NOT GUILTY ...zimmermen


Well-Known Member
This whole following argument is ridiculous. It's a desperate attempt to prove that Zimmerman was the aggressor in the fight without providing any evidence what so ever. It barely meets the standards for preponderance of evidence (if that) and is a clear example of big mouths trying to convict in the court of public opinion. This is a criminal case, not civil. There is such a thing as reasonable doubt.
Well since he killed the only witness

You will have to excuse me for thinking someone who went against his neighborhood watch guidelines and didnt listen to the dispatcher, that he is culpable in the death of someone he was self admittaly stalking.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Well since he killed the only witness

You will have to excuse me for thinking someone who went against his neighborhood watch guidelines and didnt listen to the dispatcher, that he is culpable in the death of someone he was self admittaly stalking.
Cheesy, you were a lot more entertaining and insightful when you were gone.


Well-Known Member
Well since he killed the only witness

You will have to excuse me for thinking someone who went against his neighborhood watch guidelines and didnt listen to the dispatcher, that he is culpable in the death of someone he was self admittaly stalking.
First off, your opinion on the matter doesn't influence reasonable doubt. Secondly, I admitted that you could reasonably say you've achieve proof of preponderance of evidence. Go ahead, look it up.. I'll wait.


Well-Known Member
Well since he killed the only witness

You will have to excuse me for thinking someone who went against his neighborhood watch guidelines and didnt listen to the dispatcher, that he is culpable in the death of someone he was self admittaly stalking.
When did the dispatcher direct him to do something?


Well-Known Member
When did the dispatcher direct him to do something?
If anything, Zimmerman was guilty of not using "good judgment," the juror said.
"When he was in the car, and he had called 911, he shouldn't have gotten out of that car," she said.
She also said she believes Martin threw the first punch in the confrontation that followed.
"I think George got in a little bit too deep, which he shouldn't have been there. But Trayvon decided that he wasn't going to let him scare him ... and I think Trayvon got mad and attacked him," she said.

Are you following him?
Ok, we don't need you to do that.


Well-Known Member
That is not direction.

Following Trayvon while being the neighborhood watch captain and on the phone with police about it: not illegal

Trayvon attacking the "creepy ass cracker": illegal


Well-Known Member
That is not direction.

Following Trayvon while being the neighborhood watch captain and on the phone with police about it: not illegal

Trayvon attacking the "creepy ass cracker": illegal
What's funny is Both dispatcher and the Sanford neighborhood watch program guidelines said not to follow

and under the heading 'suspicious" People

they have a drawing of 2 blacks and a hispanic

One black guy has a club the other a knife and the hispanic Ironically has a gun


Well-Known Member
Yet none of that is illegal.
it also wasn't illegal for martin to beat zimmerman to death as long as he feared for his life, which i wouldn't blame him if he did since he got followed by a creepy man in the dark, first in car, then on foot, in a place where he lived and was doing nothing wrong, without zimm the creepy follower ever identifying himself.

i live on a well lit street, but if i lived on the next street over and was walking home from the grocery store and someone did to me what zimm did to martin, i might fear for my life, as anyone with self preservation instincts should.


Well-Known Member
With this verdict. I cant see how I can go wrong stalking someone provoking a fight and then shooting them if things go south for me


Well-Known Member
it also wasn't illegal for martin to beat zimmerman to death as long as he feared for his life, which i wouldn't blame him if he did since he got followed by a creepy man in the dark, first in car, then on foot, in a place where he lived and was doing nothing wrong, without zimm the creepy follower ever identifying himself.

i live on a well lit street, but if i lived on the next street over and was walking home from the grocery store and someone did to me what zimm did to martin, i might fear for my life, as anyone with self preservation instincts should.
Then why didn't he go home? Why did he hang around and beat the shit out of George? We know George lost him.


Well-Known Member
With this verdict. I cant see how I can go wrong stalking someone provoking a fight and then shooting them if things go south for me
I mean, I can understand someone not agreeing with the verdict... but that statement says a lot about how little you must know about the case. If it's so bad to assume TM was the first to attack GZ, why is it okay to assume GZ was "stalking and provoking" TM??

The fact of the matter is NO ONE will EVER know what happened except for Zimmerman. The evidence gave no ultimatum at that suggested it was anything other than manslaughter in self defense.


Well-Known Member
Then why didn't he go home?
for the same reason that zimmerman didn't want to even say his address. you gonna show a possible sexual pervert where you live?

the better question is, why didn't zimm stay in his car?

but of course, it wasn't zimm that needed to know his place, it was martin, right?


Why did he hang around and beat the shit out of George? We know George lost him.
why did zimm hang around and shoot the hell out of martin? we know that zimm kept looking for martin and "then went towards him", zimm's own words.


Well-Known Member
If it's so bad to assume TM was the first to attack GZ, why is it okay to assume GZ was "stalking and provoking" TM??
because he did.

"shit, he ran"

"are you following him"


and later on...

"and then i went towards him"

how would you feel if a creepy stranger followed you home in the dark without identifying himself, first in car, then on foot, even going after you after you ran? would you be fearing for your life?

The fact of the matter is NO ONE will EVER know what happened except for Zimmerman.
and of course the dead kid who was doing nothing wrong that he followed in the dark with his gun.


Well-Known Member
You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to NoDrama again.

I can't gave anyone any rep worth deserving it. Can't even give it to CN.
it's funny how the only things you post are crass, racist smears against the dead black kid or requests to shut down the thread.

well, not funny, but telling. and not in a good way.


Well-Known Member
because he did.

"shit, he ran"

"are you following him"


and later on...

"and then i went towards him"

how would you feel if a creepy stranger followed you home in the dark without identifying himself, first in car, then on foot, even going after you after you ran? would you be fearing for your life?
False. If that were FACT, the verdict would have been different. That is all speculation. Sure, he was being creepy, but what if he were on duty when this all happened? Why was TM slowly walking around in the rain? You can speculate and assume all you want, but opinions aren't facts.

I'm not defending GZ at all. He clearly didn't value that kids life. All I'm saying is that I'm tired of people bitching about the justice system and how "fucked up" the verdict is... opinions don't count in court.