zimmerman news

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Never the less, all my positions are accepted as legal fact by both the prosecution and defense, which proves, once again, that you are a lying piece of shit.

no, they're not.

there is no blood on the sidewalk, no one heard it, no one saw it, we have only the word of a known liar.

your unproven speculation is certainly not accepted by both sides as legal fact, moron.
I feel bad for the kid, if only he could have knocked him out he would still be here and George would have had his pride heart, that's all. But the kid made a mistake and it cost him...sad deal.
I don't blame the kid because George would of gotten slammed if I was in his shoes, it's just that I assume in a confrontation everyone has a gun.
George was a busibody and shouldn't have acted that way. But what do you expect, his dad was a judge. They are above the law.
IMO if George goes down it's cause the ladies believe he created the problem by stalking. I feel it ends up self defense...never resort to violence unless absolutely necessary.

Sad sad deal.
The only chance Zimmerman had was to plead self defense or SYG. Can ANYONE name one case in which the defendant did not take the stand when claiming self defense ?? Did the prosecution prove that this was not self defense. Yes they did IMO. You can't claim self defense when you are the one out following,looking and chasing someone who eventually kicks your ass. Zimmerman became his worst enemy with his reenactment and interviews. It showed lies and inconsistencies. If it was self defense why the lies ??? So if it was not self defense what was it ? Manslaughter
Sure you can. None of the things you accuse Zimmerman of were illegal or violent. Pretending the prosecution's presentation is what convinced you is a lie. You Stated Zimmerman was guilty before the trial even began.
A bit late here. I CCW all the time with my little J-Frame S&W Bodygaurd titanium airweight. I often DO forget its there, once you break in a custom waistband holster, its barely noticeable. I believe that Kahr he was carrying was a mousegun at .380 cal (9mm short) so its a bit thinner than my rig and even less noticeable. So he saying he forgot he had it is totally believable. Its like having a pocket knife and living in the city, you use the knife so rarely that when time comes and you need it, you forget you have it.
Mention your name and you magically appear...hmmmmm

But to your statement...if you are following someone you just called the police on you don't forget you have a gun or do you ????
Sure they think about it. But I guess it is family to family as far as naked girls on the phone and stealing jewelry. When I was 17 I was playing sports and I had to have a job. No work, then no sports. My parents were strict I guess.

you have no evidence that he was stealing jewelry.

for all we know, it was traded to him for weed, or he bought it with the profit from his weed sales.

a wise investment decision for those gold buds out there.
Sure you can. None of the things you accuse Zimmerman of were illegal or violent. Pretending the prosecution's presentation is what convinced you is a lie. You Stated Zimmerman was guilty before the trial even began.

I always have said Zimmerman was guilty of manslaughter AFTER I saw his reenactment last year and heard the NEN tape.
" Never heard of a case in which the defendeant pleas self defense but yet will not take the stand " Really? Because its pretty common. Regardless, the prosecution stupidly brought in all Zimmerman's public statements, so Zimmerman in effect did get to testify, but without the prosecution being able to cross.

that was so stupid of them to bring in zimm's lies, which numbered over a dozen.

red, you are a dumbass.
translation: desert dud is not secure enough in his sexuality to do so, he fears the gay may rub off on him and before long he will be one step closer to the classic closeted republican.
Not all of use have a ready supply of gay porn at hand like you do.
you have no evidence that he was stealing jewelry.

for all we know, it was traded to him for weed, or he bought it with the profit from his weed sales.

a wise investment decision for those gold buds out there.
A pile of jewelry on a unemployed 17 year olds bed is NOT evidence? You are NOT normal uncle bucky
" Never heard of a case in which the defendeant pleas self defense but yet will not take the stand " Really? Because its pretty common. Regardless, the prosecution stupidly brought in all Zimmerman's public statements, so Zimmerman in effect did get to testify, but without the prosecution being able to cross.

Can you please name me the "pretty common" case so I can compare. Thank You
Not all of use have a ready supply of gay porn at hand like you do.

i assume you're on a computer with the same access to google that i have, therefore you do.

but i forgot that in your world, you expect gays to just pretend to be straight. not everyone can do what you do, red.
A pile of jewelry on a unemployed 17 year olds bed is NOT evidence? You are NOT normal uncle bucky

that's evidence that he had some jewelry, and does not show anything else.

selling weed is a lucrative thing to do for a 17 year old, for all we know he bought the jewelry with his profits or it was traded to him for weed.
So far the left has made this about race from day one, including Barry Obama. Since it is impossible for George Zimmerman to get a truly fair trial , see above, i really hope George walks. Besides i may get some work out of the following riots.
You own a glass shop?
Why did he have pictures on his phone of piles of jewelry? Why did he fit the description of known thieves?
Bringing up the fact that Martin WAS a fledgling hood is just pure racism. Next you'll be telling us about the picture off him holding a gun or the stolen jewelry found in his locker. You racist, you.
Bringing up the fact that Martin WAS a fledgling hood is just pure racism. Next you'll be telling us about the picture off him holding a gun or the stolen jewelry found in his locker. You racist, you.

no evidence that the jewelry was stolen, red.

to assume that it is stolen simply because martin is black is the essence of racism, however.

smoking weed and holding a gun does not a hood make. i sold weed at his age and had gone out to the desert with my dad and his friends to shoot guns.

thanks for the continued racism, however.
I hope you never find out just how much, semantics are meaningless, when the unarmed boy is dead. No one can be ordered or commanded in the USA unless the Officer is present with his gun. When in touch with the proper officals by phone, they realize they cannot command anything. But, in the new world speak, need, in this case, is a very utterly PC......stiff request. How about that? Need means stand down or perhaps be tried for murder. How about that?
Whether someone is dead or not doesn't change the meaning of words. Redefining "need" is not a privilege you posses.
Whether someone is dead or not doesn't change the meaning of words. Redefining "need" is not a privilege you posses.

"are you following him?"


"we don't need you to do that"

sounds pretty clear to me, and like doer got it right.

does that make your baby casket creak?
Mention your name and you magically appear...hmmmmm

But to your statement...if you are following someone you just called the police on you don't forget you have a gun or do you ????

I dunno, never been in that situation. Perhaps he has short term memory problems? Whose to say? I generally on principle do not call police unless I know for sure they can catch the guy, cuz if they see nothing they always gotta come check out the person who called it in, and I don't need the law sniffin around my shit for any fucking reason.

Did your car get vandalized? Call the cops and the first thing they will want to see is your Driver License, registration and insurance for the car, then they go sit in their car and run checks on YOU, the victim. Afterwards they take your statement and nothing ever comes of it.
Says who? The sunburnt butt crack with a shovel? :) Anyone can retire to the passion of their hobby. That isn't lazy. Is it?
Shame on you for calling BuckHead "The sunburnt butt crack with a shovel". He's not sunburned at all
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