting for the pH to settle......Reading the drivel...oops.

Some low count smoo, slinks in with a comment about wasting time. Jealous envy for those of us with broadband, cash, ganja and a a forgiving woman.

One particular woman, I might add, this old stoner is just staying out of her way at the moment....what is your problem, anyway?

No time?...low posts? Not stoned? Petit. Avez-vous un mal de tête?
Ah, here we go. I see the fun now Uncle Buck. woooo weee I shor do!!!

You see, there is a pattern. And sure enough if we sit here having a smoke or whatever.... Just waiting for the pH to settle......Reading the drivel...oops.

Some low count smoo, slinks in with a comment about wasting time. Jealous envy for those of us with broadband, cash, ganja and a a forgiving woman.

One particular woman, I might add, this old stoner is just staying out of her way at the moment....what is your problem, anyway?

No time?...low posts? Not stoned? Petit. Avez-vous un mal de tête?

Buck is an unemployed instagator of controversy...but he is also a smart, eloquent person who can pull the wool over your eyes if you let him...I won't...but you did...
One thing I know is that with over 40,000 posts on this site (30,000 within the last year), you have nothing to do except read news and post. Still selling treadmills, or just collecting welfare there Buck?


i might adopt that as my new signature.

don't you dare get rid of my sig, small fry.
If there were better, in your view, witnesses, the prosecutor would have called them. Fail...

you didn't say "better witnesses", you said "witness who actually saw any of the fight".

many a witness who "actually saw some of the fight" tell different stories.

quit trying to change the goalposts and own up to your continued and unremitting failure, red.
is he shunning his white side? what evidence do you even have for this? did he not fly back to hawaii to mourn his white grandmother's death?are you retarded?

Whoa! Had to check to make sure I was in the right thread..yup!..ZIMMERMAN NEWS..ROFL..and what the fuck is wrong with page 78?????
Im so sick of hearing about this garbage, shit!
If trayvon was the one to kill zimmerman we'd never even know who these people were.
The media is just looking to divide and conquer by racist propaganda.
I for one am sick of the media trying to make racism prevalent among everyone like its fucking normal.

Weeeeeeeeeeeeell..we can we can always go back to Florida landmark cases..hmmmmm..what to choose, what to choose..I know!..our resident baby killer Casey Anthony..much more media friendly for yaaah?

btw..LOVE the avatar..cohen brothers are one of my favorite film makers.
Didn't watch that trial gavel to gavel did you? The rest of us came to the conclusion that the baby opened the kitchen door and got in the pool and drowned.

Now, in many States that is simply an accident. Not Florida. It is felony murder. So, enter a very fucked up family of law enforcement jack ass to that. Cindy Anthony is suddenly a bible thumper, because her own husband launched a criminal conspiracy to try to protect her. Casey was, still and will ever reamain, a broken twit of a girl who was raised so wrong.

But, she is not a murderer. So said the jury.
Buck is an unemployed instagator of controversy...but he is also a smart, eloquent person who can pull the wool over your eyes if you let him...I won't...but you did...

See, since July you have no way to know that. So, that means only one thing.

You are a fake. You have knowledge of guilt as well. You just patterned it. You have prior knowledge from prior perpetrations under a discredited login.

For all I know, you are Uncle Buck, on his wife's login. I would not put that past him.....ain't he somethin'?!
Didn't watch that trial gavel to gavel did you? The rest of us came to the conclusion that the baby opened the kitchen door and got in the pool and drowned.

Now, in many States that is simply an accident. Not Florida. It is felony murder. So, enter a very fucked up family of law enforcement jack ass to that. Cindy Anthony is suddenly a bible thumper, because her own husband launched a criminal conspiracy to try to protect her. Casey was, still and will ever reamain, a broken twit of a girl who was raised so wrong.

But, she is not a murderer. So said the jury.

Actually, I did watch..felony murder for an accident?..so many kids drown in pools here..even in my town about 1 kid a year and NO ONE is charged with felony murder..I'm gonna get back to you on that one.

By the By..I did take you off ignore list..I find your on topic posts intriguing..:-P
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