This could become fun. If we just say what we already know he is going to say, maybe his will just go away and stop spouting off his broken record nonsense all the time. Check it out, I know everything he is going to say to me. I'll label this as Bucks common insults.
Bucks Common Insults to SirGreenThumb, ahem(SirGreenDumb)
You're a racist
Tell your ladyboy something (because I have an asian fiancee) Who's racist again.
Abortion this abortion that
Oh, you never get mad on the internet
Everything you post comes from stormfront
You're a liar and we all know it
You're fiancee has a dead in job at the post office
Oh, you're an internet tough guy
And that concludes the most common insults that UncleBuck uses against SirGreenThumb.
Hold your applause.