zimmerman news

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what part of any of my shit was racist dude. ur shit making so little sense im bout to stop humoring you by responding lol

I have no idea whether you are racist and I do not care. You obviously have no idea of the facts in this case though. Go and study for a few weeks and offer something substantial or just keep your mouth shut.
Precisely so.
This is called being a respectful adult, law abiding citizen.
If you are not threatening anyone or anything, you're fully within the law to do so.

trayvon was the one "going about his business peacefully".... zimmerman interrupted his shit and
fucked with him... just got his ass beat in the process so then he pulled his weapon...
if trayvon came up to him starting shit its a diff story completely. zimmerman put himself in harms way. not
vise versa.
Have you stopped diddling kids yet?

I will respond to your racist smears when you answer that question with a simple "yes" or "no".

lol, now it's me who has the racist smears for pointing out your racist lies about restitution being the same as "cashing in".

you really are a piece of shit and should go back to post 13 to see who brought race into this thread.

Law abiding citizens do not go around getting into fist fights, what is this?
high school?

martin ran away, it was zimmerman who went out looking for a fight and followed.

Zimmerman has been found innocent on all charges.

they didn't find him innocent, they found him not guilty. big difference that illustrates you ignorance.
lol man no drama you sure got some confidence the bullshit you spew:spew::spew:. im an open minded
non racist mother fucker. and ur a retarded likely fat lonely piece of shit who is entertained by meaningless
i must go pick up the better half now. so no more entertaining that pea brain of urs.

hope you and ur next dog get hit by a bus. (no offence to ur future dog as i love dogs but unfortunately for it,
it will have an Imbecile as an owner.)

live on peeps. keep it green

You got Asperger's too, boy?
Whar the fuck is wrong with the usa and their bogus fucking juorors lately...they let casey anthony walk zimmerman abd put people who didnt even commit crimes on death row. Seriously

imo a lot of that has to do with nancy grace and her ilk. people like her live to make a buck by getting people all whipped up into a frenzy before a jury is ever selected. hours upon hours and days upon days crowing about the case, making stupid faces and speculating about all sorts of bullshit. try finding an unbiased juror after the case has been the top story for a month and everyone has their mind made up. add an incompetent prosecution who is basically pandering to all the public attention and you have yourself a bowl of diarrhea.

if we're going to let the media run amok when these stories happen the least we can do is keep names private until formal charges are filed, THEN open the floodgate of shit. getting lynched or worshiped in the court of public opinion is good for tv but a disaster for the legal process. the only reason people become "public figures" is because their names get released. why don't we all stfu until charges are filed? people's lives get unjustly ruined every day just by having their name dropped, whether or not charges are ever filed. when the villagers are coming with their torches and pitchforks, decisions get rushed and groups get pandered to. let's get a fucking grip already.
trayvon was the one "going about his business peacefully".... zimmerman interrupted his shit and
fucked with him... just got his ass beat in the process so then he pulled his weapon...
if trayvon came up to him starting shit its a diff story completely. zimmerman put himself in harms way. not
vise versa.
You obviously are lacking severely in the facts of the case department.
Plus anything zimm did was not against the law, he said something to the degree of "Hey you, what are you doing?"
Wow that definitely deserves assault on zimmerman, oh man was he just asking for it!:dunce:
trayvon was the one "going about his business peacefully".... zimmerman interrupted his shit and
fucked with him... just got his ass beat in the process so then he pulled his weapon...
if trayvon came up to him starting shit its a diff story completely. zimmerman put himself in harms way. not
vise versa.
How can you be "peacefully going about your business" and beating someones ass for interrupting you at the same time? Aren't the two kind of incompatible?
lol, now it's me who has the racist smears for pointing out your racist lies about restitution being the same as "cashing in".

you really are a piece of shit and should go back to post 13 to see who brought race into this thread.

martin ran away, it was zimmerman who went out looking for a fight and followed.

they didn't find him innocent, they found him not guilty. big difference that illustrates you ignorance.

So, you are still diddling kids. You should probably stop doing that, Buck. It is morally reprehensible and illegal to boot.
they didn't find him innocent, they found him not guilty. big difference that illustrates you ignorance.

In real life, they are the same thing. It means what he did was for all intents and purposes legal, and thus innocent of the crime he was charged with. I missed you shit britches.
So, you are still diddling kids. You should probably stop doing that, Buck. It is morally reprehensible and illegal to boot.

you know you just attempted to push an ugly racial smear at a vary inappropriate time, and now you're attempting a baseless allegation against me as a pathetic distraction away from your crass racial hatred.

i'm sorry you're too dumb and racist to understand the difference between restitution and "cashing in".
lol, now it's me who has the racist smears for pointing out your racist lies about restitution being the same as "cashing in".

you really are a piece of shit and should go back to post 13 to see who brought race into this thread.

martin ran away, it was zimmerman who went out looking for a fight and followed.

they didn't find him innocent, they found him not guilty. big difference that illustrates you ignorance.

Exactly, Everyone is presumed to be innocent until PROVEN GUILTY in a court of law? Was GZ found guilty? No? then he is presumed to be innocent.

What was that about ignorance?
In real life, they are the same thing. It means what he did was for all intents and purposes legal, and thus innocent of the crime he was charged with. I missed you shit britches.

not even close.

you and i are completely innocent in the death of martin, zimmerman is simply not guilty.

just like OJ was "not guilty" :lol:
you know you just attempted to push an ugly racial smear at a vary inappropriate time, and now you're attempting a baseless allegation against me as a pathetic distraction away from your crass racial hatred.

i'm sorry you're too dumb and racist to understand the difference between restitution and "cashing in".
GZ not guilty, get over it!
Arguing not at all ??? Eating medicated butter-pecan ice cream with a big smile on face. You seem to think, because I thought Zimmerman was guilty before the trial I'm wrong for it.. I say to you I also think James Holmes is guilty as well..BEFORE the trial..Now what say you.
Who's James Holmes and why should I care?

  • martin ran away, it was zimmerman who went out looking for a fight and followed.​

If Martin, who was a 17 year old football player ran away... How the fuck did Zimmerman ever catch him?
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