It was pretty fun. Worth the 14 dollar online price. Lots of glass, and vapes. A ton of vape pen vendors. Absolutely no dispensaries and only one seed company (so Cal SeedCo) that I saw. The smoking area was where it was at, though. There was a great vibe going on with very friendly people. Sooooooo much to smoke. Hash, kief, wax, flowers everywhere. I ended up hanging with two older guys at one of the tables who was rolling joint after joint after joint with flowers, kief, and wax all rolled in one. I am glad I brought a lot with me! We were passing around and handing out GSC buds and GSC kief to whoever sat down with us. Some guys from dabs inc were giving out free dabs and had a line going for that.
There was a nice mix of people including some older folks, middle age middle of the road people, and of course lots of young people. I got to meet Phishtank and his lady. Very cool dude, though they couldn't get into the med area due to his wifes lack of rec. Next time for sure!
After smoking everything and then some I headed over to Disneyland to have lunch and hang with the wife.