hows the heat treating you guys??


Well-Known Member
every grower i have talked to in the past few days has been full of complaints. Growing in the summer sucks.


Well-Known Member
My basement stays nice and kool...

if I don't run my home ac, under the lights it can hit 80. I like my home cold, run my ac a lot. when I run my ac it stays a steady 74 under the light


Well-Known Member
mine is scorching at 71. record summer temps. veg room about 77. the power company loves me.


New Member
I am enjoying this summer thanks to my AC units . Sure the bill will suck but the fact is opposite in the winter time when I save money due to my grow room heat and as well I lower my wattage during the summer by half as it is not worth it in the end to battle high temps . Been running around 78 F myself and everything is even better now that the humidity is down again .:leaf:


Well-Known Member
very nice. 600's are the way to go especially this time of year. i know someone who just toasted 2 bulbs in their 1000w set up. i bet money it was the heat yesterday and today.

The Growery

Active Member
Right now only one 1000 Watt Metlal Halide but it too was dialed down to 600 for the summer and my banks of 600's HPS lights are now 400's .
that's another benefit I had not considered about dimmmable ballast is heat mitigation, good idea PPS. up to now I have been turning off lights in the flower room and alternating the lights every night to keep heat down, still hovering around high 80s though

Cory and trevor

Well-Known Member
I switched my hours and will likely keep them that way. we crank the central air (including basement) at night when the lights are on and during the day lights off now so its cooler. I peak at almost 90 even with AC before now that I switched to night time hours on I don't peak that high, its stays below 80.


Well-Known Member
I only worry about getting my temps down to 75 and rh under 50 for weeks 7-8-9. 85 temps with 65 - 75 rh in veg and
first 3 weeks flower, then week 4-7 80 degrees 55-60 rh. You have to be burning c02 @ under 1200ppm for these
temps/rh to be beneficial. But this temp and rh schedule does make summer less stressful. (this is for coco, I have no
idea what would happen in soil)


New Member
I only worry about getting my temps down to 75 and rh under 50 for weeks 7-8-9. 85 temps with 65 - 75 rh in veg and
first 3 weeks flower, then week 4-7 80 degrees 55-60 rh. You have to be burning c02 @ under 1200ppm for these
temps/rh to be beneficial. But this temp and rh schedule does make summer less stressful. (this is for coco, I have no
idea what would happen in soil)

Glad to know there are others running warm to cooler as nature allows and provides . I tend to stage my plants in the flower room and it works by putting them under the lamps to begin where it is always warmer and by the time the finish they are in bleed off light in a much cooler area in the room for finishing . I also like to keep a Halide above them the last few weeks for the shine factor ..


Well-Known Member
im pumping 4 ac units, to keep the ladies cool. so the veg clone flower room are the proper temps very nice from 75 to 80 the other room and co2 is running. my only bitch with the hot weather, is its 95 out side here, and I cant keep the rest of my house cool. because I cant pull any more amps from the breaker box ! all breakers are full. so its about 100 inside my house up stars ! no relief in site, no ac in my car . only relief is takeing a cold bath ice cold.


Well-Known Member
Those portables seem to be junk. The $399 ones at homedepot are rated for 12,000BTU. My buddy is running 3 of them in a room with 4k watts and it is still 90. Other buddy has a 24,000 btu mini split with 4k watts and is dialing in his temp at whatever he wants.


Well-Known Member
im pumping 4 ac units, to keep the ladies cool. so the veg clone flower room are the proper temps very nice from 75 to 80 the other room and co2 is running. my only bitch with the hot weather, is its 95 out side here, and I cant keep the rest of my house cool. because I cant pull any more amps from the breaker box ! all breakers are full. so its about 100 inside my house up stars ! no relief in site, no ac in my car . only relief is takeing a cold bath ice cold.
Same boat. I need 150amp panel stat. I can't even plug in my stove/fridge.


Well-Known Member
^^^me too. gonna be looking at hiring an electrician to run a new line and and upgrade to 200 amp service


Well-Known Member
I was in to much of a hury to get things started when I first got here. I regret not waiting a week now.