funny enough i was offered a job but this was yrs ago , mine was to collect in dover and drop in the midlands to a fella i know , he was a handler and would pass on the kegs and pass back the money , a middle man if you will , part of this was to pop into a casino and exchange currency for chips , he would bet but only a proportion of the money , the chips were cashed in and viola legal tender passed over to someone else , were talking numbers here , 150 keg a week on average , anyways my man got stung and in the end served 2.5 yrs , they based in on probability of doubt and threatened with 12 fuckin years ! he kept his gob shut and a smile on his face denying everything , he got payed out 25 grand for his trouble , the point ? casino sounds good but can fuck you , its easy to be exposed turning up once a week